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Geometry Name: _________________________ Date: _______________ Per.: ______ MIDTERM EXAM: Chapter 2 Review Key Concepts & Skills Write statements in if-then format; identify the hypothesis and conclusion Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional statement. Give a counterexample to disprove a statement. Rewrite a bi-conditional statement as a conditional and its converse Identify whether reasoning used is inductive or deductive Find next items in a pattern Use the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism to draw a conclusion from given statement(s) Identify the algebraic property illustrated by a statement. Solve equations and state a reason for each step. Write two-column proofs proving statements about segments and angles. Key Points Conditional Inverse Converse Contrapositive if – then negate conditional switch conditional’s “if” and “then” negate converse pq ~p ~q qp ~q ~p Inductive reasoning: patterns, observation, experience Deductive reasoning: fact-based Law of Detachment Given p q Hypothesis happens Conclusion occurs Law of Syllogism If p q and q r, then p r (similar in logic to transitive property) MD/1-08/Ch. 2 MT Review 1 Geometry Problems I. Conditional Statements Write the statement in if-then form. Determine the hypothesis and conclusion, and write the inverse, converse, and contrapositive. The game will start at 4:00 if the other team arrives within five minutes. II. Biconditional Statements Write the biconditional statement as a conditional and its converse. A number is divisible by 10 if and only if it ends in 0. III. Solve for the variable using the given information. 1) B) IV. Proving Statements about Segments and Angles 1) 2) MD/1-08/Ch. 2 MT Review 2 Geometry 3) IV. Algebraic Properties Match the statement with the property. 1. 2. 3. 4. V. Solve for x 1) 2) MD/1-08/Ch. 2 MT Review 3