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___________________ Date: _____________
1. In the context of debates regarding the origins of knowledge, Aristotle is to ________ as
Plato is to ________.
A) soul; body
B) heredity; experience
C) stability; change
D) introspection; observation
E) nature; nurture
2. William James' emphasis on the adaptive functions of the mind was consistent with his
philosophy of:
A) behaviorism.
B) structuralism.
C) rationalism.
D) pragmatism.
3. Which philosopher affirmed the importance of inborn knowledge?
A) Aristotle
B) Socrates
C) Locke
D) Bacon
4. Dr. MacPherson believes that the way students organize and think about the information
in their textbooks will strongly influence their ability to later remember and use what
they have studied. Dr. MacPherson's ideas most directly exemplify the ________
A) social-cultural
B) cognitive
C) psychodynamic
D) behavior genetics
E) neuroscience
5. Dr. Wilcox conducts basic research on the behavioral differences between introverted
and extraverted people. Dr. Wilcox is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) biological
B) clinical
C) industrial/organizational
D) personality
6. Francis Bacon highlighted the failings of the human mind and the value of:
A) innate ideas.
B) natural selection.
C) structuralism.
D) scientific methods.
7. Which specialists are the most likely to prescribe a drug for the treatment of a
psychological disorder?
A) developmental psychologists
B) clinical psychologists
C) personality psychologists
D) psychiatrists
8. Mark believes that people are genetically predisposed to dislike bitter-tasting foods
because this has enhanced human survival. His belief best illustrates the ________
A) psychodynamic
B) social-cultural
C) evolutionary
D) behavioral
E) cognitive
9. Which professional specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of people with
psychological disorders?
A) personality psychology
B) biological psychology
C) clinical psychology
D) developmental psychology
10. The high school counselor has suggested that Skylar's romantic feelings for her physics
teacher reflect her unconscious longings for attention from her own father. The
counselor's assessment most clearly reflects a(n) ________ perspective.
A) behavioral
B) evolutionary
C) psychodynamic
D) behavior genetics
11. Which research method waned in popularity because its results varied when employed
by different people?
A) pragmatism
B) introspection
C) behavior genetics
D) spaced practice
12. Nature is to nurture as ________ is to ________.
A) behavior; mental processes
B) functionalism; structuralism
C) heredity; experience
D) reason; emotion
13. Dr. Ochoa develops tests to accurately identify the most qualified job applicants in a
large manufacturing firm. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Ochoa's work best
A) developmental psychology
B) industrial/organizational psychology
C) biological psychology
D) clinical psychology
E) psychiatry
14. Professor Reed attempts to assess the relative contributions of heredity and home
environment on children's susceptibility to depression. Her research best illustrates the
concerns of the ________ perspective.
A) psychodynamic
B) behavior genetics
C) cognitive
D) behavioral
15. Functionalism is to structuralism as ________ is to ________.
A) Plato; Aristotle
B) John Locke; René Descartes
C) William James; Edward Titchener
D) John Watson; Sigmund Freud
16. The value of introspection was most clearly dismissed by:
A) psychoanalysts
B) functionalists.
C) structuralists.
D) behaviorists.
17. Charles Darwin suggested that the evolution of living organisms is guided by:
A) rational thought.
B) natural selection.
C) introspection.
D) unconscious motives.
18. Research participants who carefully observe and report their immediate reactions and
feelings in response to different musical sounds are using the method known as:
A) spaced practice.
B) psychoanalysis.
C) introspection.
D) natural selection.
19. Natassia believes that boys learn to be more aggressive than girls primarily because
boys are more frequently exposed to external pressures to fight. Natassia's belief most
directly exemplifies the ________ perspective.
A) behavioral
B) evolutionary
C) cognitive
D) psychodynamic
E) neuroscience
20. A theoretical perspective in psychology can be like a two-dimensional view of a threedimensional object because each perspective is:
A) limited in its scope.
B) likely to contradict other perspectives.
C) of little value for applied research.
D) impossible to test scientifically.
21. Socrates and Plato believed that the mind is:
A) a blank slate at birth.
B) controlled by animal spirits.
C) a product of sensory experience.
D) separable from the body.
22. Professor Kim suggests that young children from all cultures can distinguish between
singular and plural nouns because the concept of quantity is inborn. The Professor's
suggestion would have been most readily accepted by:
A) Plato.
B) Aristotle.
C) Frances Bacon.
D) John Locke.
23. In considering the origins of knowledge, John Locke affirmed a view known as:
A) empiricism.
B) rationalism.
C) functionalism.
D) structuralism.
24. Unlike Socrates, Aristotle emphasized that knowledge is a product of:
A) logical reasoning.
B) inborn ideas.
C) experience.
D) introspection.
25. B. F. Skinner was a prominent American:
A) structuralist.
B) behaviorist.
C) functionalist.
D) psychoanalyst.
26. Dr. Kozak has concluded that the unusually low incidence of alcoholism among citizens
of a small African country can be attributed to strong fundamentalistic religious
influences in that region. This belief best illustrates a(n) ________ perspective.
A) behavior genetics
B) evolutionary
C) psychodynamic
D) neuroscience
E) social-cultural
27. The evolutionary perspective is to ________ as the behavioral perspective is to
A) observation; introspection
B) nature; nurture
C) structuralism; functionalism
D) rationality; irrationality
28. The evolutionary perspective emphasizes the impact of ________ on human traits.
A) introspection
B) natural selection
C) unconscious motives
D) rational thought
29. Blank slate is to innate ideas as ________ is to _______.
A) Plato; Descartes
B) Socrates; Locke
C) Descartes; Plato
D) Locke; Socrates
30. Working in a community mental health center, Dr. Thatcher treats adults who suffer
from severe depression. Dr. Thatcher is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) personality
B) industrial/organizational
C) clinical
D) developmental
31. Dr. Tiao conducts basic research on the effects of head injuries on people's
problemsolving and abstractreasoning skills. Which psychological specialty does her
research best represent?
A) developmental psychology
B) biological psychology
C) industrial/organizational psychology
D) personality psychology
32. By affirming that excess bile can make one irritable, Augustine acknowledged that the
mind is:
A) a blank slate at birth.
B) influenced by the body.
C) a product of evolution.
D) partially unconscious.
33. Gloria was surprised to discover the extent to which her own ethnic and sexual
stereotypes biased her perceptions of others. Gloria's reaction most directly highlights
the issue of:
A) nature versus nurture.
B) stability versus change.
C) rationality versus irrationality.
D) structuralism versus functionalism.
34. Which perspective is most directly concerned with understanding the relative impact of
heredity and experience on personality development?
A) cognitive
B) behavioral
C) psychodynamic
D) neuroscience
E) behavior genetics
35. The first psychological laboratory was established by:
A) John Watson.
B) Wilhelm Wundt.
C) Sigmund Freud.
D) Jean Piaget.
36. Ali insists that intellectual skills are inherited, whereas Claire argues that intelligence is
developed through educational experiences. Ali and Claire have differing perspectives
on intelligence that:
A) may complement one another.
B) are impossible to test scientifically.
C) illustrate the distinction between behavior and mental processes.
D) illustrate the conflict between psychology and psychiatry.
37. Empiricism is the view that knowledge originates from:
A) logical reasoning.
B) sensory experience.
C) biological evolution.
D) introspection.
38. A clinical psychologist who explains behavior in terms of unconscious drives and
conflicts is employing a(n) ________ perspective.
A) evolutionary
B) psychodynamic
C) behavioral
D) social-cultural
39. Dr. Karima conducts basic research on the relative effectiveness of massed practice and
spaced practice on a person's ability to remember information. Dr. Karima is most likely
a ________ psychologist.
A) social
B) developmental
C) personality
D) biological
E) cognitive
40. Behavior is to mental processes as ________ is to ________.
A) nature; nurture
B) sensation; memory
C) talking; understanding
D) stability; change
41. Which psychological perspective highlights the manner in which people encode,
process, store, and retrieve information?
A) cognitive
B) behavioral
C) behavior genetics
D) evolutionary
42. For effective mastery of course material, the text emphasizes the value of:
A) spaced practice and overlearning.
B) speed reading and massed practice.
C) introspection and psychoanalysis.
D) all the above.
43. Which perspective is most directly concerned with how the physical properties of the
brain influence behaviors and mental states?
A) cognitive
B) social-cultural
C) psychodynamic
D) behavioral
E) neuroscience
44. Which school of psychology attempted to identify the basic elements of the mind?
A) structuralism
B) pragmatism
C) behaviorism
D) psychoanalysis
45. The method of introspection was used by Titchener to identify:
A) inherited traits.
B) maladaptive behaviors.
C) unconscious motives.
D) elements of sensory experience.
46. Who would have been most likely to ignore mental processes and to define psychology
as “the science of observable behavior”?
A) Watson
B) Titchener
C) Wundt
D) James
47. The PRTR method encourages students to:
A) read each text chapter quickly in order to minimize boredom.
B) read each text chapter without any preconceptions about what they might learn.
C) preview a text chapter's organization before actually reading the chapter itself.
D) read entire text chapters at one sitting in order to maximize comprehension.
E) do all the above.
48. Dr. Winkle conducts basic research on the systematic changes in intelligence associated
with aging. It is most likely that Dr. Winkle is a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) clinical
B) social
C) developmental
D) industrial/organizational
49. Which two philosophers most clearly disagreed about the separability of body and soul?
A) Plato and Socrates
B) Descartes and Aristotle
C) Plato and Descartes
D) Descartes and Socrates
50. Professor Brown believes that mental differences between men and women are a
product of their differing life experiences rather than their differing genetic
endowments. This belief is most consistent with the views advanced by:
A) Socrates.
B) René Descartes.
C) Plato.
D) John Locke.