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Sociological Research Methods
Robert Wonser
Introduction to Sociology
Lesson Outline
An Overview of Research Methods
Qualitative Methods
Quantitative Methods
Issues in Sociological Research
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Sociology and Common Sense
 True or False:
 U.S. black/white income gap has
narrowed significantly in recent years.
 The ratio of black-to-white family income
has consistently been around 55-60% ever
since the major civil rights laws were
passed in the 1960s. There has been some
fluctuation, but not much (Farley 1995, in
Farley 1998).
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Sociology and Common Sense
 True or False:
 On average, men have a higher
tolerance for both pain and
temperature extremes than women do.
 On average, women tolerate pain, heat,
and cold better than men do when
physiological tests are performed. However,
U.S. culture socializes men to be “tough”
more than it does women–so women may
often act wimpier!
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Sociology and Common Sense
 True or False:
 Most homeless people choose to be
 Only ~ 6% of homeless people are that
way by choice (Kendall 2000). 40+% of
homeless adults are actually employed.
(Population Review Bureau supplement).
Over 1/4 of homeless women get that way
fleeing domestic violence.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Sociology and Common Sense
 True or False:
 Teenage pregnancies have increased
dramatically since the 1950s.
 Actually, they decreased over past half
century; teens less likely to marry/start
family. Percentage of teen pregnancies
involving unmarried teens increased
dramatically (but even that has been
dropping since the early 1990s). (Kendall
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
An Overview of Research Methods
 Quantitative research uses data that
can easily be converted into numbers,
such as a survey or an experiment.
 Qualitative research involves data
that cannot easily be converted to
numbers, such as observation or
informal interviews.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
An Overview of Research Methods
 Most sociological research uses the
scientific method, which is the
standard for acquiring and verifying
empirical (scientific) knowledge.
 Why is the use of the scientific
method so important?
 What is the alternative?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
An Overview of Research Methods
 After conducting a literature
review, are searcher forms a
hypothesis (study time affects exam
grade) stating a potential relationship
between two or more variables
(study time, exam grade).
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
An Overview of Research Methods
 These variables must be clearly
defined so that they can be
 Variables must be operationalized,
that is defined in such a way that can
be measured.
 Finally, data is collected and the
hypothesis can be tested.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Qualitative Methods
 One way to collect to data is through
ethnography, a naturalistic method based
on studying people in their own
environment in order to understand the
meanings they attribute to their activities.
 Ethnography is often a two-part activity:
active participation in and observation of a
naturally occurring setting, and a written
account (field notes) of what goes on there.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Qualitative Methods
 In participant observation the
researcher both observes and
becomes a member in a social
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Qualitative Methods
 Interviews involve direct, face-to-face
contact with respondents, and often can
generate large amounts of qualitative data.
 As in most research, the researcher
identifies the target population that she
wishes to study, and then selects a sample
of people to be interviewed from that
 Why use a sample?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Qualitative Methods (cont)
 Interviews:
 A closed-ended question imposes a limit on
the possible responses: for example, “Are you
for or against couples living together before they
are married?”
 An open-ended question allows the answer to
take whatever from the respondent chooses:
“What do you think about couples living together
before they are married?”
 Why use one over the other?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Quantitative Methods
 Surveys are questionnaires that are
administered to a sample of respondents
selected from a target population.
 Survey research tends to look at largescale social patterns and employs statistics
and other mathematical means of analysis.
 Most commonly used research method in
 How come?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Quantitative Methods (cont)
 Experiments are formal tests of
specific variables and effects that are
performed in a controlled setting
where all aspects of the situation can
be controlled.
 Used to demonstrate cause and effect
 Least commonly used method in
 How come?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Quantitative Methods (cont)
 Many experiments involve using an
experimental group, which is the
part of the test group that receives
the experimental treatment, and a
control group, which is the part of
the test group that is allowed to
continue without intervention so that
it can be compared with the
experimental group.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Quantitative Methods (cont)
 A researcher will investigate whether
an independent variable (IV)
causes changes in the dependent
variable (DV).
 IV comes first (time order)
 DV is effected by the IV; comes after
the IV in time
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Existing Sources
 Existing Sources refer to any data that
has already been collected by earlier
researchers and is available for future
 This can include sources such as census
data, newspapers, photography, and
cultural artifacts.
 Using existing data is usually less involved
than collecting original data and also gives
researchers access to distant places and
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Issues in Sociological Research
 The research methods described so
far are often applied outside the field
of sociology.
 Some examples include the US
Census, political campaign offices,
business, and market research.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Issues in Sociological Research
 Most sociologists believe that they should
not allow their personal beliefs to influence
their research.
 Max Weber wrote the classic sociological
statement on this issue.
 He coined the phrase value-free
sociology, an ideal whereby researchers
identify facts without allowing their own
personal beliefs or biases to interfere.
 How likely is this?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Issues in Sociological Research
 The American Sociological Association
has developed its own set of code of
ethics to assist researchers avoid
bias, adhere to professional
standards, and protect respondents
from harm.
 ASA Code of Ethics
 Why is a code of ethics necessary?
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Take Away Points
 Sociology uses the scientific method
to understand society.
 This can be done either qualitatively
(rich, detailed data and thick
descriptions) or quantitatively (using
data easily converted into numbers)
or a combination of both.
 Ethics plays a crucial role in the study
of human social activity.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Lesson Quiz
1. The individuals that a sociologist
interviews as part of a research
project would be a part of the:
a. sample.
b. experimental group.
c. dependent variable.
d. control group.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Lesson Quiz
2. The following question, “What do you
think about couples living in sin?”
would be an example of a/an:
a. leading question.
b. informed question.
c. double-barreled question.
d. closed-ended question.
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
Lesson Quiz
3. What would the independent variable
be in an experiment where a
sociologist is testing whether or not
watching television impacts a
student’s grade on an exam?
a. the student
b. the researcher
c. the exam grade
d. the watching of television
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods
4. Who coined the phrase “value-free
a. Karl Marx
b. Max Weber
c. Emile Durkheim
d. W.E.B. DuBois
Introduction to Sociology:
Sociological Research Methods