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Individual antimicrobial processes
Common sterilizers and disinfectants
– Physical
• Dry heat (> 160 oC)
• Most heat (>121 oC)
• Ionizing radiation
– Chemical
• Gaseous chemicals
– Physical
• Ultraviolet radiation
• Hydrostatic pressure
– Chemical
Surface-active agents
Phenolic compounds
Iodine and iodine compounds
Peoxygen compounds
Chlorine species (free chlorine, chloramines)
Chlorine dioxide
Dry heat (I)
• Mechanism: protein denaturation, enzyme inhibition, and RNA and
DNA breakdown
• Protein coagulation (complete denaturation) (e.g. egg albumin)
50 % water: 56oC
25 % water: 74-80oC
18 % water: 80-90oC
6 % water: 145oC
0 % water: 160-170oC
• Time-temperature in sterilization with dry air (to inactivate bacterial
170oC for 60 min
160oC for 120 min
150oC for 150 min
140oC for 180 min
121oC for overnight
Dry heat (II)
• Advantages
– Deep penetration
– Less corrosivity
• Disadvantages
– High temperature
– Long sterilization period
– Deterioration of materials
• Used only for those materials that can not be
sterilized by moist heat: petroleum, oil, powders,
sharp instruments, and glassware
Moist heat (I)
• Mechanism: protein denaturation, enzyme
inhibition, RNA and DNA breakdown
• Advantage
– Low temperature and short sterilization period
(121oC for 15-30 min)
• Disadvantage
– Less penetration
– Moisture damage
Moist heat (II) (A steam autoclave)
Ionizing radiation (I)
• Electromagnetic radiations: γ radiation, xray, and electrons
• Particle radiations: α radiation, β radiation,
meson, positron, neutrino
• Mechanism: single or double-strand
breakage in DNA
Ionizing radiation (II)
Ionizing radiation (III)
Ionizing radiation (IV)
Ionizing radiation (V)
Ionizing radiation (VI)
Gaseous chemical sterilization (I)
• Alkylating agents (Alkylation of DNA)
Ethylene oxide
Propylene oxide
• Oxidizing agents (Oxidation of proteins and
nucleic acids)
Hydrogen peroxide
Peracetic acid
Chlorine dioxide
Gaseous chemical sterilization (II)
Gaseous chemical sterilization (III)
(Chemical) disinfectants
Surface-active agents
• Amphiphilic compounds
• Anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoterics
• Cationic surfactants: Quaternary ammonium
– Basic structure:
• One nitrogen atom
• Four carbon atoms covalently linked to the nitrogen atom
• An anion eletrostatically linked to the nitrogen atom
– Mechanism: Protein denaturation, enzyme inhibition,
and disruption of cytoplasmic membrane
Quaternary ammonium compounds (I)
Quaternary ammonium compounds (II)
Quaternary ammonium compounds (III)
Quaternary ammonium compounds (III)
• Advantages
Low toxicity
Low corrosivity
Stable at high temperature and wide pH range
Relatively tolerable with organic load
• Disadvantage
– Not effective against viruses, protozoa, and spores
– Less effective at low temperature
– Inhibited by most anionics and hard water salts
Quaternary ammonium compounds (IV)
• General surface disinfectant
• Industrial application (hot water in large
commercial laundry)
• Swimming pool water??? Drinking water
(emergency situation)???
Phenol compounds (I)
• Structure
• Mechanism
– Bacteria: denaturation of proteins, inhibition of
enzymes, damages on plasma membrane
– Viruses and fungi: Unknown
Phenol compounds (II)
Phenol compounds (III)
Phenol compounds (IV)
• Advantages
– Effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungi
– Stable in concentrate
– Tolerable for organic load and hard water
• Disadvantages
Not effective against spores
High toxicity
Not effective at low temperature
Incompatible with nonionic and cation surfactants
Phenol compounds (IV)
• General surface disinfectant
• Gemicidal soaps and lotions, antiseptics,
preservatives in cosmetics, and
mouthwash preparation (Listerine)
Iodine and iodine compounds (I)
• Chemistry
• Antimicrobial agents: I2 (free iodine), HOI
(hypoiodous acid), H2OI+ (Iodine cation)
• Mechanism: protien denaturation,
damages in plasma membrane, and
nucleic acid breakdown
Iodine and iodine compounds (II)
Iodine and iodine compounds (III)
• Advantage
– Effective against viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa
and bacterial/fungal spores
– Low toxicity
– Very stable in concentrate
• Disadvantages
Chemical hazard (staining)
Less effective at low temperature
Relatively corrosive at high temperature
Iodine and iodine compounds (IV)
Peroxygen compounds (I)
• Hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acids,
perfomic acid, and perpropionic acids
• Mechanism: hydroxyl radicals: proteins,
lipids, and DNA
• Very effective on most microbes including
Peroxygen compounds (II)
Peroxygen compounds (III)
Peroxygen compounds (IV)
Peroxygen compounds (V)
Peroxygen compounds (VI)
• Advantages
Strong, fast-acting
Effective against most microbes including spores
No toxicity
No environmental concern
Effective over wide pH (up to 7.5) and temperature ranges (40 oF
– 150 oF)
– Stable in concentrate
– Tolerable for organic load
• Disadvantages
– Limited stability at use solution
– Corrosive on soft surfaces (brass, copper, and mild and
galvanized steel)
Peroxygen compounds (VII)
• Excellent surface disinfectants
• Industrial water systems (Legionella
• Wastewater disinfection
• Antiseptics
• Cold sterilization of phamatheuticals
(emulsions, hydrogels, ointments, and
To be continued