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The student will demonstrate
knowledge of ancient river
civilizations, including Egypt,
Mesopotamia, the Indus River
Valley, and China and the
civilizations of the Hebrews,
Phoenicians, and Kush, by
d) describing the origins,
beliefs, traditions, customs,
and spread of Judaism.
Origins of Judaism
 Jews
trace their ancestry to the
biblical patriarch Abraham who
rejected idolatry (polytheism) and
embraced monotheism. As a reward
for this act of faith in one God, he
was promised many offspring. He is
hailed as the first Hebrew and the
father of the Jewish people.
Origins of Judaism (continued)
 According
to the Hebrew Bible, God
commanded that Abraham move
from Mesopotamia to Canaan with
his family and servants around 1800
Origins of Judaism (continued)
 Around
1600 BCE, as a result of
famine, many Israelites migrated to
Egypt. After a few hundred years of
living freely in Egypt, they were
eventually held in slavery until the
13th century BCE when Moses led
the Israelites out of Egypt and
established a covenant with God
around 1280 BCE, starting the
religious tradition of Judaism.
 Moses
the Tablets,
1659, by
Origins of Judaism (continued)
 After
the Exodus from Egypt, the
Jews came back to Canaan around
1200 BCE, and settled the land. A
kingdom was established under Saul
and continued under King David and
Solomon with its capital in
Jerusalem (“City of Peace”).
Beliefs, traditions, and customs
of Judaism
 Belief
in one God (monotheism)
 Torah, which contains written
records and beliefs of Hebrews
 Ten Commandments, which state
moral and religious conduct
Spread of Judaism
 Exile
or Exodus
 Diaspora - refers to the population
of Jews exiled from Judea in 586 BC
by the Babylonians, and from
Jerusalem in AD 136 by the Roman