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What word describes the mammals, fish, birds, and plants that live in an environment?
A community is several species of animals interacting, while a population is MEMBERS OF ONE
The five levels of organization in the environment, from first to fifth level are ORGANISM,
Name four abiotic factors. SUNLIGHT TEMPERATURE SOIL WATER
5. Organisms that can make their own food from sunlight are called PRODUCERS
6. Grass is eaten by a prairie dog. The prairie dog is eaten by a coyote. This is an example of a food
7. One food web arrow goes from a prairie dog to a coyote, showing that __COYOTE_ eats __DOG__.
8. The largest population an environment can support is its __CARRYING CAPACITY__.
9. One type of competition involves individuals competing for resources. The other involves
competition between different
environments. POPULATIONS.
10. Young wasps are eating the tomato hornworm that is their host. What is this an example of?
11. A bird eats a worm. Who is the predator? BIRD
12. Rocks, temperature, and water are what part of the environment? ABIOTIC
13. What do several different populations living together make? COMMUNITY
14. Grass that gains energy from the sun is an example of a _____PRODUCER___.
15. In a food web arrows point in just one direction because they show how energy GOES TO THE
16. After one species disappears, what happens to the other species in the ecosystem? ARE OUT OF
17. Two members of the same species compete over who gets a certain food. Members of different
species try to take over a certain nesting area. These are both examples of___COMPETITION.
18. In which type of symbiosis do organisms help each other?
19. What is the lowest level of environmental organization that three male egrets would all belong in
together? POPULATION
20. If scientists are studying the egrets, herons, marsh crabs, and cordgrass, but not the water or rocks
in a salt marsh, what level of organization would they be studying? COMMUNITY
21. An environmental study reporting on the way temperature, water quality, and minerals affect the
animals in a salt marsh would be considering which level of organization? ECOSYSTEM
22. The plants a ladybug lives on, the aphids the ladybug eats, and the birds that would eat the ladybug
are all __BIOTIC__factors.
23. Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores are all decomposers. predators. producers. CONSUMERS.
24. Animals that eat a variety of meats, fruits, and vegetables are OMNIVORES
25. Rocks, temperature, and water are what kind of things? ABIOTIC FACTORS
26. What level of organization comes after population? COMMUNITY
27. What word describes a community of organisms and their environment? ECOSYSTEM
28. What living things make food from sunlight? PRODUCERS
29. What is an animal that catches and eats another animal called? PREDATOR
30. Three organisms on the food web have arrows pointing away from them and no arrows pointing
toward them. They are
31. Three organisms on the food web have arrows pointing toward them but no arrows pointing away
from them. This means that NOTHING EATS THEM
32. group of organisms of the same species living in the same area POPULATION
33. the study of the interactions of living organisms with each other and the environment ECOLOGY
34. nonliving part of the environment
35. all the populations of species that live and interact in the same habitat
36. the part of Earth where life exists
37. a community of organisms and their abiotic environment ECOSYSTEM
38. an organism that eats only animals CARNIVORE
39. an organism that eats both plants and animals OMNIVORE
40. an organism that eats only plants
41. a diagram that shows how energy in food flows from one organism to another FOOD CHAIN
42. a diagram that shows the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem FOOD WEB
43. Which of the following is NOT an example of an abiotic factor changing an ecosystem?
Drought kills off most of the plants in an area
Too many predators reduce the population of deer
Flooding wipes out many species
Extreme cold reduces insect populations
44. An anemone provides shelter for the clownfish but the anemone gets nothing in return. This is an
example of
a. Mutualism
b. competition
c. parasitism
d. commensalism
45. In the energy pyramid below, which organism has the least energy available?
a. snail
b. fish
c. hawk
d. grass
46. Autotrophs are at what place on the energy pyramid?
a. Very top
b. very bottom
c. second trophic level
d. it changes
47. Populations can be reduced through density dependent factors. Which of the following does not
depend on the density of a population?
a. flooding b. competition c. predation d. parasites and disease
48. Which of the following are density dependent factors? (more than 1 answer)
a. flooding
b. competition
c. predation
d. parasites and diseases
49. In an energy pyramid, which is the proper order beginning with the most energy going to the least?
a. primary consumers, autotrophs, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers
b. autotrophs, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers
c. tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, autotrophs, primary consumers
d. primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, autotrophs
50. In the predator/prey graph above, what happens when the prey population gets too high?
The predator population stays the same
The predator population increases soon after
The predator population decreases immediately
The prey population stays the same
51. In the graph above, the predator and prey populations peak how often, (approximately)?
a. every 10 years
b. every 20 years
c. every 40 years
d. it varies, there is no pattern
52. These variations in population densities of both organisms are signs that this ecosystem is
a. unstable
b. distressed
c. stable and healthy
d. doesn’t really mean anything
53. The total amount of biomass _____ as the trophic levels increase within a food web.
A) doubles
B) decreases
C) stays the same
D) is insignificant
54. As the trophic level in a food pyramid increases, _____.
A) the amount of accumulated energy passed on to that level decreases
B) the amount of accumulated energy passed on to that level increases
C) the amount of water passed on to that level increases
D) the amount of accumulated energy passed on to that level stays the same
55. What happens to energy as it flows from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem?
A) Some of the energy is destroyed.
B) Some of the energy is used to cause nuclear changes.
C) Some of the energy is lost as heat.
D) Some of the energy creates new energy.