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Start/End Card
Start with
The physical characteristics of a habitat
End with
An organism that can trap an inorganic carbon source
(carbon dioxide) using energy from light or from
Chi-squared test
The maximum size of a population or a process that can
be supported sustainably (that is over a long time period)
in a particular habitat.
A statistical procedure used to determine whether the
means of two samples differ significantly
Climax community
The final community in a succession.
Carrying capacity
Growing different crops in a field in successive years.
Abiotic factors
All of the living organisms of all species, and all of the
non-living components, that are found together in a
defined area and that interact with each other.
An increase in the nitrates, phosphates or organic
content of aquatic systems.
Crop or livestock production from land with little or no
fertilizer added (less than 20kg per hectare per year).
Yields are usually low
Crop rotation
The conversion of gaseous nitrogen N2, into a more
reactive form such as nitrate or ammonia.
Intraspecific competition
A term normally describing the whereabouts of an
organism within an ecosystem
An organism needing a supply of organic molecules as
its carbon source.
Fixation of nitrogen
A fertiliser containing inorganic ions, such as nitrate,
ammonium, potassium and phosphate ions.
Competition between members of different species
Competition between members of the same species
The one factor, of many affecting a process, that is
nearest its lowest value and hence is rate-limiting
Inorganic fertiliser
The particular role filled by a species
Organic fertiliser
Farming without using synthetic chemicals as fertilisers
or pesticides.
Extensive farming
A fertiliser containing organic substances such as urea,
for example farmyard manure or mushroom compost
Pioneer plant
A statistical procedure used to determine whether
observed numbers or ratios differ significantly from
those expected.
Interspecific competition
All the individuals of a species living in an area at the
same time and that can interbreed with one another.
Limiting factor
An animal that feeds by killing other organisms
Secondary succession
The succession that occurs on an area where no living
things were originally present.
Organic farming
A square area within which sampling of a community can
take place.
The succession taking place in an area where some
vegetation was already present.
A plant which can colonise newly-cleared or disturbed
A line along which sampling of a habitat is carried out.
Primary succession