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Science Mini-Assessment
The Solar System
Name ___________________________________
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following is true of the moon?
a. It revolves around Earth.
b. It causes seasonal changes.
c. It changes shape.
d. It causes day and night.
2. There are four inner planets closest to the Sun and four outer planets
further from the Sun. Which characteristics accurately contrast the inner
and outer planets?
a. the inner planets are rocky and smaller, the outer planets are
gaseous and larger
b. the inner planets are rocky and have many moons, the outer planets
are gaseous and have few moons
c. the inner planets are larger and have fewer moons, the outer planets
are smaller and have many moons
d. the inner planets are very gaseous and very cold, the outer planets
are rocky and very warm
3. Use these clues to identify the type of objects that are being described.
These objects are in space and are made of mountain sized chunks of ice
and dust. Some orbit the sun many times others may crash into the sun.
What are these objects called?
a. Asteroids
b. Stars
c. Comets
d. Planets
4. Use these clues to identify the type of objects that are being described.
Most of these objects can be found in a large space between the orbit of
Mars and Jupiter. They are made of small and large rocks and they orbit
the Sun. What are these objects called?
a. Asteroids
b. Stars
c. Comets
d. Planets
5. Which planets have more moons?
a. All of the planets have the same amount of moons.
b. The inner planets have more moons than the outer planets.
c. The smaller planets have more moons.
d. The outer planets have more moons than the inner planets.