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Let’s Ride the Digestive System!
• There’s a new ride in town, and all of the kids cant wait for
it to open It’s called the Digestive Roller Coaster Ride, and it
teaches everyone the functions of the Digestive system and
how it works.
• Tomorrows its opening day and Ms. Roger’s Class is taking a
trip to Human Body Amusement Park to ride it and learn all
about the Digestive System.
• The day has come and everyone gets on the bus to head to
the park. When they arrive the park attendant tells them a
little more about the ride and the functions of the system
that the ride represents. He said the The digestive system
consists of the _________, ____________, __________,
_____, ____ ____________, ________, _____ __________,
and a ____ ___________.
• The Attendant asked the class that he would give
them a organ from the digestive system and if they
could tell him the correct function he would give
them a prize.
Attendant: What is the function of the mouth?
Attendant: What is the function of the esophagus?
Attendant: What is the function of the stomach?
• Attendant: What is the function of the Liver?
• Attendant: What is the function of the Gall
• Attendant: What is the function of the
• Attendant: What is the function of the small
Attendant: What is the function of the
large intestine and the rectum?
• Attendant: Now were off to the ride ! Is
everyone ready? Class: Yes ! As everyone takes
turns riding the new ride something happens
to the roller coaster causing it to come to a
complete stop. The attendant say there must
be something wrong with it. He explains to
the students that this can also happen in the
digestive system. If any type of disease were
to get into it!
The Circulatory System
Can you feel it?!
Exercise: finding your pulse
What are you feeling?
When feeling your pulse, you are feeling the
pressure exerted on your arteries from each heart
How many bpm (beats per minute) is an average resting heart rate?
60-100 bpm
Components of
the Circulatory
Do you know how much blood is in your body?
There are ______ of blood in your body. Let’s look at how much that is!
Blood Composition
_____________- 45% of blood
- Carry oxygen to cells and picks
up carbon dioxide to deliver to
the lungs
- What gives blood its red color
- There are about 5,000,000
cells in a speck of blood
______________- less than 1%
- Fight infections
- Colorless
- Larger than red blood cells;
about 10,000 in a speck of blood
__________- about 5% of blood
- Helps blood to clot or thicken
- Smaller than RBC
- About 250,000 in a speck of blood
________- more than 50% of blood
- Carries RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and
other nutrients throughout the
- Blood vessels that always
carry blood _______ from
the heart.
- Have _______ muscular
walls which allow them
sustain ________ amounts
of blood pressure.
- Have a pulse.
- Arteries are_______ under
the skin, and branch off at
their ends into tiny
arterioles which join to
- Blood vessels that always
carry blood _____ the
- Have extremely _____
- Do not have a pulse.
- Have _____________ that
stop back-flow of blood.
- Near the _________ of
the skin, and branch off at
their beginnings into tiny
venules which join to
An extremely important
network that _________
all of the arteries and
veins throughout the
Primary location for
where nutrients and
_________ get
transferred from the
bloodstream and
delivered to the cells.
Waste products, such
as __________, are
picked up by the
Did you know your heart is
a little bit bigger than the size
of your ______?
The Heart
It is a muscular
______ and its main
function is to pump
blood throughout
the body so cells and
tissues can receive
the vital materials in
the blood that they
Anatomy of the heart
Atria: holding chambers
Ventricles: pump chambers
- ______ ventricle: pumps blood to
the lungs to get oxygenated
- ______ ventricle: pumps
oxygenated blood to the body
___________ arteries: carries
deoxygenated blood to the lungs to
pick up oxygen.
______________ veins: carries
oxygenated blood from the lungs
back to the heart
____________: Largest artery in the
body that the left ventricle pumps
blood into
___________: deoxygenated blood
comes through these veins and
empties into the right atrium.
How does blood get oxygen?
Beads and Blood Flow!
5 blue beads (deoxygenated blood), White (heart), 5 blue
beads (deoxygenated blood), grey (lungs), 5 red beads
(oxygenated blood), White (heart), 5 red beads
(oxygenated blood), black (body).