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Unit Test –II SEPT- 2016
Class XII (Physics)-Solution
Time : 1½ hr.
M.M. 40
General Instructions
All questions are compulsory. There are 16 questions in all.
This question paper has five sections.
Section 'A' contains five questions of one mark each.
Section 'B' contains three question of two marks each.
Section 'C' contain five questions of three marks each.
Section 'D' contain one value based question of four marks and Section 'E' contains two questions
of five marks each.
There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided, one question of two
marks, one question of three marks and both the questions of five marks. You have to attempt only
one of the choices in such question.
Name an electromagnetic radiation used for detecting fake currency note write its frequency range.
Ans:- U- V Radiations ; Frequency range - 3×1016 – 7.5 × 1014 Hz.
How are the figure of merit and current sensitivity of a galvanometer related to each other?
Ans:- Reciprocal to each other.
What is the angle of dip at a place where vertical and horizontal components of earth magnetic
fields are equal.
Ans:- 45°
Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation described in the figure below.
Ans:- Plate “a” will be negative with respect to “b”.
Why core of a transformer is laminated?
Ans:- To reduce electric energy loss due to eddy currents.
A galvanometer of resistance 120 Ω gives full scale deflection for a current of of 5 mA. How can it
be converted to an ammeter of range 0 to 5 A. Also determine the net resistance of ammeter.
By using shunt resistor of 0.12 Ω it can be converted into required range of ammeter.
1 1
120 0.12
1  1000
Rnet = 0.1198= 0.12 Ω
Write the four measures that can be taken to increase the sensitivity of a galvanometer.
Ans: - 1. Strength of magnetic field 2. Shape of pole of magnet used 3. Number of turns in a
coil 4. Area of coil in magnetic field.
Represent the EM wave propagating along the x-axis.In which electric and magnetic fields are
along y-axis and Z-axis respectively.
Circuit shown here uses an airfield parallel plate capacitor. A mica sheet is now introduced between
the plates of a capacitor. Explain with reason the effect of brightness of bulb.
9. Derive the expression for the force between two infinitely parallel straight wires carrying current in
the same
Figure above shows two long parallel conductors a and b separated by a distance d and carrying (parallel)
currents Ia and Ib , respectively. The conductor ‘a’ produces, the same magnetic field B at all points along
the conductor ‘b’. The right-hand rule tells us that the direction of this field is downwards (when the
conductors are placed horizontally). Its magnitude is given by Eq.
The conductor ‘b’ carrying a current I will experience a sideways force due to the field Bab. The direction of this
force is towards the conductor ‘a’. We label this force as F, the force on a segment L of ‘b’ due to ‘a’. The
magnitude of this force is given by
Force per unit length
The above expression is used to define the ampere (A).
The ampere is the value of that steady current which, when maintained in each of the two very long,
straight, parallel conductors of negligible cross-section, and placed one metre apart in vacuum, would
produce on each of these conductors a force equal to 2 × 10–7 newtons per metre of length.
State Ampere, circuital law. Use this law to obtain an expression for the magnetic field due to a
Ans:- It states that the line integral of magnetic field B along a closed path is equal to µ0
Times the current (I) passing through the closed path.
Three circular Amperian loops 1, 2 and 3 are shown by dashed lines. By symmetry, the magnetic field should be
tangential to each of them and constant in magnitude for a given loop. The circular areas bounded by loops 2
and 3 both cut the toroid: so that each turn of current carrying wire is cut once by the loop 2 and twice by the
loop 3. the loop 2 and twice by the loop 3.
Let the magnetic field along loop 1 be B in magnitude. Then in Ampere’s circuital law ,
However, the loop encloses no current, so Ie=0 thus B1 = 0
Thus, the magnetic field at any point P in the open space inside the toroid is zero.
Let the magnetic field inside the solenoid be B. We shall now consider the magnetic field at S. Once again we
employ Ampere’s law we get :
Let r be the average radius of the toroid and n be the number of turns per unit length
State Ampere, circuital law. Use this law to obtain an expression for the magnetic field due to a current
carrying solenoid.
Ans:- It states that the line integral of magnetic field B along a closed path is equal to µ0 Times
the current (I) passing through the closed path.
We shall assume that the field outside is zero. The field inside becomes everywhere parallel to the axis.
Consider a rectangular Amperian loop abcd. Along cd the field is zero as argued above. Along transverse
sections bc and ad, the field component is zero. Thus, these two sections make no contribution. Let the field
along ab be B. Thus, the relevant length of the Amperian loop is, L = h.
Let n be the number of turns per unit length, then the total number of turns is nh. The enclosed current is, Ie
= I (n h), where I is the current in the solenoid. From Ampere’s circuital law
An alternating voltage of frequency f is applied across a series LCR circuit. Let fr be the resonance
frequency for the circuit. Will the current in the circuit, lag, lead or remain in the phase with the
applied voltage when i) f > fr ii) f < fr ? Explain your answer in each case.
An EM wave travelling through a medium has electric field vector Ey = 4×105 cos (3.14×108 x- 1.57 t)
N/C. Here x- is in meter and t is in second then find:
2. Frequency 3. Direction of propagation 4. Speed of wave 5. Refractive index of medium
6. Amplitude of magnetic field vector.
Ans:- E0 = 4×105 N/C
1 :- λ= 4 Metre
ω =3.14×108 = 2  /T ; K= 1.57= 3.14/2= 2  /λ
2:- frequency = 3.14×108 /2  = 5×107 Hz. 3. Positive X- axis 4. Speed =ω/K= 2×108 m/s 5.
Refractive index of medium = 3×108/2×108 = 1.5
6. Amplitude of magnetic field vector = E 0 /C= 4×105 /3×108 = 1.33 Mt
13. A long wire first bent into a circular coil of one turn and then into a circular coil of smaller radius
having ‘n’ turns. If the same current passes in both the cases, find the ratio of magnetic fields
produced at the centre in the two cases.
Here a1 is radius of smaller turn
14. Raj Pal Yadav, a retired Physics Teacher was working in his field with his grandson. There was a
big high tension tower carrying thick wires in their field. Grandson wanted to know as to why can’t
the tower be removed from their field, so that they may get more space for crops. Raj Pal explained
him the necessity of HT tower, and said it is very high voltage AC transmission line and is a lifeline of
their town.
• What values are displayed by Raj Pal Yadav?
• Why Long distance AC transmission is done at very high voltage.
• What is the principle of transformer?
• What are the energy losses in transformer?
2. To minimize power loss in form of heat enegy. 3. Mutual induction 4. Flux Loss , Eddy
current loss, copper loss etc.
15. State the working of an AC generator with the help of a labelled diagram. Deduce the expression
for alternating e.m.f. generated in the coil. What is the source of energy in this device. Draw
diagrams to show different positions of a coil.
One method to induce an emf or current in a loop is through a
change in the loop’s orientation or a change in its effective
area. As the coil rotates in a magnetic field B, the effective area
of the loop (the face perpendicular to the field) is A cos 
where  is the angle between A and B. This method of
producing a flux change is the principle of operation of a
simple ac generator. An ac generator converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy.
Derive expression for average power in LCR series circuit. Hence explain that average power for a
complete cycle for inductor and capacitor will be zero. Also define wattles current.
Ans:- Given Below:-
Purely capacitive circuit: If the circuit contains only an inductor or capacitor, we know that the phase difference
between voltage and current is  /2. Therefore, cos  /2= 0, and no power is dissipated even though a current
is flowing in the circuit. This current is sometimes referred to as wattless current.
16:- State Biot’s Savart law. Using this law find expression for magnetic field at any point of axis of an
current carrying coil.
According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnitude of the magnetic
field dB is proportional to the current I, the element length
|dl|, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r.
The magnitude of this field is,
The magnitude dB of the magnetic field due to dl is given by the
Biot-Savart law:-
The net contribution along x-direction can be obtained by integrating dBx = dB cosθover the loop.
The summation of elements dl over the loop yields 2  R, the circumference of the loop. Thus, the magnetic field
at P due to entire circular loop is :
Describe cyclotron under following headings.
1. Principle 2. Construction 3. Working 4. Expression for K.E. 5. Limitation.
Ans:- Principle:- A positively charged particle can be accelerated to a sufficiently high energy with the
help of smaller values of oscillating electric field by making it cross the same electric field time and again
with the use of strong magnetic field.
Construction:Construction:- The cyclotron uses both electric and
magnetic fields in combination to increase the energy of
charged particles.
As the fields are perpendicular to each other they are called
crossed fields. The particles move most of the time inside
two semicircular disc-like metal containers, D1 and D2, which
are called dees as they look like the letter D.
Working:- A high frequency alternating voltage is applied
to the dees positive ions or positively charged particles
(e.g., protons) are released at the centre P. They move
in a semi-circular path in one of the dees and arrive in the
gap between the dees in a time interval T/2; where T, the
period of revolution,
The frequency νa of the applied voltage is adjusted so that
the polarity of the dees is reversed in the same time that it
takes the ions to complete one half of the revolution. The
requirement νa = νc is called the resonance condition.
The phase of the supply is adjusted so that when the
positive ions arrive at the edge of D1 D2 is at the lower
potential and the ions are accelerated across the
gap. Inside the dees the particles travel in a region
Expression for K.E. :- Charged particles are then deflected by a magnetic field and leave the system
free of the electric field. The increase in their
via an exit slit with speed
Limitations:1. It isis suitable
heavy particles
kinetic energy
qV eachfor
cross from
dee deuteron
to anotheralpha particle etc.
2. The uncharged partcles can not be accelerated.