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Study Guide: Disease Test
The Lymphatic System
1. What are lymphocytes?
2. In the Magic School Bus video, what caused Ralphie to get sick?
3. What is the purpose of the Lymphatic System?
Communicable Diseases
What is a pathogen?
What are the three types of pathogen?
What is a communicable disease?
What is the easiest way to prevent getting a communicable disease?
What are three ways that communicable diseases can be transmitted?
Ear infections, Ringworm, Chicken pox, Influenza, Hepatitis B, and Measles are all
examples of communicable diseases. List three more examples of communicable
Non-Communicable Diseases
10. How often should people ages 15 and older get a regular check-up/medical examination?
11. What is a non-communicable disease? Are non-communicable diseases contagious?
12. Explain how to do a self-exam for either breast cancer or testicular cancer.
13. Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Prostate Cancer are all examples of non-communicable
diseases. List three more examples of non-communicable diseases.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
14. What does the CDC do? What’s its main purpose?
15. What is an emerging infectious disease?
16. Is Ebola an example of an emerging infectious disease? Why/why not?
Calling the Shots
17. What is the connection between vaccines and autism? Are they related? If so, how?
18. What is “herd immunity” and how does it work?
19. What is Type 1 Diabetes?
20. How is Type 1 Diabetes treated?
21. What is Type 2 Diabetes?
22. How is Type 2 Diabetes treated?
23. What increases an individual’s risk of Type 2 Diabetes?
Review for the Test
24. What are three ways to avoid diseases?
25. Benign and Malignant tumors are different. How?
Prompt: Set a SMART Goal to practice strategies for preventing communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
Instructions: Read the following example and then create a SMART goal of your own using the
above prompt.
My goal is to __wash my hands before I eat dinner_ so I don’t get a __communicable___ disease
this year. I will begin this today, and continue this strategy every day until the last day of school
(June 2017). I will spend _1_ minute from 5:00pm-5:01pm everyday doing this activity using the
kitchen sink at my house. I want to do this because I don’t want to get a _communicable__
disease this year and I want to stay healthy.
26. Your SMART Goal: