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Annex 1
Synopsis of Ba Wang Bie Ji
Over 2000 years ago in ancient China, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu, the
King of Western Chu, and Liu Bang, the King of Han, are fighting for supremacy.
Locked in a battle between life and death, Xiang Yu and his troops are ambushed and
A tragedy unfolds between the trapped Xiang Yu; his love, Lady Yu; Liu Bang’s wife
Lü Zhi, who secretly admires him; and his long-time trusted adviser, Fan Zeng.
Lü Zhi, who is being held hostage by the Chu troops, meets Lady Yu. She is filled
with jealousy when she becomes aware of Xiang Yu’s devotion and unfaltering love
for Lady Yu. Although she is sent by her husband Liu Bang to persuade Xiang Yu to
surrender, she falls in love with Xiang Yu instead. The scheming Lü Zhi tries to
seduce Xiang Yu. In the end, she is dismayed when her efforts to find love fail.
To fulfil Xiang Yu’s ambitions of becoming emperor, Lady Yu slits her throat while
performing a sword dance. On realising that he has lost everything, Xiang Yu also
commits suicide.
This epic production reveals the universal contradictions and tensions between
ambition and love, wealth and emotion, morality and human nature, themes that still
resonate in our contemporary world.
Annex 2
China Blue Sky Modern Drama Troupe
Established in 1950, China Blue Sky Modern Drama Troupe is a highly acclaimed
professional national performing arts group. The troupe has a production house and
teams of actors, stage design artists and television production specialists. The group,
which is experienced in arts production, boasts a total of 28 talented artists, including
senior scriptwriters, directors, stage designers, cinematographers as well as several
high-profile actors and actresses.
Over the past 50 years, the troupe has produced and staged numerous highly praised
plays in China. Some of the outstanding works include September 13 Incident (1st and
2nd episode), Commander Zhou Yu, Love on Snowy Peaks, Clouds Far and Near,
Military Strategist Sun W.
The troupe has several awards under its belt, such as the prestigious “Five One Project
Award”, “Cao Yu Theatre and Literature Awards” and the “Plum Blossom Award”,
while its cast and production team have also won various distinguished national and
international drama awards.
The play, Farewell My Concubine, has been staged more than a hundred times by the
troupe in China and overseas. This production was nominated for Best Performance
and Best Actress at the 13th Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre
(2001). In addition, it also represented China and performed in Berlin and the 10th
BESETO Theatre Festival (2003) in Korea, all of which were well received by critics
and audiences alike.
Since 1981, the troupe has ventured into movie and television production. To date, it
has produced and filmed more than ten award-winning television drama series, such
as Son of Heaven, Flight Fantasia, Partners in Music, Heavenly Soldiers In
Camouflage etc. Among these, many have garnered the “Flying Apsaras Award” for
television dramas and other awards for movies. In addition, the troupe is also involved
in the production of many short drama series.
China Blue Sky Modern Drama Troupe, which has developed a unique artistic style,
continues to present innovative performances. As one of China’s most outstanding
and prominent drama troupes, it has won critical acclaim from critics and audiences
around the world. Also honoured as a “Star-Studded Troupe”, it is also recognised for
contributing significantly to the blossoming of the performing arts in China.
Annex 3
Production and Cast List
Opera Art Director
: Mo Yan
Wang Shuzeng
: Chen Wenyuan
: Wang Xiangming
Xiang Yu
Lü Zhi
Fan Zeng
Lady Yü
Wu Jingan
Xiao Xiong
Bai Zhidi
Hou Jilin
Guo Lun, Zhao Shiyue
Zhou Dongqi, Cai Quan
Stage Designer
Lighting Designer
Image Designer
Sound Designer
Artistic Designer
Makeup Artist
Scenic Designer
Costume Tailor
Spoken Parts Director
Lighting Crew
Log Keeper
Public Relations
Production Manager
Stage Manager
Graphic Designer
Chief Executive Producer
Dai Yannian, Li Ming
Tan Yang
Xu Jiawei
Shu Kelin
Ruan Qingxiang
Jiang Xiaomei
Zhang Jiansheng
Hou Gouliu
Tao Yongxiang
Wang Xia
Li Zhengwen, Ju Xigang
Dong Hehong
Ban Wei
Wang Shiyuan
Li Gang
Li Yang
He Xujing, Bai Ya’nan
Guo Xuxin
Shen Xiaomeng
Annex 4
Artists’ Biographies
Mo Yan
Eminent novelist Mo Yan has numerous works that have won critical acclaim from
critics and audiences worldwide. He has written nine full-length novels, including Red
Sorghum, Thirteen Steps, Wine Kingdom, 41 Bombs etc., and more than 20 novellas.
A prolific writer, Mo has authored more than 80 short stories and also penned several
theatrical plays and literary film scripts, including Red Sorghum, The Sun Listens,
Farewell My Concubine, Our Jingke etc. His works have been translated into many
languages and to date, he has published and distributed more than 60 translated titles
One of his most famous works, Red Sorghum, won the 4th National Novella Award.
His other awards include the Popular Literature Award, Taiwan United Daily News
Literary Award and The Republic of Wine (French version) was awarded a French
literary translation award. The highly acclaimed Sandalwood Sentence won the Top
10 Outstanding Books Award from Taiwan United Daily News in 2001, and the
Inaugural Dingjun Literary Award. Film productions that have been adapted from
Mo’s works include Red Sorghum, Happy Times, White Cotton and Red Forest etc.
Red Sorghum won the Golden Bear Award in the Berlin Film Festival in 1988, while
The Sun Listens won the Silver Bear Award in the same film festival in 1996. The
movie Nuan, which was adapted from Mo’s The White Dog and The Swing, bagged
both the Golden Unicorn Award in the Tokyo Film Festival and the Outstanding
Award of The Year in the Chinese Literature Media Awards in 2003.
Mo’s play Farewell My Concubine, was nominated for the Best Performance Award
at the 13th Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre. The play was also
awarded Cao Yu’s Outstanding Drama Award in the 7th China Drama Festival. Mo
was also named Best Playwright in the festival.
Wang Xiangming
Wang Xiangming is China’s National First Class director. His works include Gan Ba
La, Sacred Journey, City Military Signal, Xiangjiang River, Farewell My Concubine
Wang’s works are highly acclaimed both in China and internationally. In China, he
was awarded the Five One Project Award in 1994 and 1998. In addition, his works
clinched first prize in the 9th Wenhua New Repertory Award and the 2nd Quanjun
New Repertory Award. He was also awarded the Outstanding Drama Award in both
the 6th and 7th China Theatre Festival. Farewell My Concubine, which was directed by
Wang, was nominated for the Best Performance Award in the 13th Cairo International
Festival of Experimental Theatre.
Wang’s other awards include Cao Yu’s Drama Award in 1994, Best Director in the 6th
and 7th China Drama Festival, Zhenxing Award for Best Director in the 3rd China
Drama Awards and the Golden Lion Award for Best Director in the 10th China Drama
Awards. In addition, he was also conferred the Outstanding Director Award in the 1st,
2nd and 6th China Drama New Repertory Awards.
Wu Jingan
Xiang Yu
Wu Jingan is China’s National First Class actor. Leading roles in many productions
have bagged him several major theatre awards in China. His outstanding performance
in Special Barracks won him the Award for Best Performer (2nd Class). He was also
awarded the Golden Lion Award for Best Performer in the 3rd China Drama Golden
Lion Award and the China Drama Mianhua Award. In addition, he won the Best
Performer Award at the 7th China Drama Festival. Besides theatrical plays, Wu has
also starred in many award-winning movies.
Xiao Xiong
Lü Zhi
Xiao Xiong is China’s National First Class actress. She won the Plum Blossom
Award at the 19th China Drama Awards and Outstanding Performance Award at the
7th China Drama Festival. She also won the Golden Lion Award for Best Performer at
the 5th China Drama Golden Lion Award and the First Class Award at the 6th
Theatrical Festival. On top of theatrical plays, Xiao has also acted in numerous wellreceived movies and television productions, which have won her several acting
Bai Zhidi
Fan Zeng
Bai Zhidi is China’s National First Class actor. He was awarded the First Class
Performance Award at the 6th Theatrical Festival while his performance in Loving You
Is Not Easy clinched him the First Class Award for Best Performer. Bai was presented
with the Best Performer Award at the 7th China Drama Festival and received the
Golden Lion Award for Best Performer at the 5th China Drama Golden Lion Awards.
Once hailed as one of the Top 10 Best Television Actors, he has also participated in
numerous movie and television productions.
Hou Jiling
Lady Yu
Hou Jiling’s convincing and remarkable portrayal of Lady Yü in Farewell My
Concubine earned her a nomination for Best Actress at the 13th Cairo International
Festival of Experimental Theatre. At the 7th China Drama Festival, she was clinched
the Best Performer Award. In addition, Hou has given outstanding performances in
various television and movie productions.
Dai Yannian
Stage Designer
As a National First Class stage designer, Dai Yannian is recognised for his
outstanding stage design work in China. His works have won best stage design awards
at the National Theatre Awards and at the 5th, 6th and 7th Theatre Festival. In addition,
he has won the Outstanding Stage Design Award at the Inaugural New Repertory
Awards, Best Stage Design Award at the 2nd and 3rd New Literary and Artistic Work
Awards respectively. Dai is also a recipient of the Blue Sky Literary and Artistic
Award. His other accomplishments include Outstanding Stage Design Award at the
7th China Drama Festival and other design awards for stage and film productions.
Li Ming
Stage Designer
Li Ming is the winner of the Best Stage Design Award at the 7th China Drama Festival.
He has also won the Stage Design Award at the 9th New Literary and Artistic Work
Awards. In addition to theatrical plays, Li has done stage design for several films and
television productions.
Xu Jiawei
Costume and Image Designer
Xu Jiawei, who is recognised for his costume design for plays, has won the Second
Class Award at the 6th Literary and Artistic Work Awards for Special Barracks. Apart
from designing costumes, he does art design and also ventures into film and television
production. He also received an outstanding award in China’s New Age Paris Eiffel
Tower Arts Cup Painting and Calligraphy Grand Competition.