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Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
VOCABULARY REVIEW Distinguish between the terms in each of the
following groups of terms.
1. parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells ____________________
2. dermal tissue system, ground tissue system, vascular tissue system
3. apical meristems, intercalary meristems, lateral meristems
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____ 1. Which of the following plant cells is dead at maturity?
a. epidermal cell b. companion cell c. vessel element
d.collenchyma cell
_____ 2. The conducting parenchyma cell of angiosperm phloem is called a
a. sieve tube member.
c. stoma.
b. tracheid.
d. cuticle.
_____ 3. Intercalary meristems are found in some
a. conifers.
b. gymnosperms. c.
_____ 4. In woody stems and roots, the epidermis is replaced by
a. the vascular cambium.
apical meristems.
b. cork cells.
sieve plates.
_____ 5. Primary growth refers to
a. the germination of a seedling.
b. an increase in the length of a plant.
c. an increase in the diameter of a stem.
d. growth produced by the lateral meristems.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1. What type of parenchyma cell is found in the nonwoody parts of plants, and what
are the functions of this cell type? _____________________________________
2. Describe the appearance, primary function, and location of collenchyma cells.
3. In what parts of a plant would you expect to find sclerenchyma cells?
4. What kinds of meristems are found in monocots, and where are they located?
What kinds of meristems are found in dicots, and where are they located?
5. Critical Thinking Why is it advantageous for plants to have water-transporting
cells that are dead?
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS The drawings below depict the major
components of xylem and phloem. Identify the structures labeled a–d. In the
spaces below the drawings labeled e–g, name the type of component each
drawing represents.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1. adventitious root ___________________________________________________
2. cortex ____________________________________________________________
3. pericycle _________________________________________________________
4. macronutrient _____________________________________________________
5. micronutrient ______________________________________________________
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____ 1. One example of a plant with a fibrous root system is a
a. carrot.
b. cottonwood.
c. radish.
_____ 2. All of the following adaptations increase the ability of roots to absorb
water except
a. root caps.
c. fibrous root systems.
b. root hairs.
d. mycorrhizal associations.
_____ 3. The cortex of a primary root is made of
a. epidermal cells. b. parenchyma cells. c.vascular tissues.d. pith.
_____ 4. Roots perform all of the following functions except
a. absorbing water and minerals from the soil.
b. anchoring the plant in the soil.
c. carrying out the light reactions of photosynthesis.
d. storing water and organic compounds.
_____ 5. One of the micronutrients plants absorb is
a. manganese. b. nitrogen.
potassium. d. carbon.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1. What kind of tissue forms the innermost cylinder of a root? _________________
2. What cells divide to form lateral roots? _________________________________
3. Where does a vascular cambium form during secondary growth in roots?
4. What structures does this vascular cambium produce, and where are they
produced? ______________
5. Name four macronutrients in plants. ____________________________________
6. Critical Thinking Would you expect water absorption to be greater in parts of
roots that have undergone secondary growth or in parts that have not? Explain
your reasoning. _____________________
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS The drawings below show cross sections of
a monocot root and a dicot root. Identify the structures labeled a–f. In the
spaces below the drawings, name the type of root each drawing represents.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
VOCABULARY REVIEW Distinguish between the terms in each of the
following pairs of terms.
1. heartwood, sapwood ________________________________________________
2. springwood, summerwood ___________________________________________
3. source, sink _______________________________________________________
4. translocation, transpiration ___________________________________________
5. pith, wood ________________________________________________________
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____ 1. Which of the following are found in both roots and stems?
a. buds
b. vascular tissues c. nodes
d. internodes
_____ 2. Lateral stems arise from meristems located
a. randomly along the main stem. c. between the bark and the wood.
b. deep inside the main stem.
d. at nodes on the surface of the
main stem.
_____ 3. One difference between monocot stems and dicot stems is that monocot
stems usually
a. have vascular bundles arranged in a ring.
b. replace primary tissues with secondary tissues.
c. retain the primary growth pattern their entire lives.
d. have secondary growth.
_____ 4. In a stem cross section, an annual ring represents an abrupt change
a. summerwood and springwood. c. bark and cork.
b. heartwood and sapwood.
d. xylem and phloem.
_____ 5. The driving force for transpiration is provided by
a. water pressure in.
c. the evaporation of water from the
the roots
b. water tension in the stems.
d. the hydrolysis of ATP.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1. What structures on a stem are analogous to the root cap on a root?
How do these structures differ from a root cap? ___________________________
2. Explain how evaporation, tension, cohesion, and adhesion are involved in the
movement of water through a plant. ____________________________________
3. Critical Thinking Besides serving as a conduit for water, what other function
does wood have in trees and other woody plants? How is this function important
in stimulating photosynthesis?
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS The diagram below represents the
movement of carbohydrates in a plant as described by the pressure-flow
model. Identify the structures labeled a–d and the substances that are
transported along the arrows labeled e–i.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1. petiole ___________________________________________________________
2. mesophyll ________________________________________________________
3. guard cell _________________________________________________________
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____ 1. A leaf that is divided into leaflets is called a
a. simple leaf. b. compound leaf. c. veined leaf.
d. parallel leaf.
_____ 2. Leaves consist of
a. dermal tissue only.
b. dermal tissue and ground tissue only.
c. ground tissue and vascular tissue only.
d. dermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue.
_____ 3. One adaptation that reduces water loss from leaves without reducing the
rate of photosynthesis is the
a. closure of stomata during the night.
b. closure of stomata during a water shortage.
c. presence of large numbers of stomata.
d. presence of epidermal hairs.
_____ 4. Most photosynthesis occurs in a portion of the leaf called the
a. vascular bundle.
c. palisade mesophyll.
b. spongy mesophyll.
d. upper epidermis.
_____ 5. Leaves that develop in full sun
a. are thicker.
b. have a larger area per leaf.
c. have fewer chloroplasts per unit area.
d. have minimal shading of one chloroplast by another.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1. Describe three adaptations of leaves for functions besides photosynthesis.
2. What is the usual function of the epidermal hairs on a leaf?
3. What are the products of photosynthesis in a leaf used for, and where are they
used within the plant?
4. Explain how potassium ions are involved in the opening of stomata.
5. Critical Thinking Why would an agricultural practice that eliminated
transpirational water loss be disadvantageous for plants? ____________________
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Identify the structures labeled a–f in the
drawing of the internal structure of a leaf shown below.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Modern Biology
Plant Cells and Tissues