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Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

The Land Between Two Rivers
10/21/2013 3:44:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 30)
1. Scribe: A profession writer
2. Fertile Crescent: a region in southwest Asia; site of the first
3. City-State: a city that is also a separate independent state
4. Polytheism: the belief in many gods
5. Myth: a traditional story; in cultures, a legend that explains people’s
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
examples from the reading, and relate each question to one of our “11
Features of a civilization”.
1. How did flooding rivers affect people who settled in Mesopotamia?
(Page 32)
The flooding rivers affected the people who settled in Mesopotamia in many
ways. First, it made the soil perfect for farming by keeping it moist and filled
with nutrients. However, if the rivers flooded too violently, they would sweep
people, animals, crops, and homes away. The rivers in Mesopotamia were
both positive and negative for the people living in the region.
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of geography because it speaks
about how physical features (rivers) affected the humans living in the
2. How were the cities of Sumer governed? (pg. 33)
The cities of Sumer were governed independently with their own kings.
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of organized government
because it speaks about who controlled the Sumerian cities.
What weakened the cities of Sumer? (pg. 35)
The cities of Sumer eventually grew weak because they often fought over
the use of land and river water. These frequent battles weakened Sumer’s
armies and rulers.
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of “military” because it speaks
about how the Sumerian armies were used and what happens to a city if
they are weakened.
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following question in 3-4
sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
How did geography in Mesopotamia help civilizations develop in the
The geography of Mesopotamia helped civilizations develop in many ways.
First, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers provided fresh water for drinking and
farming. Also, when the rivers flooded it deposited nutrients into the soil to
help crops grow. This is how the geography in Mesopotamia helped
civilizations develop in the area.
Babylonia and Assyria
10/21/2013 3:44:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 38)
1. empire:
2. Babylon:
3. caravan:
4. bazaar:
5. battering ram:
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
examples from the reading, and relate each question to one of our “11
Features of a civilization”.
1. Why was Mesopotamia a target for conquest? (Page 39)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
2. Who was Hammurabi and what did he accomplish? (pg. 40)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
3. What were the strengths of the Assyrian Empire? (pg. 41)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
4. Who was Nebuchadnezzar II? (pg. 42)
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following question in 3-4
sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
Explain how a code of laws helps a civilization succeed?
The Legacy of Mesopotamia
10/21/2013 3:44:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 43)
1. code:
2. Hammurabi:
3. Cuneiform:
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
examples from the reading, relate each question to one of our “11 Features
of a civilization”.
1. What was Hammurabi’s code? (pg. 45)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
2. When, where, and how did writing first develop? (Pg. 47)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following question in 3-4
sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
How did the invention of writing change the lives of early people?
Mediterranean Civilizations
10/21/2013 3:44:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 48)
1. alphabet:
2. monotheism:
3. famine:
4. exile:
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
examples from the reading, and relate each question to one of our “11
Features of a civilization”.
1. What resources did the Phoenicians first use to build their wealth?
(Page 50)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
2. How did the Phoenician alphabet differ from cuneiform script? (pg.
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
Who were the Israelites? (pg. 53)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following question in 3-4
sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
Explain how Phoenicia’s location impacted its trading success?
10/21/2013 3:44:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 30)
1. covenant:
2. Moses:
3. prophet:
4. diaspora:
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
examples from the reading, and relate each question to one of our “11
Features of a civilization”.
1. What did the prophets tell the Israelites? (Page 59)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
2. How did the Jews preserve their heritage? (pg. 60)
Relate to our “Features”: This is an example of
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following question in 3-4
sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
How was Judaism different from other religions in Mesopotamia?