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New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010 Instructor’s Manual
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Computer Concepts
Chapter Four: Operating Systems and File Management
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching
experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the
textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the
section, Figures and Boxes found in the section (if any), Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and
Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing
your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within
the software.
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint
Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
For your students:
Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your
students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their
mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State
University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology
classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and
sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your
students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or
close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
Table of Contents
Chapter Objectives
Section A: Operating System Basics
Section B: Today’s Operating Systems
Section C: File Basics
Section D: File Management
Section E: Backup Security
Glossary of Key Terms
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Chapter Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Four when they can answer the following
 List and describe the four main
 Pick any five files on the computer
resources that an operating system
that you typically use, and write out
the full path for each one.
 Explain the significance of
 Describe the significance of file
multitasking, multithreading, and
formats. List at least ten common
formats and their extensions. Make a
 Explain the term memory leak, and
list of at least 20 file extensions you
describe what you can do if one occurs
find on the computer you use most
on your PC.
often. Group these extensions into the
 Describe five tasks for which you must
following categories: system files,
interact directly with the operating
graphics files, sound files, text files,
 Describe the basic elements of a
 Demonstrate that you can manage files
graphical user interface and contrast
by looking at the files on your
them with the elements of a
computer and locating at least five files
command-line interface.
or folders that should be renamed or
 Watch your computer while it boots
relocated to improve the organization
and revise the list on page 192 so that
and make it easier to locate
it reflects what happens when your
computer boots.
 Describe what happens in the MFT or
 List four operating systems used on
FAT when a file is stored or deleted.
personal computers, two operating
Explain what it means when a file is
systems used on servers, and four
operating systems used on handheld
 Make a list of backup tips that you
devices. List advantages and
think would help people devise a solid
disadvantages of the three most
backup plan. Demonstrate that you
popular personal computer operating
have a backup plan by describing how
you back up your computer and files.
 Explain the difference between dual
 Discuss the backup pros and cons of
booting and virtual machine
CDs, DVDs, BDs, USB flash drives,
technology. Give examples of tasks
external hard drives, floppy disks,
that might benefit from dual booting
tapes, and web sites.
or virtual machine capability.
 Describe the way backup software
 Make a list of five file names that are
deals with the files in the backup.
valid under the file-naming
Explain the differences between full,
conventions for your operating system.
differential, and incremental backups.
Also, create a list of five file names
 Describe the significance of restore
that are not valid, and explain the
points, bare-metal restore, disk
problem with each one.
imaging, virtual machines, boot disks,
and recovery disks.
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Operating System Activities
 Students have difficulty understanding operating systems and their functions. Explain that the
computer purchased without an operating system is nothing more than a box with hardware
components. The operating system software makes the connection with the hardware to display the
Windows desktop.
 Stress that the operating system software does not have the capability to create a letter or a
spreadsheet. It is the controller of the hardware and the application environment.
 Use Figure 4-6 to introduce the Control Panel. The Control Panel presents a good overview of the
tasks of an operating system.
 Figure 4-1, Figure 4-2, Figure 4-3, Figure 4-4, Figure 4-4, Figure 4-6
1. Assign a Project: Have students perform an Internet search and see what information they can find
about operating systems. What operating systems are available? Can they find good descriptions of
how operating systems work? What are the pros and cons of each type of OS?
2. Quick Quiz:
 _________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks,
jobs, or programs to run simultaneously. (Answer: Multitasking.)
 Within a single program, _____ allows multiple parts, or threads, to run simultaneously.
(Answer: multithreading.)
 True/False: An operating system’s multiprocessing capability supports a division of labor among
all the processing units. (Answer: True.)
User Interfaces
 Show as many different operating systems as you can, focusing on the user interface.
 Show how to perform a typical task in a command-line OS and how to perform the same task in a
 Demonstrate how to display a list of files, start a program, or copy a file.
 Use the demonstration computer to show how Windows or Mac OS use the various desktop
elements like icons, windows, and menu bars to facilitate the user experience.
 Discuss the ways in which the myriad options available to a user of a given application are
presented via these mechanisms, and discuss how the user is, to a large degree, allowed to work the
way he or she wants to, because of the many different ways that exist to perform a function.
 Figure 4-7, Figure 4-8, Figure 4-9, Figure 4-10, Figure 4-11, Figure 4-12
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1. Class Discussion: After outlining the characteristics of each OS, ask students to debate the merits of
two or more operating systems.
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) _________ is the combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers
communicate. (Answer: user interface.)
 A(n) ____________ user interface requires users to type commands. (Answer: command-line.)
 True/False: All of the popular operating systems use graphical user interfaces. (Answer: True.)
The Boot Process
 Review the six major events that occur during the boot process.
 Discuss why the operating system cannot simply be left in memory, even with the advent of
 Figure 4-13
If possible, use a classroom computer to demonstrate the boot process.
1. Assign a Project: Use Windows Task Manager to view a list of the processes that are being executed
by the microprocessor on the computer in your classroom.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. The _____ provides essential operating system services, such as memory management and file
access. (Answer: kernel)
2. True/False: A GUI provides a way to point and click a mouse to select menu options and
manipulate graphical objects that are displayed on the screen. (Answer: True)
3. ______________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more
tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously.
a. Multitasking
b. Multithreading
c. Networking
d. Multiprocessing
(Answer: a. Multitasking)
Microsoft Windows
 Discuss Figure 4-15.
 Explain that Windows has a long history as a leading operating system.
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Review the changes that have occurred in operating systems over time and discuss the impact these
changes have had on personal computing.
 Figure 4-14, Figure 4-15, Figure 4-16
Discuss the prevalence of Windows with students. Note that more than 80% of all PCs are running
Windows. Is this a good thing? Many computer viruses take advantages of weaknesses in the Windows
operating system, which are not a threat to computers running UNIX or Linux.
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to discuss their experiences with Microsoft Windows. Why do they
think Windows is so popular? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Windows in their
opinions? What are their opinions about the new Vista software? Do they like/dislike it and why?
2. Quick Quiz:
 Microsoft Windows is installed on more than __% of the world’s personal computer. (Answer:
 True/False: The number and variety of programs that run on Windows are unmatched by any
other operating system. (Answer: True.)
 True/False: Windows has been criticized for two major weaknesses: reliability and security.
(Answer: True.)
The New Perspectives Lab “Managing Files” deals with issues that relate to this section of the textbook.
You might want to go through the lab during class time if you have a computer with a projection
device. Or, assign this lab for students to do outside of class.
Mac OS
 Compare Mac OS vs. Windows.
 Ask students whether they use the Mac or Windows OS. Discuss the differences from a user
 Introduce the dual boot. A major recent innovation has been the ability of the Mac OS X on an Intel
Mac to run both software designed for the Macintosh and software designed for Windows. What
are the implications of this development? Do you expect it to have a significant impact in this area?
For emphasis, as an in-class demonstration, set up two computers side-by-side and run the Mac OS on one
and Windows on the other. Let students explore each to determine their opinions of the operating systems.
 Figure 4-17, Figure 4-18, Figure 4-19, Figure 4-20
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1. Class Discussion: Ask students to identify themselves as Mac or PC users. Divide students into
groups according to their responses and ask them to debate the pros and cons of each system.
2. Quick Quiz:
 ____________ refers to the ability to work with products designed for prior-generation
hardware or software. (Answer: Backward compatibility.)
 True/False: Mac OS X has a reputation for being a difficult-to-use operating system. (Answer:
 True/False: Mac OS X on an Intel Mac offers the ability to run Windows and Windows
application software. (Answer: True.)
Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for the Student Edition Labs called “Spreadsheets” and
“Advanced Spreadsheets.”
UNIX and Linux
 Explain that Linux is a free operating system.
 Visit a Linux Web site, or if you have access to a computer running Linux, show students how to do
some tasks. Use it as a jumping-off point for a discussion of open source programming.
 Figure 4-21
1. Quick Quiz:
 True/False: UNIX and Linux are the same thing. (Answer: False.)
 True/False: Linux is designed for mainframes. (Answer: False.)
 True/False: UNIX developed a good reputation for dependability. (Answer: True.)
 While discussing operating systems, distinguish between desktop and server operating systems. The
charts below emphasize the unique features of the different types of operating systems available:
Mac OS
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows Me
One of the first operating systems;
command-line user interface
Designed by Apple computers; graphical
user interface
Features multitasking and networking
Similar to Windows 95, but with increased
disk and memory management
Similar to Windows 98, but with more
features for the home user, including
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010 Instructor’s Manual
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
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multimedia support
Increased security features; ability to
support specialized applications
Redesigned structure and interface,
improved safety and recovery tools, greater
support for multimedia and networking
Enhanced security, more flexible file
management, more powerful search
capabilities, and live icons that show
document thumbnails
Variation of UNIX; used as a server OS for
microcomputers and minicomputers;
available as freeware
Developed for microcomputer networks;
typically used by network managers
Designed as a minicomputer OS, now
popular for all sizes of network and Web
servers; makes use of both command-line
and graphical interfaces
If possible, demonstrate DOS on a classroom computer. Ask students their thoughts about DOS. Does it
seem like a foreign concept to them or are they familiar with it?
 Figure 4-22
1. Assign a Project: Have students search the Web for information about DOS and report their
findings. Can they find good reasons to be familiar with DOS?
2. Quick Quiz:
 DOS stands for __________. (Answer: Disk Operating System.)
 True/False: DOS is still a relevant, frequently used operating system. (Answer: False.)
 Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Databases.”
Handheld Operating Systems
 Explain the physical limitations of PDAs that dictate the features of their operating systems.
If you have a PDA, use it to demonstrate the operating system. What features are similar to those of
Windows and Mac OS? Which features are different?
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 Figure 4-23
File Names and Extensions
 Demonstrate both Windows Explorer and My Computer to students, with file name extensions
 Show the connection between the icon used for the file and the file type.
 Review the view options in My Computer and Windows Explorer to display files.
 Show the Open and Save As dialog boxes in applications such as Microsoft Word, Paint, WordPad,
and PhotoShop. Click the Files of type list arrow to show the formats the application can open and
which ones they can save. Some applications convert file formats when you use the Save As
command and choose a different file type.
File naming conventions differ by operating system. Have students start by learning the conventions only
for the operating system they use in your school labs, then build on their knowledge for other operating
systems. Trying to memorize rules for all the operating systems at one time may be difficult for a novice
Finding files with specific names and specific folder locations is difficult for students. Have students save a
file in Microsoft Word and then try to find the folder location. Most students do not look at the Save In
drop down box when saving files.
 Figure 4-24, Figure 4-25
1. Group Activity: Divide the class into two groups and challenge the groups to list as many file
extensions as they can think of or find on classroom computers. Which group can list the most?
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) _________ is an optional file identifier that is separated from the main file name by a
period. (Answer: file extension.)
 True/False: Each operating system has a unique set of file-naming conventions. (Answer: True.)
 True/False: Reserved words cannot be used as file names. (Answer: True.)
File Directories and Folders
 Directories and subdirectories are a troublesome concept for many students. Windows Explorer is a
dramatic aid to help students visualize the structure of files on a disk.
 Use the cardboard box analogy: Each directory is a box. Each box has a name. Boxes can contain
papers (files) or folders (subdirectories).
 Once students understand the idea of directories, explain that files are not physically stored in a
structure that reflects the directory tree.
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Although some people like to use a directory analogy in which each directory is like a slice of a pie
or disk, the files in a directory are not necessarily stored in a certain physical area of the disk. The
directory structure is a logical model that helps us think about the organization of files on a disk.
Show how Windows Explorer and My Computer provide file size and date information in Details
File size becomes especially important when disk space is limited. The file date becomes important when
you are tracking work and want to make sure you have the most recent copy of a file. Compare file sizes of
Word documents to Paint files and explain why the sizes vary.
 Figure 4-26
1. Assign a Project: Have students research why the main hard disk drive is usually referred to as drive
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) ________ is a section of a hard disk drive that is treated as a separate storage unit. (Answer:
disk partition.)
 True/False: The main directory is called the base directory. (Answer: False.)
 ___________ is usually measured in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. (Answer: File size.)
File Formats
 Explain that most programs, such as Microsoft Office XP and 2003 automatically add the extension
to the file name.
 Review the reasons given on page 209 for files failing to open as expected. This is a common source
of frustration for new users of computers, especially those who receive an e-mail attachment, for
example, for which they do not have an application that can open the file.
 Using an application such as Microsoft Excel or Access, show students how to convert a file using
the Save As dialog box and using the Export command on the File menu. Compare these two
methods and discuss when to use one or the other.
Remind students to be careful when renaming files, and remind students of the implications in changing a
file extension. Demonstrate this by having students use a file in one format, such as My File.bmp, and
rename it so it has a different file extension, such as My File.doc. Ask them to try opening the renamed file
in Paint and then in Word and discuss what happens and why.
 Figure 4-27, Figure 4-28, Figure 4-29, Figure 4-30, Figure 4-31, Figure 4-32
1. Assign a Project: Have students find a specific folder and list three file names with different
extensions. Students should note the folder name as well as the files.
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2. Quick Quiz:
1. A file is a named collection of _____ that exists on a storage medium, such as a disk, CD, DVD,
or tape. (Answer: data)
2. True/False: A file name extension is an optional file identifier that is separated from the main
file name by a comma, as in Help,com. (Answer: False)
3. The maximum length of a file name using current versions of Windows is _______.
a. 8-character file name plus an extension of 3 characters or less
b. 31 characters
c. 255 characters
d. 256 characters
(Answer: c. 255 characters)
Application-based File Management
 Demonstrate how to use the Open and Save dialog boxes in a typical Windows application. Take
time to show all the information the Save dialog box provides—location for the file, file name, and
file type—or use Figures 4-33 and 4-35.
 Mention that many programs allow you to set a default folder location to save files. Give an
example: a personal folder in Word will always be saved in C:\Personal\Yourname. Word allows
you to set this folder as the default folder using Options from the Tools menu. Once this is
established, all files will save to this location. If the need arises to save files to other locations, then
you would locate the folder in the Save In drop-down box.
 Figure 4-33, Figure 4-34, Figure 4-35
The best way to understand how to manage files using the Open, Save, and Save As commands in a
Windows application is to have students perform these tasks themselves. If possible, let students work in
the lab to create a short document about file basics, for example. Have them save the file on a CD or zip
drive with a name such as File Basics.doc and close the document. Then ask them to open the File Basics
document, add information about managing files, and use the Save As command to save the document as
File Basics and Management.doc.
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1. Assign a Project: Have students write a brief explanation of the difference between Save and Save
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) __________ is a piece of information that describes a file. (Answer: file tag.)
 True/False: You can name a file and specify its storage location in the Save As dialog box.
(Answer: True.)
 Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Managing Files
and Folders.”
File Management Utilities
 Explain that file management utilities help you manage files by providing a “big picture” of the files
on your computer.
 Explain that although file management utilities vary from one operating system to another, they
rely on the same basic principles.
 As students become familiar with the concepts of device letters and folders, they will be able to
navigate through most computer systems.
 Figure 4-36
1. Quick Quiz:
 __________ utilities give you the big picture of the files you have stored on disks. (Answer: File
 True/False: You can change the way the Windows file management utility shows files. (Answer:
File Management Metaphors
 Use Figure 4-37 to show how drives, folders, and files fit the tree metaphor.
 Ask students if they have developed any metaphors for themselves to help them understand how to
organize or find files.
 Figure 4-37, Figure 4-38
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1. Assign a Project: Have students sketch the file structure they will use for their personal files.
2. Quick Quiz:
 What are two metaphors typically used for storage on personal computers? (Answer: Filing
cabinet, tree.)
Windows Explorer
 Discuss what Windows Explorer looks like as a program. On a demonstration computer, show the
Windows Explorer window, pointing out the two panes and explaining what they show. The left
pane shows the big picture view of the computer’s hierarchy of storage devices and folders. If you
click a folder in the left pane, for example, the right pane shows the folders and files in the selected
 Discuss moving, copying, and renaming files and folders in Windows Explorer. Make sure students
understand that a file’s true name includes its path as well as the individual file name; demonstrate
this in Windows Explorer by creating files with identical file names and extensions, but store them
in folders with different names.
 Figure 4-39, Figure 4-40
Point out the Details pane and explain how this can help identify and distinguish poorly named files, saving
time that would’ve been spent opening and perusing the file to identify it.
1. Assign a Project: Have students open and explore Windows Explorer.
2. Quick Quiz:
 True/False: You can rename files in Windows Explorer. (Answer: True.)
 True/False: You can copy files in Windows Explorer. (Answer: True.)
 True/False: You cannot delete files in Windows Explorer. (Answer: False.)
File Management Tips
 Review each tip with the class. Go around the room and ask students to explain why he or she
thinks the item is important.
 Ask for examples of errors or file disasters that could be attributed to ignoring these tips.
 Figure 4-41
1. Assign a Project: Have students list the guidelines for file management. A complete list is provided
on pages 217-218.
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Physical File Storage
 Emphasize to students that even when a disk is defragmented, the physical organization is still not
equivalent to the conceptual organization. Although a directory analogy in which each directory is
like a slice of a pie or disk works as a logical model, all the files in a directory are not necessarily
stored in the same physical area of the disk. A logical model is not meant to accurately reflect the
physical organization of the disk itself.
 Explain that although a disk is physically laid out in tracks and sectors, a cluster is the smallest unit
accessible by most microcomputer operating systems. In Windows, a cluster is composed of two
 Students may skip over Figure 4-44 without studying it thoroughly. Spend some time talking about
it. The main point is that the index file tracks the location of files on disks. Help your students see
how the file Jordan.wks is stored in different sectors.
 Use Figure 4-42 to show what an operating system does when it formats a disk.
 Demonstrate how to defragment a disk by using a floppy disk or other removable disk that needs to
be defragmented. Start the Disk Defragmenter tool, use the Details view to explain what Windows
is doing as it defragments, and then let it run for the length of the class. At the end of your class
session, examine the progress or results of the defragmentation.
 Discuss what happens when a file is deleted. Is it really deleted, or can it be recovered? Show
students how to use the Recycle Bin folder to find files that they have deleted. Show how to erase
files from the Recycle Bin, and discuss file shredder software that truly eradicates data from your
Remind students that defragmenting disks might be done at the end of the business day or overnight to
avoid use of the computer.
The conceptual model of folders and files does not reflect the physical reality of the way in which files are
stored on a disk. Students may confuse this statement with the explanation of fragmentation discussed later
in the section. Remind students that random-access storage allows files to become physically divided up all
over a disk’s surface. Although this does not mean that the file itself becomes unreadable, it does make it
harder for a drive to read the file efficiently. The process of defragmentation helps to organize the disk by
rearranging the files on the disk so that they are stored in contiguous clusters.
 Figure 4-42, Figure 4-43, Figure 4-44, Figure 4-45
Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Maintaining a Hard
1. Assign a Project: Have the students draw a diagram of the hierarchy of the folder structure of their
own PC, if they have one. Students should compare their results with other students.
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2. Quick Quiz:
1. File management utilities often use some sort of storage _______ to help users visualize and
mentally organize the files on disks and other storage devices. (Answer: metaphor)
2. True/False: The pane on the left side of the Windows Explorer lists each of the storage devices
connected to your computer, plus several important system objects, such as My Computer, My
Documents, My Network Places, and the Desktop. (Answer: True)
3. When working with Windows Explorer, you can select noncontiguous files by holding down
the _______.
a. Ctrl key and clicking each of them
b. Alt key and clicking each of them
(Answer: a)
c. Shift key and clicking each of them
d. mouse and pressing the down arrow key
Security Backup Basics
 Use Figure 4-48 to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each backup device.
 Review external hard disks and their advantages in the backup process. Why are these useful?
Because they can be stored in a secure location, such as a safe, or a fireproof vault.
 Disaster can happen to anyone. Refer to the following table to show how easily data can be
failure, surge,
or spike
Trojan horses
data loss
data loss or
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Emphasize the importance of a plan. Refer students to Figure 4-46 to help them formulate a backup
plan for themselves. Suggest a schedule for backups, e.g., every other Friday, or just before lab.
Explain that many users rely on network backup. Network backup can be as easy as copying a
valuable file to a folder on a shared drive on your server. While this protects your important data
against the failure of your own personal computer, it might not protect you against a network
failure, or a disaster such as a fire in your building, for example.
Review Internet backup sites.
Another form of Internet backup is simply to e-mail a file to a friend, or to your own Internet e-mail
account such as a Gmail account. Any form of backup is better than none!
 Figure 4-46, Figure 4-47, Figure 4-48
1. Class Discussion: Ask the class if anyone has ever been the victim of a data disaster, such as
mistakenly copying an old version of a document over a new version, losing data on a hard drive, or
having a virus wipe out files. What could’ve been done to prevent the loss?
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) _______ stores files needed to recover data that’s been wiped out by operator error,
viruses, or hardware failures. (Answer: backup.)
 True/False: Your backup schedule depends on how much data you can afford to lose. (Answer:
Data File Backup
 Demonstrate a backup. In Windows, use the Copy Disk menu option (on the File menu of My
Computer or Windows Explorer). If the Backup tool has been installed, you could use that instead.
 Figure 4-49, Figure 4-50
1. Class Discussion: Ask the class what types of files they currently back up and onto what medium.
Using Figure 4-50 to aid the discussion, ask if their backups are as complete as they should be.
2. Quick Quiz:
 True/False: You can simplify the backup process by storing important files in various separate
locations. (Answer: False.)
 True/False: Restoring from a data file backup is very difficult. (Answer: False.)
 True/False: You should only be concerned with backing up data files you create. (Answer:
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The New Perspectives Lab “Backing up Your Computer” deals with issues that relate to this section of
the textbook. You might want to go through the lab during class time if you have a computer with a
projection device. Or, assign this lab for students to do on their own.
System Backup
 Are these reasonable backup methods for a home computer? Who might be likely to use one of
these types of systems?
 Explain that software developers often back up to a second hard disk.
 Go over the pros and cons of full backups vs. differential backups, where only those files that were
added or changed since your last full backup session are backed up.
 Depending on a student’s computer configuration, it might be easier to rely on distribution disks to
restore software, rather than going to the trouble to create a full system backup.
 Figure 4-51, Figure 4-52, Figure 4-53
1. Assign a Project: Have students write a paragraph comparing and contrasting full, differential, and
incremental backups.
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) ________ is a snapshot of your computer settings. (Answer: restore point.)
 True/False: Many experts recommend that you keep more than one set of backups. (Answer:
Boot and Recovery Disks
 Talk the class through the process of making a boot disk.
 If possible, demonstrate the purpose of a boot disk.
 Figure 4-54, Figure 4-55
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to share their disaster stories about lost files and no backups. If you
have any disaster stories of your own, tell them. Do all students make backups, or do some prefer to
live dangerously?
2. Quick Quiz:
1. A(n) _______ is a removable storage medium containing the operating system files needed to
boot your computer without accessing the hard disk. (Answer: boot disk)
2. True/False: The backup device that you select depends on the value of your data, your current
equipment, and your budget. (Answer: True)
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010 Instructor’s Manual
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Glossary of Key Terms
backward compatibility (198)
backup (222)
backup software (226)
boot disk (229)
boot process (192)
bootstrap program (192)
cluster (219)
command-line interface (189)
custom recovery CD (230)
data fork (200)
defragmentation utility (221)
desktop (189)
desktop operating system (188)
differential backup (227)
directory (206)
disk mastering (219)
disk partition (205)
DOS (202)
dual boot (199)
FAT 32 (219)
File Allocation Table (FAT) (219)
file date (206)
file extension (204)
file format (207)
file header (207)
file management utilities (214)
file-naming conventions (204)
file shredder software (220)
file size (206)
file specification (206)
file system (219)
file tag (212)
folder (206)
formatting (218)
fragmented files (221)
full backup (227)
graphical user interface (189)
icon (189)
Top of Document
incremental backup (227)
iPhone OS X (203)
Linux distribution (201)
Mac OS (197)
Master File Table (MFT) (219)
memory leak (187)
menu (190)
menu bar (190)
Microsoft Windows (194)
multiprocessing (186)
multitasking (186)
multithreading (186)
multiuser operating system (187)
native file format (209)
NTFS (New Technology File System) (219)
operating system (184)
packet writing (219)
Palm OS (202)
physical storage model (218)
recovery disk (229)
resource (185)
resource fork (200)
restore point (228)
root directory (206)
sectors (218)
server operating system (187)
single-user operating system (187)
subdirectory (206)
submenu (191)
Symbian OS (203)
toolbar (190)
tracks (218)
UNIX (201)
user interface (189)
virtual machine (VM) (199)
window (189)
Windows Explorer (216)
Windows Mobile OS (203)