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Classification Notes
Main Idea
7 levels of
The ___________ of organisms based on ___________________
Allows us to study _____________________ between species
Helps us to assign ____________ to organisms
*largest to smallest*
King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup
__________________: the science of naming and classifying organisms
Aristotle: classified organisms into ______ groups
_____________________ and ____________________
Today we have 6 Kingdoms (biggest!!!)
A_____________________ prokaryotes, unicellular most ancient
E_____________________ Prokaryotes, unicellular , most modern bacteria
P ____________________ Eukaryotes, most unicellular some multi autotrophs
and heterotrophs
F_________________ fungi eukaryotes, multicellular, heterotrophs
P_________________ eukaryotes, multicellular, autotrophs
A________________eukaryotes, multicellular, heterotrophs
Always Eat Peas Fresh Peas Always
Carlous Linnaeus
Swedish botanist that developed the naming system for classifying organisms.
Use ____________ and ______________ characteristics to classify organisms
System used universally for naming organisms.
Each name consists of _______ words (_____________ and _____________)
First word is __________________
Second word is lower case
Both words written in ______________
Example Ursus arctos- Scientific name
Label the parts
Common Name: Grizzly Bear
How are organisms 1. Structural similarities
placed in groups?
2. potential to mate
3. geographic distribution
4. chromosome # and structure
5. biochemistry- DNA base sequences
6. Evolutionary relationships in fossil record
Dichotomous Key
Chart of paired statements used to identify an organism
Example is like a scavenger hunt of words
Practice worksheet
Kingdom Animalia
Animals are:
1. ________________
2. Eukaryotic
3. ________________
4. Cells lack cell ________
Kingdom Animalia
Invertebrates – animals with no ____________________ or vertebral column
vs. Vertebrates- animals with a _________________ or vertebral column
Kingdom animalia
Radial – as cutting the radius of a circle
Body symmetry and
body terms
Bilateral – taking two sides down the middle
Asymmetry - 4 quadrants of an irregular shape
Anterior- front end
Posterior- back end
Dorsal- upper side
Ventral – lower side
Cephalization- concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at anterior (
_______ ) end of body.
Quick Quiz
If an animal cell were viewed under a microscope what organelles would not be
present in the cell?
Quiz answer?
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLA: Poriera
Phylum Porifera ( the __________________)
Porifera means “ pore- bearing”
Main features:
1. _________________ of all animals
2. only _______ cell layers – no tissues, organs or systems
3. Sometimes considered a colony of ________.
4. Filter feeders
5. ______________ (attached to surface)
6. Can reproduce _________________ or _____________ by budding
Quick Quiz
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLUM Cnidaria
Quick Quiz- Why are sponges classified into the Animal Kingdom?
Examples – Jellyfish, anemones, corals, hydra and man o wars
Main features:
1. Stinging cells called ______________________ found on tentacles
2. Two cell layers plus jelly like layer
3. two forms _______________ tentacles hang down and ________ tentacles
project upward
4. _______________ symmetry
5. Hollow gut
6. _____ opening- mouth and anus
Quick Quiz
Quiz-What is the name of the stinging cells on all cnidarians?
Kingdom Animalia
Examples: tapeworms and planaria
Main features:
1.________________ cell layers
2. No body cavity
3. One opening
4. Longitudingal muscles
5. _______________ symmetry
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLUM: Nematoda
Examples: hook worms, guinea worms
Main features:
1. Have 3 cell layers
2. Has pseudocoelom or ______________ body cavity
3. have a complete digestive tract with ______ openings mouth and anus
4. Longitudinal muscles run the length of their bodies
5. ___________________ symmetry
6. Numerous in __________ and terrible human ________________
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLUM: Annelida
Segmented worms
Examples: Earth worms, leeches, tubeworms
Main characteristics:
1. 3 cell layers
2. True ______________ (body cavity)
3. 2 openings – complete _______________________ tract
4. Longitudinal muscles and circular muscles
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLUM: Mollusca
Kingdom Animalia
5. _______________ symmetry
6. Small brain and closed circulatory system.
Examples: clams, oysters, snails , slugs, octopus and squid
Have _________ bodies with internal or external ________________.
Three groups:
1. __________________ shell less or single shell (snails and slugs)
2. __________________ 2 shells held together by a muscle (clams, oysters,
mussels and scallops)
3.___________________ soft bodied in which the head is attached to the foot.
Goot is divided into tentacles (squid, ocotopus and nautilus)
Examples: crabs and lobsters, spiders and scorpions, centipeds and millipedes,
Main Features:
Body ___________
Jointed _____________________
Hard ________________
Most have specialized appendages (claws, antennae, legs, wings, swimmerets)
Growth – Molting or loss of ___________________ to allow organism to grow.
____________________________means change. Cycle that many arthropods go
through as they change from egg to adult.
Quick Quiz
What 3 characteristics do all arthropods share?
Groups of Arthropods
Crustaceans: crabs, shrimp lobsters, crayfish, barnacles
___________ spiders, ticks scorpions
Kingdom Animalia
Echinodermataspiny skinned
_____________ insects, centipedes, millipedes.
Examples starfish, sea cucmbers, sea urchins and sand dollars
________________ symmetry
Havea water _________________ system for movement and ____________
Hold on to rocks and structures with tube feet
Quick Quiz
How do echinoderms move and obtain food?
Kingdom Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
All chordates have the following traits at some point in their life:
Dorsal ____________ nerve cord
Pharyngeal _________________ often called gill slits in fish but not the same for
_________ that extends beyond the anus
Chordates include:
Non vertebrate- tunicates and lancelets
Quick quiz
Kingdom Animalia
Jawless Fish
Kingdom Animalia
CLASSchrondrichthyescartilaginous fish
Name the kingdom and phylum to which all vertebrates belong?
No appendages or jaws
Most ancient fish
Examples _______________ and _______________
Are _____________________
2 chamber heart
Stream lined bodies for fast swimming
Flat bodies for _____________ dwelling
Small ______ like scales
Body made of cartliage
Examples: ____________, skates, _____
Mostly ______________ some filter feeders.
Kingdom Animalia
CLASSOsteichthyes- Bony
Bony scales
swim bladder that helps them _________ up and down
Bony skeleton
Examples: bass, trout, catfish, seahorse
Heterotrophs: carnivores and ________________
Kingdom Animalia
CLASS- Amphibia
Amphibia means “_________ life”
Moist skin
________ lungs (evolved from swim bladder)
Must have water to _____________
__________________ fertilization (egg and sperm unite _________ the body)
___________ to water (webbed feet, flat _______, no claws, some even have
Cold blooded (body temperature varies with the envrionment
3 chambered heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle)
Examples: Frog, toad, salamander and newt
Quick Quiz
What is the difference between internal and external fertilization?
What characteristic do fish and amphibians share?
Kingdom Animalia
CLASS: Reptilia
Examples: snakes turtles lizards and crocs / alligators
First group fully __________________ to life on __________
Dry scaly skin (_________ proof)
3 chambered heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle)
Lay _________________ egg ______________ egg that won’t dry out. Own
water supply
______________________ fertilization
Need little water to survive
__________ blooded.
Quick Quiz
Name on similarity and one difference between amphibians and reptiles.
Kingdom Animalia
CLASS: Aves- birds
Evolved from ______________ (note the scaly feet)
Scales became _________________________.
Feathers allow birds to be ____________ blooded (constant body temperature)
Lay _____________ eggs
Adapted for flight (beaks, feathers, wings, hollow bones, air sacs, strong flight
4 chambered heart
Kingdom Animalia
Characteristics of ALL mammals
CLASS: Mammalia- Have ___________ or _____
bats, dogs, whales _________their young with _______ from mammary glands (thus
Most bear young live but some lay eggs
Are ________ blooded
Most complex of all animals
4 chambered heart.
3 major groups of mammals
1. Monotremes (______ eggs)
Lays _______ shelled eggs that are __________ outside the boyd
Egg hatches into young in about 10 days
Young is nourished by milk from mother
Examples: duck billed playtypus and 2 different species of spiny anteaters or
2. ___________________ - kangaroos, koalas, wombats
Bear live young that completes ______________________ in pouch
Egg is noursihed by small yolk sac in mother’s reproductive tract.
When food in yolk sac is used up ____________ leaves mother’s inslide and
crawls to the marsupium and spends several months there getting milk.
3. Placental Mammals-rodents, primates elephants
Nutrients ______________, carbon dioxide and other wastes are exchanged
between embryo and mother through the placenta
_____________________ allows young to develp for a ___________ time inside
the mother.
KINGDOM PLANTAE _____________________
___________________ carry out photosynthesis using chlorophyll
Cell ________ made of cellulose
Alteration of Generations
______________________haploid produces _______ (close to the ground)
_____________________diploid produces spores (dominant stage for all plants
except moss – top of plant)
Non-vascular plants- plants that _______ _______ have tubes to carry ________
and nutrients thoughout the plant.
Vascular plants- plants that have _______ to carry water and nutrients from
______ to ________
_____________carries water from root to leaf
____________carries food from leaf to root
Types of plants
__________________ need water to _____________
Lack vascular tissue
Mosses- usually 1-2cm in height
“leaves” one cell thick
No roots - __________________ anchor to the ground
“_____________” gametophyte stage or dominant stage
Thin brown stalk and capsule –sporophyte stage for _____________reproduction
Other examples:Hornworts, liverworts
Vascular Examples: Whish ferns, _______ mosses, horsetails and __________.
1st vascular plants
Have roots, stems leaves and _________
Vascular seed plants Gymnosperms and ______________________
Seed plants are called _____________________________ do not require water
for reproduction so can live almost anywhere
__________ is an embryo surrounding by a seed coat
Bears seed directly on cones – “naked seeds”
Ferns- reproducd by ______________
Large leaves or fronds divided into leaflets
Underground _______________ - rhizomes
Found in ____________ and moist envrionments
Cydads- _______________ cones
Ginkgoes- only one ________ species left Ginkgo Biloba
Fan like leaves from China
Conifers- examples ___________,firs, spruces, junipers, cedars, most evergreen
and leaves are needle like.
Angiosperms- ________________________ plants.
2 classes
1. monocots- one cotyledon (seed leaf)- leaves parallel veins- flowers petals
often in multiples of three- examples – lilies, orchids, grasses, grain crops
2. dicots – two cotyledons- leaves branched veins- flowers petals often in
multiples of 4 or 5- examples- roses, peas, sunflowers, oaks and maples
Annuals: complete life cycle in _________ year
____________: complete life cycle in _____ years
____________: complete life cycle in ________ years
principle 1. ____________: absorb __________, dissolve _________ and __________ the
seed plant
2. _______________ support plant, transports ____________ and _________.
Reproduction in
Seed plants
3. _______________: carry out ____________________________
Absorb _________ and carry out _____________________
The bladse are thin flattened part of the leaf
___________ is the stalk that attaches to the stem
______________: pore like openings in the leaf that allow ___________
______________ and _____________ to diffuse in and out of leaf.
Guard Cells: open and close the __________
_______________________________: loss of water through the leaves of a
_______________waxy covereing around the outside of the leaf.
Unlike ferns and mosses seed plants don’t need _______________ to reproduce.
Seed plants rely on _______ and ____________ to disperse the seeds
Reproduction in angiosperms
Flower- ________________ organ in angiosperms
Perfect flower- contains both ___________ and _____________ parts
Imperfect flower – contains only ___________ or _____________parts
Parts of a flower
Parts of the flower
________________ often brightly colored to attract pollinators (_________ and
Sepal: ______________________ part , green leaf like structure at bottom of
Male parts : __________________ male reproductive organ that has a filament –
thin stalk that supports the anter
Anther: sac where _______________ grains are produced
Pollen: ________________
Steps of life of a plant:
1. Pollination by wind (gymnosperms) or animals (angiosperms)
2. ____________________ early growth stage of plant embryo: seed absorbs
Structure of a virus
water and seed coat cracks
3. Seed and fruit development- as seeds mature the ovary wall thickens and joins
with other parts of the flower to form a fruit that encloses the developing seeds.
___________ and enlarged ovary
____________ have seeds unless they have been GE
Parts of fruit
____________________ or skin
____________________ or flesh
___________________ hard pit wall
_____________________or inside cotyledons of seed
Virus, _____________, ________________ and Fungus
Virus is a particle of ____________ ______, protein and sometimes _________
that can _______________________ only by _________________ a living cell
Viruses are NOT cells and are NOT made of cells therefore not living
1. Do not __________ have no life span
2. Do not use ______________
3. Can _____________ only in a host
Composed of nucleic acid (______ or ______) surrounded by a protein coat
Capsids allow them to attach only to _______________ cells
Label picture
Examples of viruses
1. _______________________ is a virus that infects a bacteria. Example
Adenovirus or the ________________ __________.
2. Influenza Virus- this virus has a __________________ around it which contains
______________ it changes and mutates thus providing new strains of the flu
3. Papillomavirus- one of the cancer causing viruses- now have a vaccine
4. HIV – the __________ virus. The capsid is currounded by a ______________
capsule with ______________ embedded in it. HIV is an RNA virus that mutates
5. ______________ virus- notice the shepard’s hook on the end
Quick quiz
Is a virus big or small compared to a cell and bacterium?
Lytic infection
Virus attaches to a _____ enters and ______________ causing the cell to burst
open and die.
Lysogenic cycle
A virus ___________ it’s DNA into the ____ of the host cell
Each time the host cell replicated its _____ it also replicates the DNA of the
Can remain ______________ or (__________________________) for years then
Examples: herpes and shingles
Viruses _________________ be treated with antibiotics- medicine
Body’s ____________ blood cells must produce antibodies to fight off infection.
Can get a ____________ for a virus
_______________: injecting dead or weakened pathogens into the body that
causes the body to fight off infection and build up immunity to it.
Cell __________
Some have ___________
No _____________ or membrane bound organelles _________________!
Divided into ____ kingdoms: Archeabacteria and ____________________
Virus treatments
Most reproduce __________ by ____________ fission- process in which one cell
divides into two genetically _________________ cells.
Some reproduce ________ by _________________: transfer of genetic
information from one cell to another by a hollow bridge called a ___________
ArcheabacteriaLive in ___________ environments- often salty areas ocean and ___________
ancient bacteria
Usually need no _____________
Look similar to _________ but on difference they lack ___________________- a
carbohydrate found in the cell wall of Eubacteria
Examples: methanogens – produce methane gas
Thermoacidophiles- love acid and grow in high temperatures
Eubacteriatrue Live almost _______________ soil, humans
Larger of the 2 kingdoms in number not in size
Surrounded by ______ ______ that contains ___________________ a carb
Bacteria are identified according to:
1. ____________
2. the chemical nature of their ______ walll
3. the way they _______
4. the way they _____________ _______________
3 shapes:
1. _________ rod
2. __________- spherical or circle
3. ___________- spiral or cork screw shaped
May be found as single cells, pairs clusters or chains.
The way they move: motile vs non- motile
1. ______________ long whip like tail
2. ___________ tiny hair like projections
3. ___________ motility
The way they obtain energy
1.________________________ carries out photosynthesis similar to plants
2.________________________ obtain energy directly from inorganic molecules
3.________________________ can make own food bu also need to take in food
from other sources.
The way they release energy
1. ________________ aerobes- require oxygen
2. Obligate _______________: do nto need oxygen
3. Facultative Anaerobes: can survive _____ or ___________ oxygen.
Bacillus antrhracis- Anthrax rod shaped
Salmonella- causes typhoid fever
Streptococcus pnumoniae- causes pnuemonia
Treponema pallidum- spiral bacterium causes syphilis
Borrelia burgdorferi- causes lyme disease
Neisseria gonorrhoeae- causes gonorrhea a common STD
Mycobacterium leprae- causes leprosy
Controlling Bacteria
_________________ heating and removing air
__________________ heating milk
_________________ slows growth
__________________remove water
_________________fight infection
of Decomposer
Nitrogen fixation
Food production
Medicine production
_____________ cell contains nucleus and organlles
Most _____________ some multi
________________ or _______________
3 groups
1. animal like
2. plant like
3. fungus like
Animal like Protists
Called _____________
Plant like protists
Fungus like protists
Largest group
Reproduce by binary fission (__________________)
Classified by how they move
1. pseudopods= _____________ use psuedopods to move and get food by
surrounding it into a vacuole
2. cilia= ______________ found in ponds and streams. Cilia sweep food into the
mouth like opening.
3. flagella= _______________________ live in large bodies of water and
4. do not move= _________________ example plasmodium –live as parasites
reproduce by spores.
Have cell _____
Have _____________________
Unicellular or ______________ autotrophs
Classified according to their ________________
Euglenophytes: freshwater has an ____________ and eyespot
Diatom: live in salt water makes ____________________
Dinoflagellate: live in salt water ____ or __________ algae
____________ algae: volvox and kelp
Grow in _____ nutrient rich environments
2 groups
1. ___________ molds
2. ___________ molds
Kingdom FUNGI
Cell wall made of ________ found in external skeleton of insects crunch!
1. Mushrooms
2. Molds
3. Yeasts
Feeding for Fungi
1._______________ get nutrients from ______ remains of organisms- similar to
2._______________: break down and absorb nutrients from ________
3. _______________ live on or near a host and feed off the host
and Body of fungi is made of ______________ tangled together into thick mass called
Mycelium: similar to a root system that absorbs food easily because it covers a
large surface area.
_____________ body the part fo the fungi that you see growing from the
ground. Reproductive structure.
in Can reproduce ________________ and ___________________
Sexual: when hyphae of 2 organisms meet and form gametes
1. __________________ pieces of hyphae break off the mycelium and grow into
new mycelia
2. _______________ mitosis occurs and new individual pinches off from parent
3. ___________ small reporductive clel that scatters on ground and grows into
new hyphae.
Fungal relationships
Lichen: ___________________ relationship between fungus and algae.
Mycorrhizae: mutualistic relationship between funugs and ______________
4 phyla
1. Zygomycota- _____________ molds- cheese, bread- reproduce sex and asex
by spores
2. Ascomycota- _________ fungi- cup fungi, yeast, morels- reproduce sex and
asex by spores
3. Basidiomycota- Club fungi- mushrooms, puffballs, stinkhorns- reproduce sex
by 2 sportes meeting to form a _____________.
4. Deuteromycota- _____________________ fungi- penicillium mold –
reproduction no known sexual stage in life cycle.