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Solar Energy and Natural Events
Energy source of living creatures in the World is sun.
Energy source of abiotic components’ motions in nature is law of gravitation.
Motions in nature are for creating climatic conditions which are suitable for life of the living:
These are; for fair distribution of heat and saltiness.
Energy source: Gravitational force
When heat and salt is distributed, work force of displacement fluids is generated.
Rainfalls, winds, sea currents and tectonic movements in earth arise from
gravitational force effect and directed by this effect.
Energy of earth and universe is not constant.
Universe is expanding and its energy is increasing as well.
Entropy is an artificial term. It has no place in today’s science.
When different fluids interact with earth’s center of gravity,
they are arranged in order by their density in relation to center of gravity.
When disrupted order is adjusted by the effect of gravitational force,
new energy is generated.
When we study the source of the movements on earth, we see that one of the sources is
the life being exhibited by biotic components and the other one is natural events and motions
arising from abiotic components.In this study, we are going to try to find only the source of
energy, which moves the abiotic components.
Solar radiation, which is the source of energy for biotic components, does not have
moving and activity capabilities. It triggers the chemical reactionsand causes biotic
components to come into existence. In the simplest term, solar rays carry out sugar
production by putting carbon dioxide into reaction with water:
(Solar radiation+CO2+H2OSugar+O2) is a beginning.
We included this example here in order to recall that solar energy does not have
capability of creating a motion or performing an action in nature by itself. In this study, we
will not pay attention to biotic world; we will search the reasons of events and motions apart
from it.
When we look into abiotic components closely, we see that natural events are for
distributing the heat and saltines. Movements in atmosphere, seas, earth and on surface
occur in order to form climatic conditions, which are suitable for life of living creatures, by
distributing the built up heat and saltiness to colder areas. We can split heat and salt
distribution process into five different groups, by looking at the difference of heat source and
distribution areas:
General heat convection
Currents in the sea
Tectonic movements in earth
Once the main force that causes the convection event is understood, it will be easier to
explain and understand the other types of heat and salt transfer. For this, we have to find the
driving force of convection, which is a common type of heat and salt transfer.
1. In classical physics, main reason of natural convection is explained as, that heated fluid
tends to move up and come to surface and therefore moves up, on the other hand the
colder fluid moves down (to bottom). The reason of the incident is not explained here,
only its image id described.
As 21th century physics describes the convection event without explaining its reason, it
makes us think that there hasn’t been any advancement in our understanding of nature for
more than two thousand years since Aristotle.
“Aristotle said that, every element in universe had a natural place. Therefore he assumed
that, a displaced object had tendency towards moving back to its natural place again. Thus,
the object will go to its natural place, which is determined by the element, which has more
significance in the object. For example, earth is the most significant element in stone,
therefore stone will always move to ground.” He also assumed that the smoke would move
towards sky, to reach its natural place.(Ross 1993, ss.) 128-129 and Aristotle, (On Generation and
CorruptionII) 328b30-35-329a5
In university physics books, as the reason of convection event, it is said, “heated air rises
and leaves its place to cold air due to differences in their densities”. It is not explained
why or how the difference in density is important. All the explanations on the subject
“water transfer by convection” in five university physics books on our table are very
similar to each other. To see the effect of gravitational field to natural convection, we can do
some experiments:
Experiment 1:
1. If we mix and put water, benzine
and oil with different densities into
glass container, we see that in a short
time the mixture decomposes and the
fluids are arranged in order by their
densities. Water is the undermost fluid
with highest density.
Experiment II:
2. If we mix water, benzine and oil and
do an experiment in a space craft, we
cannot get any results. As there is no
gravitational field to arrange the fluids
in order by their densities, the result is
(Water+ Oil + Benzine Mixture)
Experiment III:
3. If we put a tinted fluid (can be water)
into a glass container and heat it from
below, we see the motions of heated water
in glass container from outside.
Hot water moves up, cold water moves down.
Experiment IV:
4. When we start heating the same
container from above, we see that there is
no convection flow being formed.
Generation of density differences in fluids creates static pressure gradient. For a
free convection to occur due to this density difference, it is enough to be under effect of
a compelling force such as fan or gravitational field. Even though temperature
differences are possible in space craft, free convection does not occur. Since therefore it
is clearly understood that the driving force of convection flows is gravitational force.
For explanation and interpretation of reasons of other events, which occur in the
nature, we can accept this result we achieved as a nature theory and assert:
Fluids are affected in gravitational field in proportion to their densities.
In gravitational field, objects with different densities are gravitated in the
direction of center of gravitation, by being arranged in order so that the one with
highest density is up front.
(Let’s say G is the density of fluids. If the densest object is G1, other objects’ row of
decreasing density is then: G2, G3…),
With the effect of gravitational force they always line up as:G1 >G2 >
G3 >G4…
“The Energy Generated by Gravitational Force”
“A new energy is generated, when fluid objects with different densities are
arranged in order by their densities with the effect of gravitational force or when
the objects are moved in order to adjust the disrupted order.”
2. Rains; are natural events that are multi-purpose. The event which generates rains is very
functional. It moves the heat, which is built up in oceans and earth, to cloud layer. Let’s leave
complex occurrences such as storms, lightning and generation of chemical compoundsaside
and look at the work created by the force, which generates rains, the gravitational force:
Thermodynamics of Rains
1 Kg
1 Kg
600 Kcal
Ocean surface
Principle: Liquids give back the heat, which they get when evaporating, exactly
when they condensate. Therefore: heat of evaporation is equal to heat of
condensation. For an object: Lb = Ly
Principle: Fluid objects in gravitational field are arranged in order by their
densities, as the one with highest density being upfront. (Let’s say density of fluid
objects is G. Densest object G1 and others’ row of decreasing density: G2,
G3…)The order in front of center of gravity is always: G1 >G2 > G3 >G4
Here: On sea surface, 1 parcel of water (1 kg) evaporates by getting 600 Kcal.
This water vapor becomes drops of water in cloud layer and leaves the 600 Kcal of
heat it got from sea to cloud environment. These water drops merge together and
form the cloud. When conditions are set, it rains in the direction of gravitational
force as 1 kg of water.
Result: Average molecule weight of water vapor is 18, whereas the molecule weight of dry
air is 28. As the gravitational force effects the objects in proportion to their densities, by
being behind the dry air, the vapor moves up and remains in an area where the density is
equal to its density. The force, which moves the water vapor from sea surface to clouds, is
gravitational force.
The continuation of life on earth and power generation in Hydroelectric Plants is
possible with the continuity of evaporation and condensation events.
I was giving the following example to our friends, who are head of physics
departments in our universities and who say solar energy has a very great impact in
generation of rains.
 You want to climb up to a wall which has more than two meters of height. You don’t have
anything to take hold of. You see a wooden ladder there. You took the wooden ladder from
the ground and you leaned it against the wall. You climb up the wall easily by stepping on
the stairs of the ladder. Then you reach for the ladder and hoist it.
 Here you climbed up the wall owing to the ladder but you climbed up using the power of
your muscles. Your energy is reduced correspondingly to the work you did.
 There was no change in the energy of ladder. It gained potential energy. From where did
it get this energy? We gave it from the energy in our arms. There is no free work in our
communal living as well.
 Atoms, molecules and all objects in gravitational field, by interacting with each other,
are arranged in order by their densities. There is no reduction in the energy of affecter
and affected and gravitational force of earth because they interact (no price paid) with
other objects mutually.
 As the water vapor gave the heat back, which it got from the surroundings when evaporating,
exactly in the cloud layer, it did not suffer any heat loss, even though it was involved in
rainfall. (as by ladder)
 Potential energy in clouds is generated by the effect of gravitational force.
3. Winds: Wind is the distribution of heat by convection. We see the effect of gravitational
force in the sketch, which summarizes the generation in terms of thermodynamics)
Generation of Winds on Earth
Center of low pressure
(Less dense)
Center of high pressure
Seas and oceans on earth get solar energy in different proportions. Therefore areas
with different temperatures come into existence.
In areas where the temperature is high, center of low pressure, in areas where
temperature is low, center of high pressureare formed.
As the air mass is dense in center of high pressure, the air moves towards
underneath of center of low pressure, which is less dense, with the effect of gravitational
4. Sea currents: Sea currentis the distribution of high heat and saltiness, which occur in
some areas, to levels where they are lower by convection.
Large water flows towards poles occur, with the effect of gravitational force, when the
density of the heated water in Ecuador decreases. At the same time the cold and dense
water of pole area flows towards Ecuador.
The most important factor which gives birth to density differences in oceans is
that the sun rays come vertically to Ecuador area. Saltiness comes second.
The weight in convection flows around Mediterranean, between Black Sea and Atlantic
Ocean, is due to saltiness rates.
5. Movements in Earth; A convection flow occurs in depths of earth, as the high heat,
which is generated when radioactive substances in semi-fluid area disintegrate, moves
up to colder upper levels.
Velocity of this flow is very low. It causes tectonic movements. We included this
geologic event here, which is comprehensive and has multiple variables, in order to
show that, the events, which occur with the effect of gravitational force occur also in
When we adopt and accept the new nature theory, it will be easier to understand
the nature and motions in nature. As we have seen in first paragraph, our opinions and
acceptances about many events, which we find very complex, will immediately change.
First we will accept this; the reason of natural events all around us is providing equal
distribution of heat and water in nature as much as possible. Gravitational force is
the source of energy for all natural events.
We will no longer need to use some artificial terms we use in physics to explain
some events. We will be able to easily see and understand the real reasons of natural
events, which we don’t know the reasons of. Therefore, making significant changes in
physics books will be brought to agenda by itself.
 Events, which we don’t know the reasons of: Power of hydroelectric plants, winds,
lightings, convection flows and transfer of latent heat. We will accept the gravitational
force as the force which generates these events.
 After these facts it will no longer be necessary to use artificial terms such as: Buoyancy
of fluids,Buoyancy, Isostasy and Entropy.
 After we have seen and accepted the work and energy generated by gravitational force,
the number I law of thermodynamics, “law of conservation of energy” will lose its
validity in universe.
Accepting the existence of energy created by gravitational force will set us free
from the circle of “law of conservation of energy”. Thus, we can efficiently go towards
new pursuits in energy field, which is the most powerful force of life.
We are making preparations for generating electricity from the currents in
Bosporus, as the technological side of the theory and hypothesis, which we presented
and suggested. We will see together that electrical energy is generated without using
any kind of fuel or consuming any materials.
Founder of İstanbul Bilgi University
For more information;
For your opinions; [email protected]