Download Chapter 7 – Our Planetary System 7.1 Studying the Solar System

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Chapter 7 – Our Planetary System
7.1 Studying the Solar System
What does the solar system look like?
There are ___________ major planets with nearly circular orbits.
Pluto and Eris are smaller than the major planets and have more elliptical orbits – these are
called _______________ _________________.
Planets mostly orbit in same _______________ (counterclockwise) and nearly in same
What can we learn by comparing the planets to one another?
Comparing the planets reveals patterns among them.
Those patterns provide insights that help us understand our own planet.
Terrestrial Planets -
Gas Giants
What are the major features of the Sun and planets?
Planets are very tiny compared to distances between them.
Over 99.9% of solar system’s ___________________
Made mostly of ____________________________ gas (plasma)
Converts 4 million tons of mass into ________________________ each second
Made of _____________________________; large iron core
Desolate, _________________________; long, tall, steep cliffs; no _______________________
Very hot and very cold: 425C or 800 F(day), –170C or -275 F (night)
Nearly identical in __________________ to Earth; surface hidden by clouds
Hellish conditions due to an extreme ______________________________________________
Even __________________ than Mercury: 470C or 880 F, day and night
Only planet with ___________________ (so far)
The only surface ____________________________ water in the solar system
A surprisingly __________________________ moon
A thin atmosphere but you can’t breathe it – no ________________________
Giant volcanoes, a huge canyon, polar caps, more
Liquid water flowed in distant past; could there have been life?
Much _____________________ from Sun than inner planets
Mostly _____________________________; no solid surface
300 times more _____________________ than Earth
Many _______________, ______________________
Jupiter’s 4 largest moons are called ____________________moons
Io: active ________________________all over
Europa: possible subsurface _______________________
Ganymede: ________________________moon in solar system
Callisto: a large, cratered “_________________________________”
_____________________ and _________________ like Jupiter
Many moons, including cloudy _____________________, the only moon with an atmosphere
Spectacular __________________
Rings are ________________________; they are made of countless small chunks of ice
and rock, each orbiting like a tiny moon.
The Cassini probe has been orbiting and studying Saturn since 2004
Smaller than Jupiter/Saturn; much larger than Earth
Made of H/He gas and hydrogen compounds (H2O, NH3, CH4)
Extreme axis _______________
Also has ___________ and _________________
Similar to Uranus (except for axis tilt)
Many moons (including Triton)
Pluto and other dwarf planets
Much __________________ than major planets
Icy, comet-like composition
Orbit the sun but on a ________________________________ than the “regular” planets