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Notes on… The Tang Dynasty (618 AD-907 AD)
The Tang Dynasty is sometimes thought of as China’s ______________________. After
another period of warlordism between rival kingdoms, the Tang again ______________ China,
as the _______________________ had many years earlier. The Tang Dynasty built and used a
lot of _______________________, such as ___________, roads, bridges and _______________.
Their government was based on _______________________. They had many effective
laws. They had an efficient government with many ______________, such as State Affairs,
Police, International Affairs, Tax Affairs etc. This type of government was very large, but very
efficient if everyone would do their job. It was most parents’ dreams that their son would go to
work for the government, often, with what little money they had, they would pay for a
_____________ to teach their son about _______________.
The Tang also ___________________ land equally. Many Chinese of the Tang grew
__________ to eat, and to sell. Since the Tang Dynasty extended all the way to
______________, Chinese goods could be sold all over the Eastern Hemisphere. Also, the
religion of _________________ became very popular once a again and was spread to
_____________ and _____________.
The Army was controlled by the ________________, or the rich. They had control of the
army because they owned all of the horses, and most fighting that occurred was on the
____________________, so it was necessary to have horses.
Similar to the fall of the Han Dynasty, the Tang fell apart when the
____________________ wanted more power. Once they began to fight the government, it
caused struggle for the ______________, who in turn joined the rebellion and overthrew the
Tang Dynasty.
Notes on… The Song Dynasty
The Song Dynasty lasted from 960 AD-1279 AD. It was after the ___________ and
effectively used many of their _________________ ideas in its government. Like the Tang, it is
considered part of the __________________________ because of its great refinement in Chinese
________________, ________________ and __________________. Since there were so many
contributions to these things from all over China, it is clear that all of the Chinese had
_________________, and that although they may disagree politically, their common language
and culture now bound them all.
The Song Dynasty saw that fighting the _______________ would not work, they also
saw that giving in to the aristocracy would not work. The Song Dynasty chose to slowly weed
out the aristocratic families over long periods of time. By the 1100’s, there was almost no
aristocracy left, and China was as equal as it had ever been.
The Song Dynasty, however was conquered the Mongols to the north of China. Though
strong, the Song Dynasty was no match for _______________ who had just united all of the
Mongol tribes and was on his way to building the largest land empire ever created.