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Running head: NATURE VS. NURTURE
The Place of Nature and Nurture in Depression
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The Place of Nature and Nurture in Depression
Nature versus nurture is a phrase used conveniently to describe the role of hereditary and
environment in human development. It can be traced back to as early as 13th century in France
and modern scientists think that people’s behavior is genetically predisposed or a combination of
animal instincts (Wilkoff, 2011). As a result, the nature theory of human behavior is based on these
sentiments. Others believe that human thinking and action is based on what they are taught to do.
Such led to the nurture theory of human behavior. Supporters of nurture theory hold that humans
are a product of the environment and discard the place of genetics in human development.
Due to advancement in growth and understandings of the human genome, both debates
prove that arguing from both sides have merits. A quick look at nature reveals that it endows us
with traits and abilities, while nurture takes the genetic tendencies and molding them as we
continue to learn and mature (Wilkoff, 2011). The debate is so significant because science is yet
to discover what genes and the environment shape number of human characteristics. For instance,
the discussion of nature and nurture is backed by the experiment on twins.
One of the most common problems in psychopathology today is depression. The problem
exists due to varying degrees of nature and nurture influence. First, a look at diathesis-stress
theories of depression reveals fascinating information. It is that the interaction of genetics liability
with negative life experiences can create depression (Benjamin & D. Taylor, 2010). Studies
focused on these principles are used to testing genetics or environment which is the only
component. Not until recently has research shown that interaction of genetics and environment can
be tested. Therefore, nature and nurture are responsible for depression.
Some approaches explain how nurture and nature may cause depression. According to
research, the neurotransmitter dopamine has a role in the risk of depression in people. Besides,
some previous negative interpersonal environments have an impact on depression as the case of
rejecting parents linked to depression. A psychologist in University of Notre Dame, Gerald
Haeffel, and his colleagues investigated the interaction of the gene associated with dopamine and
parenting styles (Benjamin & D. Taylor, 2010). His aim was to determine episodes of depression.
A total of 117 male juveniles were studied in a Russian Center.
Depression rises dramatically among male adolescents and this period can be very
instrumental in determining findings for the study. Structured diagnosis interview and the
questionnaire utilized to diagnose depression helped assess aspects of parental rearing. These
elements include hostility, unjustified criticism in the presence of others, physical punishment and
lack of respect for the child’s point of view. Researchers were fascinated by the outcome of the
Children with rejecting mothers and dopamine transporter gene risked suicidal ideation and
major depression. As a result, this is one of those studies which supports the role of dopamine gene
in leading to depression and is documented in the Psychological Science Journal. Depression is a
major concern and may result in disability if not tackled in the society. Therefore, it is important
to know our role in managing the condition. Identifying those factors contributing to risk and
resilience of depression remains the most vital step (Benjamin & D. Taylor, 2010). From research,
lowering depression rates is a task which can be achieved through the use of psychosocial
interventions that increase dopamine activity in the brain. As a result, patients can focus on
pursuing and identifying new goals and rewards helpful to them.
Benjamin, S. & D. Taylor, W. (2010). Nature and Nurture: Genetic Influences and GeneEnvironment Interactions in Depression. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 6(2), 82-90.
Wilkoff, W. (2011). Nature vs. Nurture. Pediatric News, 45(10), 23.