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Dr. Auday S.K AL-Jubori
Lecture ( 11 )
Pathological conditions
A – Pathological condition .
1 – Inflammation .
It's meaning all the complex changes in the living tissues due to infection not led to death
to living tissues lead in the end to recovery of there changes .
The inflammation caused by :a – Different chemical substances e.g. acids and alkaline .
b – Toxins or poisoning and other pathogenic microorganisms e.g. bacteria, virus, fungus,
protozoa and parasites .
c – Mechanical causes which lead to caused wounds and trauma .
d – Different burning caused by high temperature , electric shock and severe coldness .
e – Immunity reaction e.g. late allergic in case of chronic diseases like tuberculosis and
baratuberculosis or Johne's disease .
In case acute or chronic inflammation must be condemnation organ . And we see all the
carcass in general reaction specially in case of septicemia, when found the abscess we can
remove of it . But if it in large number in the organ we must be condemnation of all the
organ. And if the abscess in the large number in the site organs that meaning ( Pyaemia ) and
this meaning total condemnation of carcass .
2 – Pyrexia ( fever ) .
It's caused in the animals by infected of there by many pathogenic microorganisms e.g.
bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa…etc . In this cases the PH high in the muscles and low very
rapid and this well lead to reduce the capacity of preservation of meat .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of carcass .
3 – Imperfect ( ill ) bleeding .
Must be differentiation between the fever and hyperemia which caused by non-infections.
In case of fever carcass have pathogenic changes in case of hyperemia not have any
pathogenic changes.
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass because of it spoiled rapidly in the storage .
4 – Stress .
There are many causes non-infectious caused stress to the animal and we can see it's
before slaughter of animal .
Judgment .
Storage the carcass for 24 hour and inspection again, the final judgment depending on the
general condition of the carcass .
5 – Nicrosis .
It's meaning death of tissue in local area in the living tissue of animal body . And it's
occur due to :a- Toxins or poisoning ( bacteria or chemical ) .
b- Stop of blood and nerve supply .
c- Different infection .
The necrosis divided in to four type : Liquefication necrosis in case of lung cavitations .
 Coagulative necrosis in case of infarct .
 Zenker's necrosis in case of glass cartilage .
 Caseation necrosis in case of tuberculosis .
Judgment .
If the necrosis found in the organs of body in large amount or area and the necrosis will
calcification must be condemnation of all the carcass . In case of local necrosis with small
number must be condemnation that organ only .
6 – Toxaemia .
In same cases after infection by special microorganisms after interning in the site of organ
in the body will produce toxins during grow and multiplication of it's . And this toxins
divided in to ( Endotoxin or Exotoxin ) go then to blood stream . e.g. Clostridum botulinum ,
C.tetani and C.perfringens .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass .
7 – Septicaemia .
It's meaning severe toxaemia with severe fever and found the large number from causes
disease e.g. bacteria, virus , protozoa … etc . And there multiplication very rapid in the blood
in case of bacteraemia , it's meaning found of bacteria in the blood and it's not have any
pathogenic lesions and it's less than septicaemia.
Judgment .
It's depending in the fallowing :1- May be carcass have large number of pathogenic bacteria in meat .
2- The infected meat become spoiled rapidly and not use to storage .
8 – Pyaemia .
It's meaning found abscess in the blood stream .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass .
9 – Icterus ( Jaundice ) .
It's meaning found of bilirwbin or biliverdin in blood .
Icterus divided in tow type .
a- Nutritional icterus .
b- Pathogenic icterus .
Judgment .
Must be put the carcass in the chilling for 24hour and after that inspected again to see the
color of carcass . If the color found after chilling that meaning pathogenic causes in this case
must be total condemnation of carcass. If the color disappear that meaning nutritional causes
and the carcass can use for human consumption .
B – Pathological and abnormal conditions .
1 – Foeti .
This foeti may be infected by pathogenic diseases e.g. Brocillosis .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of carcass .
2 – Immaturity .
It's meaning small animal ( immature animal ) like small calves not have good growth ,
this case may be found sheep and goat , which sell for human consumption .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass . And this type of meat not use for human consumption
due to :a- This meat not use for consumption because it bad quality .
b- Percentage of water reach to 76 % .
c- Have large amount of bone .
3 – Emaciation .
It's occur due to pathogenic causes may be acute disease or more in chronic cases e.g.
tuberculosis or baratuberclosis ( Johne's disease ) or in case reduce of nutrition or decrease of
metabolism or in case infected by parasite e.g. Fascioliosis .
Judgment .
In severe cases must be total condemnation of the carcass .
C – Viral diseases .
1 – Foot and mouth disease ( Aphthous fever ) .
Causative agent : Enterovirus
It's infected of cloven footed animals like cattle, sheep and goat…ect .
Judgment .
 In case free country from this disease condemnation to infected animals . And must be
not inter there animals to the slaughter house . And must be burn of infected animals .
 In case infected country by this disease we can use this meat for human consumption
after remove the head and foots . And put the carcass in the chilling for 24 hour to
format of lactic acid . And then use for consumption .
2 – Rinder pest ( Cattle plage ) .
It's infected specially cattle and rear infected of sheep and goat .
Causative agent : Myxovirus
Judgment .
This disease not infected of human but must be total condemnation of carcass .And
burning of it's .
3 – Rabies ( Hydrophobia ) .
It's acute infectious disease infected of dogs. And this disease transport to human mammal
animals by biting from infected dog .
Causative agent : Rhabdovirus
This disease must be diagnose in the ante – mortem inspection before ( slaughter ) to
infected animals meat .
Lesion .
We can not found any clear lesion by eye to slaughter animal or death animal . Good
diagnoses when found ( Negri bodies ) which found in the brain under microscope .
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass after or before slaughter of animal by see the symptom
and found of ( negri bodies ) in the brain of infected animal .
If the animal slaughter after 48 hour from bite. We must be condemnation of site of bite
and we can use the carcass for consumption .
In case of slaughter of animal after one week from infected or 6 month. We can use the
carcass fro human consumption .
4 – Malignant catarrhal fever .
It's acute fetal disease for cattle .
Judgment .
This disease not infected of human consumption. In the first stage condemnation of head
and lungs and use the carcass for human consumption. And in case of terminal or severe
emaciation and ill bleeding must be total condemnation of the carcass .
5 – Three day sickness .
It's infectious in cattle due to bite insects ( sand fly ) .
Causative agent : Rhabdovirus
Judgment .
Total condemnation of the carcass in acute cases . And the recovery animal can use for
human consumption to good carcass and condemnation infected parts .
6 – Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis ( Red nose ) .
It's acute disease infected of cattle .
Causative agent : Herpes Virus
Judgment .
Like judgment of three day sickness disease .
D – Fungus diseases .
1 – Aspergillosis .
It's respirator disease and it's may be infected most of animals and bards .
Causative agent : Aspergillus fumigates
Judgment .
The judgment depending on carcass . If severe total condemnation of it or condemnation
to the infected parts .
2 – Actinomycosis .
It's fungal disease infected the lower jump or mandible bone spacially in cattle and rear in
sheep and goat.
Causative agent : Actinomycosis bovis
Judgment .
 In acute case with high temperature must be condemnation of carcass .
 In chronic case must be condemnation the head of animal. And put it in the chilling for
24 hour and inspected and see carcass after that for human consumption .