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Christiana Byrne
EEL 301 B
Assured Reading Assignment
Name of Text: Glencoe World History (Florida Edition)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2005
Unit of Study/Chapter: Chapter 2 (Western Asia and Egypt): Section 2 (Egyptian
Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”)
Pages: 45-53
Timeframe: 3 Days
Egyptian Civilization: "The Gift of the Nile"
Egyptian civilization grew out of the farming economy along the Nile. Historians
describe three major periods in early Egyptian civilization: the Old Kingdom, the Middle
Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. Religion was important for the Egyptians, who lived in
a structured society dominated by priests and nobles. Egyptians believed that their kings,
often called pharaohs, ruled by divine right. They created an extensive government
bureaucracy and built the pyramids as tombs for mummified pharaohs. Art, science, and a
form of writing called hieroglyphics also flourished in Egypt.
Each day before beginning in-class reading, students will use the glossary in their
textbook to define the following words. Students will write the definitions in their
notebooks. Then volunteers will rephrase each definition in their own words and share it
verbally with the class. After vocabulary is completed students will be called on
randomly to read parts of the reading selection for the day.
Day 1:
Dynasty- a family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family
Pharaoh- the most common of the various titles for ancient Egyptian monarchs; the term
originally meant “great house” or “palace”
Day 2:
Bureaucracy- an administrative organization that relies on nonelective officials and
regular procedures
Vizier- a high government official in ancient Egypt or Muslim countries
Day 3:
Mummification- a process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from decaying
Hieroglyphics- a complex system of writing using both pictures and abstract forms
Hieratic script- simplified version of hieroglyphics used in ancient Egypt for business
transactions, record keeping, and the general needs of daily life
Comprehension Questions
After having read section two, students should be able to answer the following
comprehension questions:
1. Why were the pyramids built?
2. Explain how flooding patterns of rivers in Egypt and Mesopotamia caused the two
civilizations to develop differently.
3. Explain the significance of the Egyptian ruler’s title “Son of Re.”
4. What is the significance of the famous Egyptian myth of the struggle between Osiris
and his evil brother Seth? Why did Osiris take on an important role for the Egyptians?
5. What were the major differences among the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and
the New Kingdom?
All students will complete assignment 1, and then students may choose two additional
assignments from the list. They also have the option of completing another assignment
as extra credit.
1. List the social classes in ancient Egypt and identify the contributions of each to
Egyptian society.
2. Identify each of the following: Menes, Hyksos, Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Tutankhamen,
Ramses II, and Cleopatra VII
3. Write an essay comparing and contrasting life in ancient Egypt and today.
4. Draw a map of ancient Egypt and label: The Nile River, Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt,
and Giza.
5. Pretend you are a tour guide leading a tour of the Great Pyramid. How would you
explain to your group the reason that the pyramids were built? Using this information,
create an illustrated brochure about the Great Pyramid.