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Stephen G. Davenport
1. What is the alimentary canal? What are its two major functions? List the organs of the alimentary canal. What
are accessory digestive organs. Identify them.
2. List and briefly describe the six functions of the digestive process. Define peristalsis and segmentation.
3. From the lumen outward, list the four layers (tunics) of the alimentary canal.
Describe the following:
1. Mucosa: describe its typical epithelium, underlying connective tissue, and function.
2. Submucosa: describe the type of tissue and function
3. Muscularis: describe the type of tissue, arrangement, and function
4. Serosa: describe the type of tissue and function.
Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus
4. What structures form the mouth? Where is the vestibule? Describe the location of the oral cavity proper?
Describe the hard and soft palates and the uvula.
5. Describe the location and function of the tongue. Describe the three types of papillae on the surface of the
6. Name the three major salivary glands. What are the two types of secretory cells which contribute to the
production of saliva?
7. What are the two pharyngeal passageways for the passage of food?
8. What is the role of the mouth and associated accessory organs in ingestion, mechanical and chemical digestion,
and propulsion? How much absorption occurs in the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus?
9. Describe the location of the esophagus. What is the function of the gastroesophageal sphincter? How does the
esophagus differ structurally from the typical alimentary tract?
10. Describe the location of the stomach and the following regions: cardiac (cardia), fundus, body, pylorus, pyloric
sphincter, greater curvature, and lesser curvature. Describe the location of the lesser and greater omenta. Describe the histologic features: rugae, gastric glands, zymogenic cells, parietal cells, mucous neck cells, and
enteroendocrine cells. How many layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis?
11. What type of enzymatic digestion occurs in the stomach? For the adult, what is the stomach's enzyme? Where
is intrinsic factor produced? What is its function?
12. What substances are easily absorbed through the wall of the stomach?
13. What two mechanisms control secretion of gastric juice? Which autonomic division enhances secretory
activity (through which nerve)? What is the major hormone that promotes gastric secretion?
14. What triggers the cephalic (reflex) phase? What are the three most important stimuli (and how do they work)
for the production of gastrin in the gastric phase? What is the intestinal phase? What is intestinal (enteric) gastrin? What does the enterogastric reflex do? What are its three control mechanisms?
15. What is the function of secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and gastric inhibiting peptide (GIP)?
Small Intestine and Associated Structures
16. Identify the beginning and the end of the small intestine. What are its three regions? Describe the location and
function of the hepatopancreatic ampulla, duodenal papilla, and hepatopancreatic sphincter (sphincter of Oddi)
17. Describe three ways the small intestine is modified for absorption.
18. Describe the histology of the intestinal wall; include epithelium, intestinal crypts (crypts of Lieberkuhn),
Peyer's patches, and Brunner's glands.
19. What is the major stimulus for the production of intestinal juice? What are its functions?
20. Where is the liver located? Describe the location and function of the falciform ligament, hepatic duct, cystic
duct, and common bile duct. What two major vessels enter the liver?
21. What is the functional unit of the liver? Describe its structure; include: central vein, sinusoids, hepatocytes
(plates), hepatic macrophages (Kupffer cells), bile canaliculi. What are the three components of the portal
triad? What "type" of blood is carried by the hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery?
22. What is the function of bile salts? What is the enterohepatic circulation? What is the chief bile pigment?
Where does it come from?
23. Describe the location of the gallbladder. What is its function? What is the function of the sphincter of Oddi.
24. What are two stimuli for the contraction of the gallbladder? Which is the major stimulus? What are two other
functions for CCK?
25. Where is the pancreas located? What duct connects the pancreas with the duodenum? What are pancreatic
acini? What do the acinar cells produce? What do the epithelial cells of the ducts produce? What is the
function of pancreatic juice?
26. What regulates the secretion of pancreatic juice? Which is the most important regulatory mechanism? What
are the hormones, where do they originate, and what type of secretion do they promote?
Large Intestine
27. Give the location of the large intestine. What are its subdivisions? Where does it begin and end? What are its
general functions? What are the distinct regions of the colon?
28. Does enzymatic digestion occur in the large intestine? Define: haustral contractions, mass movements,
gastrocolic reflex, and defecation.
Chemical Digestion
29. What are the monomers of carbohydrates? What are the three monomers common in our diet? What are two
disaccharides common in our diet? What are two polysaccharides common in our diet? Where does starch
digestion begin? Where does the majority of carbohydrate digestion occur? List several enzymes.
30. What are the monomers of proteins? Where does protein digestion begin? What is the protein digesting
enzyme produced by the stomach? What produces the remaining protein digesting enzymes? List several enzymes.
31. Where does lipid digestion occur? What are lipases, and where are they produced? What is emulsification?
How is an emulsion produced in the small intestine?
32. What are the monomers of nucleic acids? Where does nucleic acid digestion occur? What are nucleases? What
do the brush border enzymes do?
33. Where and how are the most end-products of digestion absorbed (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids)? What
are micelles and chylomicrons? Where are chylomicrons transported?
1. Define nutrient. What are the six categories of nutrients? What are essential nutrients?
2. What is the source of the majority of our dietary carbohydrates? Give examples of plant and animal dietary
carbohydrates. What are the end products of dietary carbohydrate digestion? Describe three ways the body
uses monosaccharides.
3. What is the source of the majority of our dietary lipids. Give examples of plant and animal dietary lipids.
What are the end products of dietary lipid digestion? Describe three ways the body uses fatty acids and
4. What is the source of the highest-quality proteins? Give examples of plant and animal dietary sources.
Describe several ways the body uses proteins.
5. What are vitamins? What are coenzymes? What are two major classes of vitamins?
6. What are minerals? How many are "required in adequate" amounts for normal body functions? What are they?
7. Define: glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. What cells are most active in these processes? When and why do
these take place?
8. Define gluconeogenesis. When and why does this take place?
9. Define: lipogenesis and lipolysis. When and why do these take place?
10. Is the absorptive state catabolic or anabolic? What is the major source of energy during the absorptive state?
What are ingested fats and amino acids used for? What happens to excess metabolites?
11. What is the primary goal of the postabsorptive state? What are four ways blood glucose can be maintained?
Complete Laboratory exercise #32.Complete #32 at