Download Protein is one of three essential macronutrients, nutrients your body

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Tip of the week
Protein is one of three essential macronutrients, nutrients your body requires in large
quantities. Protein provides your body with the necessary materials to produce other proteins,
hormones, enzymes and other body structures, including muscle fibers. Dietary intake is vital
since your body is not capable of synthesizing all of the amino acids it requires. Amino acids
are the building blocks of proteins.
Muscle Damage
When you work out, your activity will lead to tiny tears in your muscle fibers. The more
strenuous you exercise, the more likely this may occur. Strength training will also cause this
damage to occur. While this may seem to be a negative effect, it is a part of the damage and
repair process that leads to muscle enlargement, or hypertrophy. This effect gives you the
definition you see in well-trained muscles. Your diet will provide the raw materials that your
body requires to repair damaged muscle fibers.
Repair Process
Muscles are composed of proteins. Your diet provides the building blocks for these proteins,
called amino acids. The repair process takes one to three days, explains the University of
Maryland Medical Center. Several biological mechanisms occur. Your body responds to
muscle damage with a response by your immune system. The inflammatory response causes
the common sensations of pain and swelling your may feel. White blood cells circulate to the
affected area. Other types of cells called macrophages will remove debris and dead fibers.
Your workouts stimulate protein synthesis in your body that will repair the damage and create
larger fibers.
The scientific literature has documented the effects of protein on muscles. A study by the
University of Jyväskylä in Finland, published in the June 2010 issue of “Nutrition and
Metabolism,” explains that protein provides the body with the materials it needs to
produce muscle proteins to recover from working out. In particular, whey protein has
been found to stimulate muscle growth. A study by Arizona State University, published in the
October 2008 issue of “Nutrition Research,” found that whey protein increased muscle
development in elderly individuals. These findings are significant in light of the fact that agerelated muscle loss is a common occurrence in older individuals and can negatively affect
their quality of life.
Protein Intake
To help your body repair muscle, it is essential that you get the recommended daily
allowance of protein. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that adult
women get 46 g and adult men get 56 g of protein each day. For the best nutritional value,
you should concentrate on lean sources such as poultry and fish. Animal-based proteins are
ideal because they contain all of the essential amino acids. A healthy diet will support proper
muscle repair and development.
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