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Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools
Student Health Services
Communicable Diseases
Prevention, Control, and Exclusion Criteria
Students are excluded from school in cases of communicable diseases. When a student is
suspected of having one of the following communicable diseases, it is the responsibility of the
parent to take the child to the local health department or the student’s healthcare provider for
verification and treatment before that student can return to school.
(Pink Eye)
(Head Lice)
Infection (Strep)
Infections (Staph)
Exclusion Criteria
Student is excluded for at least five (5) days after
the rash appears or until all blisters have formed
Student is excluded from school if:
 Eye(s) is (are) severely red and somewhat
 There is a yellow (purulent)
 Child excessively rubs the itching eye(s).
 Condition is suspected to be a bacterial or viral
 Condition has lasted more than three (3) days.
 There is an epidemic in the school or it appears
that cases are being transmitted from one
student to another.
Student is excluded from school if he/she has more
than three to four sores and until seen by a
physician and treated with a prescription antibiotic
for 24 hours.
Student is excluded until physician’s approval is
given and student is no longer contagious.
Student is excluded from school until treated with
a prescription antibiotic for 24 hours.
Any student found with live lice will be excluded
until they have shown proof of treatment and are
rechecked and found to be lice free.
Student is excluded until one (1) treatment with
prescription medication is completed.
Authorization Note Required from
Health Department or Healthcare
Yes, if condition determined to be a
bacterial infection. Also, must show
proof of treatment with prescription
antibiotic eye drops for a minimum of
24 hours.
Note: Viral infections often improve
without medical intervention;
however, remain contagious when eye
drainage or discharge is present.
Yes. Draining lesions must be covered.
Provider note is not required;
however, must be rechecked and
found to be free of live lice and show
proof of treatment.
Provider note is not required;
however, must show proof that one
full treatment was received.
Student is excluded from school until treated with
a prescription antibiotic for 24 hours.
Student is excluded from school until treated with
a prescription antibiotic for 24 hours.
Management of Communicable Diseases and Conditions
The objective of the district’s communicable diseases prevention and control program is to be
aware of communicable diseases occurring in the school environment in order to ensure
prompt treatment and institute measures to prevent spread.
General Guidelines for Case Management
1. The school nurse and Nash County Health Department Communicable Disease Program
staff will serve as consultants to school personnel on questions regarding communicable
2. The school nurse will provide communicable disease follow-up in school as directed by Nash
County Health Department’s Nurse Coordinator for Communicable Diseases.
3. The school nurse and/or school staff will notify parents and arrange for children to go home
when they have one or more of the following symptoms:
 Fever of 100.4or higher (The student must remain at home until fever-free for 24
hours without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol, Motrin, or Advil.);
 Vomiting;
 Diarrhea;
 Severe headache;
 Red, watery eyes with yellow drainage;
 Undiagnosed rash; or
 General malaise/discomfort such that student cannot participate in class.
4. The school nurse will advise the principal and refer immediately any suspected cases of
highly infectious and/or reportable communicable disease to the Nash County Health
5. The principal/school nurse will notify other parents regarding a confirmed communicable
disease if determined necessary by the Nash County Health Department.
6. School personnel should consult with the nurse regarding a suspected communicable
condition or skin infection and refer the child to the nurse for assessment and evaluation.
7. The school nurse and school staff will implement measures to control spread of the
communicable disease as directed by the Nash County Health Department.
8. The school nurse and school staff will educate students in the prevention of disease spread
through personal hygiene measures, especially good hand-washing techniques.
9. The school nurse, when made aware of a student with a chronic illness that alters the
immune system or causes anemia (i.e., cancer, leukemia, sickle-cell anemia), should alert
the student’s parent in the event that highly contagious illness occurs in the student’s
10. The school principal and administrative staff will assure that soap and paper towels are
maintained in all restrooms and other hand-washing areas.
Revised 10/2014