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 Is a unique Total System Integrator for reduced
electrical consumption
 Applies custom solutions that achieve “Whole Facility”
electrical energy efficiency
 Utilizes power factor correction on inductive loads and
large panel systems
 Proven by advanced metering and web based integrated
power management systems
 Reduces electrical system waste,
diminishes overall energy costs and
lessens your carbon footprint
 Compliant with current DOE mandates
 Achieves overall reduction of energy
consumption reduction in most facilities
 Planetary distress is an ongoing reality
 Energy efficiency is a sensible commitment worth
 Decreases our carbon footprint emissions by doing
our part to go GREEN
 Help meet planetary requirements and promote
financial savings
 Venergy Group addresses reducing
consumption not just sustainability
 EPACT 2005 and the EISA 2007
protocols and mandates from the
Federal Government requires all
States, Territories and D.C. to
comply by 2012
Title III, is the Energy Policy and Conservation portion of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).
DOE was given nearly $40 Billion to be applied to some of
the Energy Efficiency needs of all States, Territories and the
District of Columbia (States)
DOE is responsible for overseeing and managing the
allocation of all ARRA funds distributed to the States,
through the various State Energy Programs (SEP)
Stimulating jobs
Saving energy
Increasing energy generation from
renewable sources
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Delaware was the "First State" to enact most of the DOE
stimulus mandates. Key Legislation in the form of new
Energy Efficiency Building Codes for all Residential and
Commercial facilities was signed into State Law late July,
2009 and these new building code requirements will take
effect Jan 1, 2010.
Each State energy conservation plan with respect
to which assistance is made available under this
Part, on or after the date of enactment of the
Energy Policy Act of 2005, shall contain a goal
consisting of an improvement of 25% or more
in the efficiency of use of energy in the State
concerned in calendar year 2012 as compared to
calendar year 1990 and may contain interim goals.”
 All States must enact new legislation to
include the following activities and details on
compliance prior to being authorized to
dispense Stimulus funding . . . . . . .
 Incorporate energy efficiency criteria into
procurement procedures
 Implement mandatory thermal efficiency
standards (new and renovations)
 Establish building codes that
require adherence to mandates
 Commercial code requirements:
meet or exceed the ANSI/ ASHRAE/
IESNA Standard 90.1–2007
The adequacy of North America’s electrical grid will decline
unless changes are made soon … The demand for electricity is
expected to increase over the next 10 years by 19 % in the U.S.,
but confirmed power capacity will increase by only 6 %
- NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) -
“Over $16 billion dollars of electricity is
unusable energy, but billable in the US.”
- U.S. Dept. of Energy -
 Up to 25% of billable electricity is unusable
 Electric AC motors use more then half of all electricity
 Electricity Costs: 1960’s .019/kwh
1970’s energy crisis .044/kwh 2009 .10+ /kwh
 Most AC induction motors operate
at 80% efficiency under a full load …
the efficiency drops dramatically at
lower loads
 DOE research proves that substantial
savings can be found on the
running costs of AC induction motors
Occur in Transmission, Distribution
Facility Conductors & Equipment
 Power Loss = I² R Loss
 Extra reactive power that must
be generated is “wasted” due
to heat losses in conductors
 Enhance the capacity of existing electrical systems
 Supply power to more customers without the
generation or acquisition of additional power
 Reduces capital expenditures by leveraging
the existing infrastructure
 Keeps utility costs down
 Less fossil fuel being used to
generate power
 Less dependency on foreign oil
 Inductive loads consume 80% or more of power in
Commercial Buildings & Industrial Complexes
 Reactive power provides magnetizing current
for inductive loads such as:
- Transformers & computers
- Motors
- Compressors & HVAC equipment
- Lighting ballasts
- Elevators & escalators
- Process machinery
 Lightly loaded motors are wasteful
and exhibit low power factor
 The larger loads with longer run
times equals more savings to you
 Power Factor is the ratio between real power (Working)
(kW) and Apparent Power (kVA)
 Most loads in electrical distribution systems are
 Inductive loads require two kinds of current:
- Working Power – performs actual work
of creating heat, light, motion, etc.
- Reactive Power kVAR – sustains
the electromagnetic field
 PF measures how effectively &
efficiently electrical power is being used
Absorbed By
at Motor
you lower your
electric bill
Less Apparent Power
(Purchased Power)
kVA or kWh
Power From
Working Power is
Not Changed (kW)
Power Factor = Cos
 (changed)
 Too much foam is wasteful because it
doesn’t quench your thirst
 The foam is represented by kVAR
(kilo volt ampere reactance)
kVAR (foam) is
converted by
the capacitors
 The total contents of your mug is kVA
 kVA the total of kW (the liquid) and
kVAR (the foam)
 As your kVAR (foam) approaches zero
your Power Factor approaches 100%
& the amperage & wattage is reduced
 Power Factor should always be
corrected at the motor in a slightly
lag position
How Do Capacitors Work?
 Capacitors re-align the reactive power to help create the
electromagnetic field (EMF) around the inductive windings of a motor
 As motors operate, reactive power is “pulled” and “pushed” to and
from the capacitor by the motor at 60 cycles per second
 Capacitors store & release what motors
need to function more efficiently
 Capacitors fine tune the motors
& eliminate the I² R Loss
 Electricity reclaimed and recycled by the
capacitors would normally be pushed back
through the power distribution lines
 Significantly reduce load on transformers
to allow facility expansion
 Capacitors align, store, recycle and
supplies power to inductive loads
(Does not work on resistive loads)
Other Benefits
 Capacitors improve the efficiency of the electrical systems,
increases amperage capacity and reduces the kWH
 Maintains quality voltage levels in your system with
less voltage drop especially long runs of cable
 Helps reduce the harmful effects from the heating of wireing
 Reduces the heat and premature failure of motors and
other inductive equipment
 Motors run cooler & more efficient
 Increases life expectancy
 Increase starting torque
 Decreases demand charges
 Reduces maintenance costs
 Installed on the line side near the main service
 Installed directly on the motor or other inductive load
 Used to reduce or eliminate Power Factor Penalties
 Used to increase transformer efficiencies and reduce
Continuing Benefits
 Maximized design savings
 Reduces amperage & kWh
to the “cash register” (meter)
 Saves the customer money on
 Reducing amperage & kW usage directly reflects
in dollar savings
 All electrical components are purposely oversized
by at least 125% - NEC (National Electrical Code)
 Eliminate the primary power factor surcharge
 Utilities usually charge customers an additional
fee (up to 25% more) when their power
factor is less than 0.95
 Avoid this additional fee by
determining the capacitance
needed to correct each motor
to a higher PF by properly sizing
and installing capacitors
- PF Penalty
- PF Adjustment
- PF Multiplier
- Reactive Demand Charge
- Calculated Demand
- Billed Demand
 Panel mount – accumulation of smaller inductive loads
 Equipment mount – larger individual inductive loads
There are Good, Better, and Best locations for installation of units
Adding PF correction
capacitors to a lagging PF
load improves the Power
Factor on the ENTIRE system
Are steady or variable voltage & currents at
higher frequencies than 60 Hz (or 50 Hz)
Adjustable Speed Drives
Variable Frequency Drives – VFD’s
SCR Drives
AC Motor Drives (ac/dc/ac)
Nonlinear loads (electronic loads)
UPS’s, computers, copiers & rectifiers
 Many inductive loads have some
amount of harmonic content
Consequences of High
Harmonic Distortion Levels
 High harmonic levels can shorten the life of
equipment by 75 percent or more and raise your
 High levels of harmonic distortion can create
stress & problems for the utility’s distribution
system, the plant’s distribution system and the
equipment that is connected
 The result may be the plant
engineer’s worst fear — the shutting
down of important plant equipment
ranging from a single machine to
an entire line or process
Excessive Harmonics Penalty Charge
 The customer is responsible for not causing
excessive harmonics
 The utility is not supposed to feed you harmonic rich
power which alters your meter readings
 Some electric utilities are presently
charging financial penalties and/or
causing service interruptions for
customers injecting excessive
harmonics into the utility system
 A harmonic distortion-based penalty
structure, in the manner of
IEEE 519-1992, is forthcoming
in addition to poor Power Factor
Harmonic Resonance
On November 7, 1940 at approximately 11:00 AM the
Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge collapsed due to
wind-induced vibrations. The bridge had only been open
for traffic a few months.
Harmonics = Wind
(excites resonance)
The “Self correcting” problem
Blown fuses
Failed capacitors
Damaged transformer and
Power Factor correction capacitors can amplify
existing harmonic voltages & currents
 Proper analysis & installation
 Filtered capacitors & active filters
 Proper metering
 Web based data monitoring
 Interface with existing facility
management systems
Depends on:
• Age of inductive equipment
• Percentage of PF correction at loads
• Quantity of PF penalty elimination
• The amount labor needed to
achieve facility optimization
• kW charged & net kVA Savings
• Total of monies awarded from
Federal stimulus funds or State
energy efficiency grants
• Amount of the project
repayment schedule
 You can finally reduce motor temperatures, increase
longevity, increase distribution capacity, have better
voltage regulation, eliminate surges, remove power factor
& other surcharge penalties & SAVE YOU MONEY!
 Electrical Rates are climbing everywhere & Energy
Conservation and going Green are buzz words
 Venergy Group Solutions and our partners have
integrated a unique way using data analyzers and other
methodologies for determining the amount of
capacitance that is needed to optimize inductive
equipment, creating an ideal balance for maximum
 Let’s see how much money can
be saved at your facility as we
slow down the electric meters…
• Let’s
• Examine 12 to 24 months of electrical
• Schedule a complete facility analysis
• Perform detailed analysis on live loads
• Evaluate “Whole System”
• Calculate the approximate ROI
and submit a proposal
• Establish your company as the Energy Savings Leader
• Be the First to Meet DOE Mandates
• See amazing Positive Results That Lead to Credible
Savings & Increased Revenues
• Significantly impact recurring costs
and Minimize Down Time
• Empower Your Employees Working in Sustainable
Savings Participation Goals
• Greatly Increase Your Productive Work
Time From Increased “Up” Time
• Build Confidence In Your Electrical
• Move Ahead of the Competition