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Seismology Lecture 3 EPS 122 –Spring 2017 Thursday 02/23/2017 Instructor: Barbara Romanowicz Equation of motion (Isotropic, homogeneous medium, 1D)
∂2 u
∂2 u
ρ 2 = (λ + 2µ ) 2 + f
Medium described by : (ρ,λ,µ) or (ρ ,α ,β)
P waves – velocity:
λ + 2µ
VP = α =
S waves - velocity
VS =
Polarisation of P and S waves
S waves are shear waves No volume change, shear and rotaIon P waves and S waves have different velociIes Vs < Vp P waves are compressional waves cause volume change – compression And rarefacIon No rotaIon Similar to sound waves in air Ref: Stein and Wysession
Rotation of coordinate system
•  Instruments are generally oriented (Z, N, E)
•  Ray path is in the vertical plane containing the
source and the receiver
•  In the horizontal plane tangent to the earth’s
surface at the location of the station, we want
to rotate the coordinate system from (N,E) to
(L,T) where:
–  L is for “longitudinal” – indicating the sourcestation great circle direction
–  T is transverse: 90 degrees from L (conventionally
counted counterclockwise)
Shallow earthquake From Stein and Wysession, 2003 ALPHABET SOUP FOR SEISMIC WAVES
core mantle Reflected waves on the CMB and the ICB
Shallow earthquake From Stein and Wysession, 2003 Surface waves •  Two types –  Rayleigh waves (R) –  Love waves (G) Appear on different seismometer components Surface waves
•  The amplitude of surface waves decays with
depth and depends on the ratio of the depth
to the wavelength.
–  => longer period (i.e. longer wavelength) surface waves tell us
more about deeper parts of the mantle
–  => shorter period surface waves are appropriate for studying
the shallow parts (crust, uppermost mantle)
•  Surface waves are primarily sensitive to shear wave
•  They are dispersive (velocity depends on period)
–  Generally longer period waves arrive first
Mongolia earthquake recorded in Japan Surface wave dispersion
•  Group velocity (U) – km/s
–  Velocity of travel of energy at a particular
•  Phase velocity (C) - km/s
–  Velocity of travel of a particular phase
(peak or trough)
•  Consider the sum of two harmonic waves
with slightly different angular frequencies
and wavenumbers:
u(x, t) = cos(ω1t − k1 x) + cos(ω 2 t − k2 x)
with :
ω1 = ω + δω1;ω 2 = ω − δω ; δω << ω
k1 = k + δ k;k2 = k − δ k;k << k
•  We obtain:
u(x, t) = 2 cos(ω t − kx)cos(δω ⋅ t − δ k ⋅ x)
u(x, t) = 2 cos(ω t − kx)cos(δω t − δ kx)
carrier Envelope travels at group velocity: dω
Carrier travels at phase velocity: C=
Lower frequency smaller wavenumber: varies more slowly in Ime and space: envelope RelaIon between group and phase velocity: U=
=> ω
U =C+k
= C +ω
(layer over half-­‐space)