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Study Guide 1
1. How people, goods and Ideas get from one place to another is which theme of
2. Building a new highway is an example of which theme of geography? HEI
3. Where we live is an example of which theme? Location
4. Describing what is at a location is an example of which theme? Place
5. An area with a unifying characteristic such as a dessert is an example of which
theme? REGION .
6. Prehistory took place before the development of WRITING
7. During the Stone Ages people shifted from hunting & gathering to FARMING .
8. Systems of writing, organized religion, Skilled workers/artisans, Government &
education are characteristics of CIVILIZATION.
9. People were able to develop skills other than farming due to SURPLUS CROPS.
10. Mesopotamia was located between the TIGRIS & EUPHRATES Rivers.
11. Mesopotamia is located in a large moon-shaped area of land that was great for
farming called the FERTILE CRESCENT_.
12. Mesopotamia is in the modern country of IRAQ.
13. The early development of writing known as cuneiform took place in: SUMER
14. Egypt is located in Northeast AFRICA.
15. Egypt depended heavily on the NILE River.
16. A person that is part of a group made up of similar background and wealth refers
to social CLASS
17. The Pyramids in Egypt show that the Ancient Egyptians held a strong belief in the
18. The Himalaya Mountains separate the rest of Asia from the sub-continent of
19. Monsoons had a great impact on the way people lived in INDIA & CHINA
20. Buddhism & HINDUISM started in India.
21. What continent are India & China in? ASIA.
22. What two rivers were important to China’s history? CHANG JAING & HUANG
23. Civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, and China all started because
24. The worship of many gods is called POLYTHEISM.
25. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all examples of MONOTHEISM.
26. The Phoenicians invented a new system of writing called the ALPHABET.
27. Greece is located on the BALKAN peninsula.
28. Greece is in the continent of EUROPE.
29. Ancient Greeks practiced a form of polytheism known as GREEK MYTHOLOGY.
30. In Athens Greece people formed a new type of government called a direct
31. A great Athenian named PERICLES was very instrumental in helping form
democracy in Athens, Greece.
32. The U.S. has an indirect, or, representative DEMOCRACY.
33. Another term for a representative democracy is a REPUBLIC.
34. The Greek City-State that had an open society was ATHENS
35. . The Greek City-State that was more warlike was SPARTA.
36. The Greeks, particularly the Athenians & Spartans, fought a series of battles
against the PERSIANS made famous in the movie 300.
37. Homer Made the two stories the “Iliad & the ODYSSEY famous.
38. Most of Odysseus’ journey takes place on the MEDITERRANEAN Sea.
39. Aristotle, Plato, & Socrates were all famous Greek PHILOSOPHERS.
Study Guide 1
40. The Greeks developed two forms of drama called COMEDY & TRAGEDY.
41. Greek architecture has influenced architecture in our society. For example, the
Lincoln Center is very similar to the PARTHENON
42. A Greek doctor developed a list of rules for doctors to pledge to follow. It is still
used to day & is called the Hippocratic OATH.
43. ALEXANDER THE GREAT from MACADONIA conquered most of the known
world and is honored in history for spreading Greek ideas, knowledge & culture.
44. Rome is located in the country of ITALY.
45. Italy is on the ITALIAN Peninsula.
46. Ancient Rome started out with a form of government called a REPUBLIC.
47. Julius Caesar was the governor of a Roman province called GAUL, which makes
up the modern country of FRANCE.
48. Julius Caesar was assassinated by members of the Roman SENATE.
49. His grand-nephew, Augustus, became the first Roman EMPEROR.
50. Areas controlled and governed by Rome were called PROVINCES.
51. GLADIATORS fought against men & animals in the Roman Coliseum.
52. The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred around AD 500.
53. After the fall of Rome a new period began in Western Europe called the MIDDLE
AGES, which lasted from about AD 500 to AD 1500.
54. The BLACK DEATH /PLAGUE was one of the most devastating pandemics in
human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350.
55. The Plaque killed practically 2/3 of the population in Western Europe.
56. The first CRUSADE was called by POPE URBAN II in 1095 with the stated goal
of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem.
57. MONKS lived in monasteries.
58. The relationship between kings & vassals was called FEUDALISM.
59. Wealth was based on land in the Middle Ages. The large areas of land given to
vassals were called FIEFS.
60. A new social class emerged toward the end of the Middle Ages. This class was
made up of MERCHANTS.
61. With the Black Death ending a new era began between AD 1350 & AD 1500 in
Western Europe, (particularly in Florence, Italy) that brought a renewed interest in
classical art, science, and knowledge (from the Greeks & Romans). This new era
was called the RENAISSANCE.
62. Martin Luther, a German monk started the Protestant REFORMATION.
63. The Ganges & Indus Rivers were important to THE INDUS RIVER
Study Guide 1
Alphabet – Pericles – Republic (twice) – Sparta – Democracy
Chang Jaing - Huang He - India (twice) - Asia – Hinduism
Rivers - polytheism -Odyssey (twice) – Mesopotamia
Parthenon – Philosophers – Oath – Comedy - Tragedy
Human Environment Interaction - Movement - Place ––
Afterlife – civilization – Athens - Balkan– Emperor – Indus Valley
Farming – Writing – Surplus crops – Africa– Iraq – Region
Sumer –– Nile – Location - Tigris - Euphrates - Fertile Crescent
– Monotheism - Italy – Italian - Two Thirds - Class - Europe
Alexander the Great – Gaul – Provinces – Senate– Reformation
Black Death – AD 500 – Gladiators – Crusade – Middle Ages –
Pope Urban II – Merchants – Feudalism – Renaissance –Monks
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Geography Themes, Latitude & Longitude
Agrarian Revolution, Sumerians
Egyptian Pharaohs, Mummies
Athens, Olympics, Homer, Democracy, Greek Gods
The Roman Republic, The Rise of the Roman Empire,The Fall of the Roman
Empire, Pax Romana, Silk Road
Middle Ages:
Feudalism, Magna Carta, The Middle Ages
Michelangelo Buonarrati, Leonard Da Vinci
Study Guide 1