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World religions. Buddhism.
4.1 The technology of training at the lecture
Students: not more than 75
Time: 2 hours
The form of training sessions Lecture conference
1 . About the founder of Buddhist doctrine.
2 . Buddhist doctrines and its sources
Plan of the lecture
3 . Buddhism distribution.
The aim of the study lessons: Purpose of educational occupation: to create
knowledge of an origin and Buddhism distribution, its doctrine and sources.
The pedagogical objectives:
- to tell about a Buddhism
- to open features of
Buddhist doctrine;
- to tell about Buddhism
Methods of teaching
The results of educational activity.
The student should:
- to tell about the founder of Buddhist doctrine;
- to open an essence of Buddhist doctrine;
- to list Buddhism sources;
- to tell about main currents of the Buddhism.
Lecture - visualization, explanation, illuminations,
focusing questions
Computer, multimedia projector, screen, visual
materials, provision of information.
the Collective, front work, work in pairs
Audience with technical equipment, suitable for
the organization of group work
Learning tools
The form of training
Conditions of training
Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring, blitz-poll, oral in control of questionresponse form, rating or point score
Technological map of the lectures
the Content of the activity
Of teacher
Of students
1 stage
on to the
(10 min.)
1.1. Declares a theme, the purposes and planned 1.1. Listen, 1.2.
results of educational activity, declares the leader Write down, ask
questions, specify.
1.2. Declares lecture-conference carrying out.
2 stage.
The main
(60 min.)
2.1. Will organise performances of students with
the prepared reports and messages. 2.2.
Regulates report process. - asks questions; specifies report substantive provisions; - shows
interest in statements; - watches closely logic of
expansion of the maintenance of a material; 2.3.
Supplements the information, formulates the
basic conclusions.
3 stage.
Final (10
3.1. Sums up, generalizes results, declares that
the got points will be exposed in the column of
current control of a corresponding theme. 3.2.
Gives the task for independent work: - to answer
self-checking questions.
1. The methodical material.
1.1 the Visualized teaching material:
2.1. The leader
asks to speak to
the lecturer. The
participant will
read to the report
2.2. Pupils
discuss the report
discuss, slides 2.3
look. Listen
3.1. Listen, write
down 3.2. Write
down the task
2- slide
3 – slide
8 -slide
9 -slide
10 -slide
11 -slide
12 -slide
13 -slide
14 - slide
15- slide
16- slide
17- slide
18- slide
19- slide
20- slide
1.2. The recommended literature:
1. "Religious studies" Nasyrov Tashkent 1998
2. «World religions» Koltsov St.-Petersburg. 1998
3. «Religious traditions of the world» Tashkent 1997
4. "Buddhism". Robert. C.Lester. Moscow 1980
5. «Life of the Buddha». Novosibirsk. 1994
6. «A zen - the Buddhism». Moscow. 1986
7. Tripitaka \\Sites of search engines of Internet Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo
8. The Buddhism. The pocket dictionary. - М: Bolero, 2003
9. The Buddha. Or the Legend about the Woken prince. - m: Bolero, 2003
10. Vasilyev L.S.. History of religions of the East. - М: the Higher school, 1993.
11. D.Dzen-buddizm's Suzuki. - М, 1997.
12. Religious studies \\Sites of search engines of Internet Yandex, Rambler,
Yahoo, Bogoslov, Islam
2. Educational tasks.
2.1. Themes for report preparation:
1. «About the Buddhism founder».
3. «Immortality of soul - as a basis of dogma of the Buddhism».
4. «A nirvana - clearing of a chain of degenerations».
2.2. Resuscitating questions on a theme:
1. What is the Buddhism?
2. Tell about four Noble trues.
3. What is octal a path to salvage?
4. Tell about Siddhartha Gautama
5. What is "Trip taka"?
6. Sacred books of the Buddhism
3.1. Indexes and criteria of an assessment(evaluation) of participants:
Indexes and criteria of
(in points)
1.Contains of the report
- Conformity to a theme
- Sequence, logic and
clearness of a statement
- The accurate(legible)
formulation of
conclusions (0,4);
2. The used agents of
(presentation) - (1);
3. Observance(Keeping)
of regulations (0,5)
Total: (it is
maximum(maximal) 3,5)
4. A stuff for self-checking.
4.1. Questions for self-examination:
1. The religious system of the Buddhism is based on life and the doctrine of the
Buddha. What do you know about his life and activity?
2. The Buddhism is formed on a basis брахманизма. What elements of dogma and
a cult have been borrowed at индуизма?
3. What features of diffusion of the Buddhism?
4. Yield the characteristic to the basic initial receiving tank of the Buddhism - "Tip
5. The basis of the doctrine of the Buddhism is compounded(made) by(with) «four
great trues». What do they proclaim?
6. To clearing of sufferings conducts an octal path. Evolve original positions of this
7. Yield the characteristic of the ethical doctrine of the Buddhism.
8. In the Buddhism for the first time in history religions the monkhood institute has
arisen. What features of a Buddhist monkhood to you are known?
9. The basic directions in the Buddhism: a "narrow(fine-bored)" path of clearing chiyana and "wide" - a Mahajana. Compare these directions.
4.2. Technology of training at a seminar
Students: not more than 25
Time: 2 hours
The form of training sessions Seminar on expansion and deepening of
Questions for discussion at
the seminar
1. Life and the doctrine of the Buddha.
2. Bases of dogma of the Buddhism.
3. Ceremonies and Buddhism holidays.
The aim of the study lessons: to fix and deepen knowledge on a theme
The pedagogical objectives:
- to fix and deepen
knowledge on a theme;
- to develop skill of
independent work with
primary sources;
- to generate skill of ordering
of educational knowledge,
generalisations, the analysis;
- to develop communicative
Methods of teaching
Learning tools
The form of training
Conditions of training
Monitoring and evaluation
The results of educational activity.
The student should:
- to tell about Buddhism occurrence;
- to tell about life and the doctrine of the Buddha
- to list the basic ceremonies and Buddhism
- to define the basic directions in the Buddhism.
Training together, discussion, a graphic organizer
«the Fish skeleton»
The text of lectures, teaching materials, sheets for
presentation А32, markers. An adhesive tape.
Collective work, work in groups
The audience having conditions for work in groups
Observation, oral control (of question-response
form), performance of educational tasks, mutual
testing, ballroom or the rating
Technological card of a seminar
Stages, time
1 stage.
(5 min.)
2 stage.
The main
(55 min.)
Content of activity
1.1. Informs a theme, the purpose,
planned results of educational
employment and the plan of its
carrying out. 1.2. Reminds an
instruction of participants of
2.1. Satirizes knowledge trained on
corresponding material in the form of
conversation - discussions on in
advance prepared questions. In the
course of actualization of knowledge
reveals sufficiency of the knowledge
acquired by listeners necessary for
1.1. Listen. 1.2.Write
2. 1 answer on questions
2.2. Solve tests 2.3.
Collectively discuss 2.4.
Work in groups. 2.5.
Presentation of group
work, collectively discuss.
2.6. Listen
3 stage
The final
(20 min.)
active participation in analytical
activity through discussion. 2.4. The
teacher divides pupils on two
commands. Distributes educational
tasks and will organise work in
groups. Explains technicians of a
graphic organizer «the Fish
skeleton», crossword puzzle
decisions. Transplants so that
members of group could work
together. Observes, co-ordinates,
analyzes actions of listeners,
encourages. 2.5. Will organise
collective discussion of the carried
out task. 2.6. States an estimation to
works of groups. Formulates a final
3.1 Does the total conclusion on a
theme. 3.2. Gives the task for
independent work: - to answer test
3.1. Listen. 3.2. Write
down tasks.
1. The methodical stuff.
1.1. The visualised teaching material of the basic concepts:
The Buddhism - most ancient of three
world religions. Adherents of this
religion occupy mainly regions Central,
Southern(Austral) and Jugo - east Asia.
The earliest on appearance time world
religion. Has arisen in India in the middle
of I thousand years BC, as opposition
Brahmanism which comprised cast
Involved with that did not demand radical
their mode of life and habits, including
abandoning of the ceremonies devoted to
aboriginal gods. The Buddhism does not
concern neither to monoteist, nor to
polyteist to religions. The Buddha did not
reject gods of other religions and did not
The prime target of
religious life in the
Chiyana («a
chariot») and a
Mahayana («a wide
Siddhartha Gautama (566 - 486 BC),
subsequently "BUDDHA" who has
received(obtained) a nickname that means
"clarified(brightened up)". His mother
called the Maya, the father Shuddhodana. The father was the tsar of a
tribe Mooney, therefore the Buddha was
called by Shakjamuni - prince Mooney.
Clearing of a karma and escaping of a
circle of a sansara.
The law, the doctrine, religion, truly
real(substantial) and the item
Two directions in the Buddhism in I
century AD
1.2. The recommended literature:
1. "Religious studies" Nasyrov Tashkent 1998
2. «World religions» Koltsov St.-Petersburg. 1998
3. «Religious traditions of the world» Tashkent 1997
4. "Buddhism". Robert. C.Lester. Moscow 1980
5. «Life of the Buddha». Novosibirsk. 1994
6. «A Zen - the Buddhism». Moscow. 1986
7. Tripitaka \\Sites of search engines of Internet Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo
8. The Buddhism. The pocket dictionary. - М: Bolero, 2003
9. The Buddha. Or the Legend about the Woken prince. - m: Bolero, 2003
10. Vasilyev L.S.. History of religions of the East. - М: the Higher school, 1993.
11. D. Dzen- Buddhism Suzuki. - М, 1997.
12. Religious studies \\Sites of search engines of Internet Yandex, Rambler,
Yahoo, Bogoslov, Islam
2. Educational tasks.
2.1. Questions for discussion:
1. You know what legend about Siddhartha Gautama?
2. How Siddhartha Gautama became clarified(brightened up)?
3. What do you know about benasser sermons of the Buddha?
4. How the Buddha has educed the doctrine?
5. How the Buddha the doctrine named?
6. What do you know about the Holy Writ of Buddhists-Trip take?
7. What do you know about the code "Panchen-sewed"?
8. What general both distinctive features have Chiyana and a Mahayana?
2.2. A graphic organizer «the Fish atomy»:
The Buddhism
became world
On a vertical:
1. A name of the founder of one of world religions.
2. The being which has reached of high perfection.
3. One of the most characteristic symbols of the Buddhism.
4. A place of origin of the Buddhism.
5. Vital force, the energy poured in the nature.
6. The Tibet-Mongolian form of the Buddhism.
7. A name of the future Buddha.
8. School of the southern Buddhism.
9. The collection of the Buddhist texts recognized canonical.
10. A symbol of an embodiment of the Buddha.
3. The Directory material.
3.1. Work rules in mini groups:
1. Students should have certain knowledge for performance of work 2.
Concrete tasks should be given to groups.
3. For performance of problems in small groups sufficient time is defined.
4. It is necessary to warn that ideas are not limited and are not criticized.
5. Teacher should give the instruction that the group knew about result of
6. Be in dialogue also express the opinion that does not happen.
3.2. Rules of the decision of the scheme “Fish skeleton”:
It is the scheme allows to describe all (field) of a problem and to try to solve it:
- Individually/in steams write down on the top stone the formulation of sub
problem, and on bottom - the facts confirming that the data of sub problem
- Unite in mini groups, compare and supplement the schemes. Reduce in the
general scheme.
4. A material for self-checking.
4.1. Test questions:
1. The Buddhism founder:
A. Dalai Llama
B. Siddhartha Gautama
C. Mohammed (САС)
D. Iusu the Christ
E. Mosey
2. The Buddhism Scriptus:
A. Trip taka
B. Koran
C. War and world
D. Tore
E. Biblical
3. What means-Buddha?
А. the sleeping
B. cleared up
C. the woken
D. the lulled
E. the clarified
4. The country where the Buddhism has arisen:
A. Japan
B. Tibet
C. India
D. Central Asia
E. China
5. A Buddhism symbol:
А the sun
B. half moon
C. a wheel
D. a star
E. a semicircle
6. In what century the Buddhism has arisen in India?
C. V1 BC
7. When the Buddhism in India has been proclaimed by the state religion?
А in 570 BC
B. in 460 BC
C. in 250 BC
D. in 623 BC
E. in 544 BC
8. Whom name the Buddhism founder?
A. Mohair Vardhamana
B. Shuddhodana
C. Sirvata Siddhartha Gautama
D. Krishna
E. Matera
9. How the ledger in the Buddhism is called?
A. Ramayana
B. Avesta
C. Trip taka
D. Mahabharata
E. Arthashastra
10. In what state the Buddha was born?
A. Koshala
B. Vratsa
C. Magadha
D. Avanta
E. Maura
11. What of castes of ancient India is named incorrectly?
А. Brahmans
B. Kshatriyas
C. Vayshyi
D. Magadha
E. Shudder
12. What main point of the Buddhism?
А about a sansara
B. about self-scrutiny
C. about rescue
D. about a nirvana
E. about a karma.
13. What of religious outlooks of India had materialistic character?
А the Buddhism
B. Jainism
C. Vaka
D. yoga
E. Mimansa
14. What of important positions Brahmanism have entered into the
А.study about resettlement of souls
B. doctrine about a karma
C. the doctrine about a nirvana
D. the doctrine about merge of soul of the person to world soul
E. the doctrine about a good octal way
15. Specify area where the Buddhism has arisen:
А. southeast India
B. southwest India
C. north - east India
D. north - western India
E. southern India
16. Allocate social roots of the Buddhism:
А. the Buddhism was preceded by others is religious - philosophical doctrines
B. there was a belief of people in the supernatural
C. there were religious traditions
D. there was a necessity of religious reforms
E. there is no right answer
17. When there were first references of the Buddhism?
А. VI - centuries BC
B. IV centuries BC
C. III centuries BC
D. II centuries
E. IV-VI centuries
18. How it is possible to translate the name of the arch of the Buddhist initial
literature - Tripitaka?
А. three jewelry
B. three brilliants
C. three baskets
D. three temples
E. three beliefs
19. What role in Buddhism development emperor Ashoka has played?
А. was the father of the Buddha
B. in days of its board the Buddhism has arisen
C. it has made the Buddhism the state religion
D. has created the first Buddhist temple
E. there is no right answer.
20. In what language the ancient Buddhist canon is written?
А. a Hindi
B. Sanskrit
C. have fallen
D. Dhjana
E. Hebrew
21. How the doctrine of the Buddha is called?
А. about four noble knowledge
B. about four noble acts
C. about four noble acts
D. about four noble trues
E. about four noble perfection
22. What is Gandzhur and Danseurs in the Buddhism?
А names of the Tibetan monks who have kept Trip taka.
B. Tibetan collections of initial texts
C. the name of districts where before all the Buddhism has been accepted
D. names of authors of the book of Trip taka
E. there is no right answer
23. How the temple complex devoted by Trip take is called?
A. Parivara
B. Kutodo
C. Mahavagga
D. Kulavagga
E. Dzhammapada
24. Add with the right answer a phrase told by the Buddha: «Just as ocean
waters have only one taste - taste salty, and my doctrine has only one taste …»:
А. taste of knowledge
B. taste of rescue
C. taste of a nirvana
D. taste of self-knowledge
E. taste of a victory
25. The main task of the person, according to Buddhists?
А. to learn world around
B. to comprehend secret of a nirvana
C. to learn itself
D. to escape from world around bonds
E. to win fear of death
26. The Buddhism has divided live beings into categories - development steps.
What categories are named incorrectly?
A. Kama - dhatu
B. Therogatha
C. Rupa - dhatu
D. Arupa-dhatu
E. Dzhammapada
27. What of elements does not enter into a good octal way?
А just view
B. just true
C. just aspiration
D. just speech
E. just action
28. How the Buddhism concerns a monkhood?
А. does not recognize absolutely
B. recognizes only for men
C. recognizes only for women
D. recognizes for men and women
E. recognizes only a lifelong monkhood
29. What three jewelry the layman should tell to become Upasaka?
A. I resort to the Buddha
B. I resort to a Dharma
C. I resort to Singh
D. I resort to a nirvana
E. I resort to a sansara
30. In what of the named countries the Buddhism is not the state religion?
A. Shri-Lanka
B. Afghanistan
C. Birma
D. Thailand
E. Laos
31. How many time under legends regenerated the Buddha?
A. 1050
B. 550
C. 400
D. 350
E. 200
32. What of doctrines is called as "a wide way of rescue»?
А. China Yana
B. Mahayana
C. Tantrism
D. Vajarayana
E .Bodhisattva
33. In a Lamaism there are words: «Namo buddaya, Namo darmaya, Namo
sangaya, Namo guruya». What does this phrase designate?
А. the Buddhist formula of rescue
B. words from the Buddhist law
C. Lamaism "creed"
D. words of farewell to the died
E. there is no right answer
33. What approximate number of Buddhists in the world?
A. 800 million
B. 1 mlrd
C. 200 million
D. 1,5 mlrd
E. 500 million
34. What of opening does not belong to India?
А the Arabian figures
B. bases of algebra and trigonometry
C. Daoism
D. Jainism
E. calculation of circles
35. How many time regenerated the Buddha according to legends?
A. 1000
B. 700
C. 550
D. 500
E. 490