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War Era
Darius III
•Who was Darius III?
•How did he become the King?
•What did Darius III do during his reign?
Darius III
 How
did Darius III’s
failures affect
Alexander the
 How and why did
he die?
 How did Persia
change after the
death of Darius III?
-Pointed way to universal legal
-Codified Athenian laws.
-Protection for common people.
-Freed farmers of slavery.
-changed criteria for holding
political office
-Drove out land owner and
divined their land between
landless farmers.
-Circuit judges who superseded
aristocratic authority.
-gave common citizens
membership to the assembly.
-Allowed citizens to vote.
Leading to
Athenian Democracy
Democracy means
power to the people
Common men were
allowed to take part
in governmental
Women, children,
slaves and people
born outside the city
were not permitted
to vote
The direct
democracy in Athens
was based on these
three institutions:
-The assembly
-The council of 500
(new members were
elected each year)
-the peoples court
SPA Period
(Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
Socrates: was a teacher
who taught his students
to question authority
 Plato: Questioned reality
itself. Tried to create and
ideal social hierarchy
 Aristotle: Invented the
scientific method.
Modified Plato's theory
on reality tried to invent
the best form of
Allegory of the Cave
The allegory of the cave is written by
the philosopher Plato.
Delian LeagueThe Delian League
was under the
leadership of the
leagueThe Peloponnesian
league was led by
the Spartans, It was
also called the
Spartan Alliance.
Sparta & Corinth
Sparta needed more land so they conquered
Messenians and Laconians worked for the Spartans
and captured people they called helots.
Spartan men were only allowed the vote in an
assembly when at the age of 30.
The Spartan government was headed by 2 kings
and led all of the army.
One of the oldest and most powerful cities of
ancient cities
At one point the most powerful city in all of Greece
Athens & Thebes
Early Athens was run by a king, later Athens
became oligarchy which was under the
control of the aristocrats.
In 510 BC Cleisthenes, who was now in power
created a council of 500 male citizens that
supervised foreign affairs, oversaw the
treasury, and the proposed law. This council
was the basis of Athenian democracy.
Newer Greek power than Sparta and Athens,
very similar to Sparta and Athens
Phillip II of Macedonia
 He
came power in 359BC
 Constructed a powerful
army turning Macedonia
into a high powered
 He wanted to unite all of
Greece under Macedonia
Battle of Chaeronea
 Took
place near Thebes in 338 BC
 Fought an army of multiple Greek states
 Phillip the second took control of all of
Greece, ending the freedom of the Greek
city states.
 Commanded the Greeks to from a league
under him to fight Persia, but he was
assassinated before going to war
Everything we know about the Peloponnesian
war came from Thucydides
He was an Athenian
Thucydides participated in the war and was general in 424BC.
He didn't save the exiled from Athens for twenty years.
He wrote about the war and got the story from both sides involved
in the war
He was concerned with accurate evidence even if it wasn't
Thucydides uses as many sources as he can gather,
We do not know for certain if Thucydides version is completely
accurate- compare it to other evidence like archeological
evidence seems to support it.
Alexander the Great
Main questions
What did Alexander the Great do?
Does he deserve the title “The Great”?
Who was Alexander the Great?
What were his accomplishments?
Who was Alexander the Great?
 His
title was actually Alexander III of
 Born around 356 B.C.E., in Pella, Greece.
 He died at the age of 32 in Babylon.
 He commanded a huge army.
 He was very courageous and his ability to
lead was unprecedented.
 He led his troops in battle rather than
remaining behind the lines.
 He was tutored by Aristotle.
 He was the son of Philip II.
What did Alexander the Great
 He
was 20 when he inherited Macedonia.
He was never defeated in battle
 He
controlled Persia.
 He
eventually conquered half of what was known
of the world at the time.
 He
founded a city in Egypt and named it after
himself (Alexandria)
Does he deserve the title “The Great”?
 Alexander
was great to his own people but his
enemies didn't think so because he
slaughtered their kind.
 It’s all how you look at it.
 Due to his exceptional leadership, Alexander
conquered the Persian empire, his major
conquests being: Asia Minor, The Levant and
Syria, Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia, and