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Systemic Anatomy Exam III
Prepared especially for the trimester one class, Fall 2001
Please place the single best answer in the space provided (unless designated by the letters MACA, which in this
case mark all correct answers that apply) on your scantron sheet. The faculty will not answer any of your
questions (unless you find a typo) once the exam begins, as interpretation of the question is a part of the
examination. Good luck.
1) Which of the following actions are consistent for the adductor magnus m.? (MACA)
a) adduct the thigh
b) abduct the thigh
c) flex the thigh
d) extend the thigh
e) flex the knee
2) Which of the following muscles will NOT plantar flex the foot? (MACA)
a) gastrocnemius m.
b) peroneus longus m.
c) tibialis anterior m.
d) soleus m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
3) What nerves innervate the muscles that plantar flex the foot? (MACA)
a) common peroneal nerve
b) obturator nerve
c) femoral nerve
d) tibial nerve
e) none of the above
4) Which of the following actions is consistent with those of the sartorius m.? (MACA)
a) flex knee
b) extend thigh
c) rotate femur laterally
d) abduct femur
e) flex hip joint
5) If I cut the tibial nerve I could still invert the foot.
a) true
b) false
6) What two muscles attach to the base of MT 1 and the medial cuneiform bone? (MACA)
a) peroneus longus m.
b) tibialis posterior m.
c) peroneus brevis m.
d) tibialis anterior m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
page 1, SA Exam 3, Q.# 1-6
7) Which of the following muscles DO NOT attach to MT 5? (MACA)
a) peroneus longus m.
b) tibialis posterior m.
c) peroneus brevis m.
d) tibialis anterior m.
e) peroneus tertius m.
8) Which one of the following muscles will laterally rotate the femur? (MACA)
a) iliacus m.
b) piriformis m.
c) quadratus femoris m.
d) semitendinosus m.
e) biceps femoris m.
9) This muscle attaches from the AIIS to the tibial tuberosity.
a) tensor fasciae latae m.
b) gracilis m.
c) rectus femoris m.
d) sartorius m.
e) semimembranosus m.
10) Which of the following muscles originate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus? (MACA)
a) flexor carpi radialis m.
b) flexor carpi ulnaris m.
c) extensor digitorum communis m.
d) palmaris longus m.
e) extensor carpi ulnaris m.
11) Which of the following muscles attaches to the palmar surface of the distal phalanges of the hand?
a) flexor digitorum superficialis m.
b) flexor digitorum profundus m.
c) extensor digitorum communis m.
d) extensor carpi ulnaris m.
e) flexor digitorum intermedius m.
12) What nerve innervates the skin and muscles of the hypothenar eminence?
a) radial nerve
b) median nerve
c) ulnar nerve
d) musculocutaneous nerve
e) axillary nerve
13) What are the primary functions of the hamstring muscles? (MACA)
a) extend the hip joint
b) flex the hip joint
c) extend the knee joint
d) flex the knee joint
e) abduct the thigh
page 2, SA Exam 3, Q.# 7-13
14) The radial nerve innervates which of the following muscles that insert on the bones of the forearm?
a) supinator m.
b) pronator teres m.
c) brachioradialis m.
d) palmaris longus m.
e) flexor carpi radialis m.
15) The radial nerve innervates muscles that ___________. (MACA)
a) extend the arm
b) flex the elbow
c) extend the elbow
d) flex the arm
e) supinate the forearm
16) Which of the following muscles will NOT flex the arm? (MACA)
a) coracobrachialis m.
b) latissimus dorsi m.
c) triceps brachii m., long head
d) pectoralis major m.
e) teres major m.
17) Which of the following muscles insert on or very close to the intertubercular groove of the humerus?
a) pectoralis major m.
b) supraspinatus m.
c) teres minor m.
d) latissimus dorsi m.
e) teres major m.
18) Which of the following muscles flex the elbow? (MACA)
a) biceps brachii m., long head
b) biceps brachii m., short head
c) coracobrachialis m.
d) pronator quadratus m.
e) brachialis m.
19) Which of the following muscles DOES NOT attach to the atlas? (MACA)
a) levator scapulae m.
b) rectus capitis posterior minor m.
c) rectus capitis posterior major m.
d) obliquus capitis superior m.
e) obliquus capitis inferior m.
20) Which of the following muscles will NOT protract the scapula? (MACA)
a) latissimus dorsi m.
b) trapezius m.
c) serratus anterior m.
d) pectoralis minor m.
e) rhomboid mm.
page 3, SA Exam 3, Q.# 14-20
21) Which of the following nerves would I have to cut to prevent lateral rotation of the humerus? (MACA)
a) axillary n.
b) suprascapular n.
c) lower subscapular n.
d) thoracodorsal n.
e) dorsal scapular n.
22) Which of the following muscles will NOT medially rotate the humerus at the shoulder joint? (MACA)
a) latissimus dorsi m.
b) teres minor m.
c) teres major m.
d) pectoralis major m.
e) infraspinatus m.
23) Which of the following statements are CORRECT concerning the splenius capitis m. (MACA)
a) attaches on spinous processes of C7-T4
b) will laterally flex the neck
c) located deep to the trapezius m.
d) located superficial to the semispinalis capitis m.
e) name is derived from the Greek word meaning bandage
24) Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning the extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
a) innervated by CN XII
b) genioglossus protracts the tongue
c) hyoglossus m. – attaches to the hyoid bone
d) styloglossus m. attaches to the styloid process of the temporal bone
e) genioglossus attaches to the maxillary bone
25) The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the ___ .
a) head of the radius
b) annular ligament of the radius
c) semilunar notch of the ulna
d) olecranon of the ulna
e) styloid process of the ulna
26) The patellar tendon attaches the ___ to the ___.
a) belly of the rectus femoris muscle, base of the patella
b) base of the patella, apex of the patella
c) belly of the rectus femoris muscle, apex of the patella
d) apex of the patella, tibial tuberosity
e) base of the patella, tibial tuberosity
27) The inferior articular facets of T12 face in a ___ direction.
a) anterior
b) posterior
c) anterolateral
d) posterolateral
e) none of the above
page 4, SA Exam 3, Q.# 21-27
28) Gerdy’s tubercle is located on the ___ aspect of the tibia.
a) proximal, anterior and lateral
b) proximal, anterior and medial
c) proximal, posterior and lateral
d) proximal, posterior and medial
e) none of the above as it is not located on the tibia
29) For the nervous system to detect stimuli what must be present?
a) neurotransmitters
b) receptors
c) myofibrils
d) neurofibrils
e) glandular epithelium
30) Which of the following are components of the CNS? (MACA)
a) spinal nerves
b) brain
c) cranial nerves
d) neurolemmocytes
e) spinal cord
31) What is the space between adjacent neurolemmocytes aligned along an axon called?
a) juxtaglomerular node
b) internodal fiber
c) neurofibril node
d) Node of Schwann
e) blood brain barrier
32) Choose the CORRECT match.
a) GSA - pseudounipolar
b) GSE - bipolar
c) SSA - multipolar
d) GVE - pseudounipolar
e) GVA - bipolar
33) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) motor to biceps brachii m. - GSE
b) radial nerve - GSE, GVE, GSA, GVA
c) olfactory nerve - bipolar neuron
d) optic nerve - SVE
e) oculomotor nerve - GSE, GVE
34) The Na+/K+ pump pumps sodium ____ the cell during repolarization.
a) into
b) out of
35) A neuron that is hyperpolarized will require a stimulus of ___ strength to cause depolarization.
a) lesser
b) greater
page 5, SA Exam 3, Q.# 28-35
36) The conus medullaris is located where?
a) neural canal of S1
b) within the confines of the annulus fibrosus
c) between T12 and L2 vertebra
d) between the pia and the dura along the spinal canal
e) attaching to the coccyx by way of the dural sac
37) In the spinal cord the ___ matter is deep to the ___ matter.
a) white, gray
b) gray, white
38) How many funiculi are there in the spinal cord?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
e) 12
39) Ascending tracts in the spinal cord carry ___ information.
a) special efferent
b) GSA
c) GSE
d) reflective
e) two of the above
40) Where in the spinal cord would I find large collections of multipolar neuron cell bodies?
a) dorsal horn
b) gray commissure
c) ventral horn
d) anterior primary ramus
e) dorsal root ganglia
41) The dendrites of a motor neuron carry ______ information with relation to the soma.
a) afferent
b) efferent
42) With relation to the soma, efferent information is carried in what portion of the neuron whose cell body is
located in a dorsal root ganglion?
a) between the ganglion and the dorsal horn
b) between the ganglion and the periphery
43) Which of the following forms the spinal nerve? (MACA)
a) ventral rami
b) ventral root
c) recurrent meningeal
d) dorsal root
e) dorsal rami
page 6, SA Exam 3, Q.# 36-43
44) There are ____ spinal nerves.
a) 23
b) 26
c) 31
d) 56
e) 62
45) Classify the functional components found in the ventral root.
e) all of the above are found in the ventral root
46) At what vertebral level is the spinal segment that gives rise to spinal nerve S1 found?
a) T1
b) T10
c) L1
d) S1
e) S5
47) Spinal nerve C7 exits the IVF located between ___ and ___.
a) C4, C5
b) C5, C6
c) C6, C7
d) C7, C8
e) none of the above
48) What branch of the spinal nerve carries GSE information to the muscles of the anterior and lateral trunk and
all the muscles of the limbs?
a) recurrent meningeal nerve
b) ventral root
c) dorsal rami
d) rami communicantes
e) spinal nerve root
49) You touch a pin to the skin one-inch lateral to the spinous process of C7. What branch of the spinal nerve
carries this info to you spinal cord?
a) ventral ramus
b) medial branch of dorsal rami
c) lateral branch of dorsal rami
d) recurrent meningeal nerve
e) rami communicantes
50) Choose the CORRECT match.
a) ventral root - sensory
b) ventral rami - spinal nerve root
c) dorsal root - motor
d) sinuvertebral nerve - rami communicantes
e) recurrent meningeal - dorsal rami
page 7, SA Exam 3, Q.# 44-50
51) The lesser occipital nerve is derived from the dorsal rami of spinal nerves C2 and C3.
a) true
b) false
52) The anterior branch of the greater auricular nerve innervates the skin over the parotid salivary gland.
a) true
b) false
53) The transverse cervical nerve is found traveling in a horizontal plane as it emerges from the posterior side of
the belly of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
a) true
b) false
54) The ansa cervicalis supplies motor innervation to the omohyoid and sternohyoid muscles.
a) true
b) false
55) The muscles of the suboccipital triangle are innervated by the dorsal ramus of C1 spinal nerve.
a) true
b) false
56) The phrenic nerve is derived from branches of spinal nerve roots C3, 4 and 5.
a) true
b) false
57) GSA information from the predominance of the skin of the posterior scalp is carried in the greater occipital
nerve that is derived from the ventral rami of C2.
a) true
b) false
58) Looking at the superficial nerves of the posterior scalp, the lesser occipital nerve is located medial to the
greater occipital nerve.
a) true
b) false
59) The brachial plexus is derived from the dorsal rami of spinal nerves C5,6,7,8 and T1.
a) true
b) false
60) The posterior divisions of all three trunks form the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
a) true
b) false
61) If the dorsal scapular nerve was avulsed from the spinal nerve root of C5 a patient could not still elevate the
a) true
b) false
62) If the long thoracic nerve was cut during a radical mastectomy procedure, the most common clinical sign
seen would be a posterior deviation of the lateral border of the scapula.
a) true
b) false
page 8, SA Exam 3, Q.# 51-62
63) If spinal nerve roots C5 and C6 were avulsed from the spinal cord during a severe accident, the patient
would be unable to laterally rotate the humerus at the shoulder joint and would be unable to abduct the humerus
at the shoulder joint.
a) true
b) false
64) A patient is presented to your clinic with a history of radial nerve damage at the level of the mid shaft
humerus. You discover they have an inability to extend the hand at the carpus. This clinical finding is consistent
with the presenting history.
a) true
b) false
65) A patient is presented to your clinic with an inability to supinate the forearm when the elbow is extended,
yet when they flex the elbow they are able to supinate the forearm. Damage to the musculocutaneous nerve
might explain this seeming discrepancy of clinical signs.
a) true
b) false
66) If a patient fractures the medial epicondyle of the humerus and severed the ulnar nerve, they would
clinically be unable to adduct the hand at the carpus.
a) true
b) false
67) If spinal nerve roots C5 and C6 were severed the presenting patient could not medially rotate the humerus at
the shoulder joint.
a) true
b) false
68) A teenage boy is doing tricks on his roller board and while trying to negotiate the board down the top hand
rail of a long flight of stairs suffers a severe fall. He fractures his elbow and in the process severs the median
nerve at the elbow. Clinically could he still flex the carpus?
a) yes
b) no
69) A motorcycle rider is hit broadsides by a car and suffers a crushing injury to the distal femur and proximal
fibula. The common peroneal nerve is severed as it crosses the head of the fibula. Could this patient still
dorsiflex the foot.
a) yes
b) no
70) A young male rock climber with a history of sustaining a fall in which he was able to catch himself by
grabbing onto a tree branch as he fell is presented to your practice. Upon clinical exam you find the following:
the right shoulder is depressed, the right humerus is medially rotated and the right forearm is pronated. The
most probable explanation of these clinical signs is damage to spinal nerve roots C8 and T1.
a) true
b) false
71) A 32-year-old female computer keyboard operator is presented to your practice with a history of pain and
numbness in the lateral hand. You do a thorough exam on her and find she does not have any cutaneous
sensation of the skin over the thenar eminence. The diagnosis is probable carpal tunnel syndrome.
a) true
b) false
page 9, SA Exam 3, Q.# 63-71
72) A young para jumper is presented to your clinic after sustaining a low back injury after a very hard landing.
He is complaining of an inability to flex or adduct the left thigh. The most probably explanation is damage to
the sciatic nerve.
a) true
b) false
73) After surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, a middle aged male presents to your clinic with a numbness of the
skin over the superior medial thigh. Your excellent training in Systemic Anatomy class tells you the most likely
explanation of these signs is that the femoral nerve was damaged during the surgical repair.
a) true
b) false
74) If the sciatic nerve was cut as it exits from the inferior border of the piriformis muscle, the affected patient
could not flex the knee.
a) true
b) false
75) If the femoral nerve was cut before descends through the inguinal canal and the quadriceps femoris m was
paralyzed, the affected patient could still extend the knee joint.
a) true
b) false
76) A diver fractures his fifth cervical vertebra during a high dive destroying the spinal cord and spinal nerves
from the level of C5 and below. Based on your extensive knowledge of anatomy, would this patient most likely
have to be on a respirator the rest of their life?
a) yes
b) no
77) The same nerve that innervates the tensor fascia lata m innervates the gluteus maximus muscle.
a) true
b) false
78) The sciatic nerve is actually the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve in one common sheath.
a) true
b) false
79) If I cut the tibial division of the sciatic nerve the affected patient could not extend the femur at the hip joint.
a) true
b) false
80) During labor the OB/GYN calls for an anesthesiologist to anesthetize the skin of the perineum of the female
patient. The nerve that innervates this area is derived from spinal nerves L4,5 and S1.
a) true
b) false
81) Spinal nerve C8 carries GSA fibers from the skin of the medial aspect of the hand.
a) true
b) false
page 10, SA Exam 3, Q,#72-81
82) Absence of a spinal reflex like the knee jerk reflex could indicate damage to any one of the components of
the arch.
a) true
b) false
83) The area of skin innervated by a single spinal nerve is called a dermatome.
a) true
b) false
84) During gross anatomy lab you are dissecting the posterior aspect of the abdominal wall and you discover a
nerve running vertically down the belly of the psoas major muscle running toward the thigh. Your lab partner
asks you the name of the nerve and you tell him, "any dummy knows that is the ilioinguinal nerve". Dr.
Giggleman is standing next to you when you say that. Does he give you an A for being right or an F for not
studying enough and giving your partner the wrong answer
a) A
b) F
85) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) tinnitus - a ringing sound in the ears
b) myringotomy - a surgical puncture made into the tympanic membrane
c) urticaria - a malformation of the utricles of the ear
d) unguentum - an ointment
e) valgus - bent outward
86) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) vernal - occurring in the springtime of the year
b) virulence - the degree of pathogenicity of a microorganism
c) volar - pertaining to the dorsal surface of the foot or hand
d) vulnus - a wound
e) viscosity - a physical property of fluids which relates to resistance to flow over a surface
87) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) prognosis - the predicted outcome of a disease process
b) zoopery - performing experiments on animals
c) etiology - the cause of a disease process
d) xerostomia - the absence of a body opening
e) cyanosis - a bluish discoloration to the mucous membranes due to hypercapnia and hypoxemia
88) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) alopecia - baldness
b) cryptorchidism - retained testicle in the male
c) nosocomial - deviated nasal septum leading to increased respiratory stridor
d) atelectasis - failure of the lungs to inflate or collapse of a portion of the already inflated lung
e) lumbodynia - low back pain
89) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) diplopia - double vision
b) sclerosis - the softening of the sclera of the eye
c) cholelithiasis - gall stones
d) otalgia - an ear ache
e) presbyopia - loss of visual acuity in the elderly
page 11, SA Exam 3, Q.# 82-89
90) According to Dr. Jim, what is its' own reward?
a) money
b) Chiropractic
c) love
d) success
e) confidence
91) According to the story in class, what was the name of Mrs. Jones poodles?
a) Fido and Rover
b) Foofoo and Fifi
c) Minnie and Maxi
d) Arlon and Mootsie
e) Rusty and Mimie
92) Cranial nerves 7, 9 and 10 carry SVA information.
a) true
b) false
93) Cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6 carry GSE information to the extrinsic muscles of the eye.
a) true
b) false
94) The thalamus is part of the diencephalon.
a) true
b) false
95) The cerebellum is part of the telencephalon.
a) true
b) false
96) Cranial nerve XII (that is 12 Jessica) carries GSE information to the extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
a) true
b) false
97) The trigeminal nerve carries GSA information from the surface of the tongue.
a) true
b) false
98) The lateral ventricle of the brain is connected to the third ventricle by the mesencephalic aqueduct.
a) true
b) false
99) CSF is found between the pia mater and the arachnoid layers of the meninges.
a) true
b) false
100) The pituitary gland is found sitting in the temporal fossa of the sphenoid bone.
a) true
b) false
page 12, SA Exam 3, Q.# 90-100
The end of the third systemic anatomy exam. Grades will be emailed to you by the close of the day