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Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:___________________ Evolution Review
Part 1: Evidence for Evolution 1. What are the four types of evidence for evolution? 2. What do scientists use this evidence for? (What can they conclude based on the evidence?) 3. What is the most accurate way to determine evolutionary relatedness? 4. What technology is shown in the diagram to the right? 5. Based on the results, which two organisms (out of A, B, and C) are most closely related? ______ and _______ 6. Use the amino acid analysis to answer the questions that follow. a. How many amino acid differences do the duck and rabbit have? ___ b. How many differences do the turtle and monkey have? c. Which two organisms are most closely related? d. Which two organisms are least closely related? e. The amino acid sequence in a species may change over time. What is this called? 7. Will new traits appear in most members of a species over millions of years or quickly? Why? 8. True or False: DNA fingerprinting is used to make mRNA. Part 2: Classification 1. Scientists recently discovered a new species that is multicellular, has cell walls, makes its own food, and has structures that absorb water from the air. What kingdom does this organism belong to? _________________________ 2. Do human cells contain a nucleus? _______ Are humans multicellular? ________ Do humans make their own food? ______ Do human cells have a cell wall? _______ What kingdom do humans belong to? ____________________ 3. Bacteria are classified as: A) Plants B) Fungi C) Prokaryotes D) Eukaryotes 4. Why can prokaryotic cells divide much faster than eukaryotic cells? Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:___________________ Part 3: Natural Selection 1. Which of these will most likely result in variation within a species? A. Mutation B) succession C) diffusion D) competition 2. A population of rabbits includes black, grey, and white rabbits. The difference in the fur color of the individual rabbits is described as: ____________________________ 3. Mammals living in extremely cold climates typically have thick fur and a layer of fat to insulate them from the cold. Which of these terms best describes these characteristics? A. Embryos B) Mutations C) genetic material D) adaptations 4. The Jutta Arctic butterfly avoids predators by having large eye spots on their wings that make them look like big and scary animals. Scientists believe the ancestors of these butterflies had smaller eye spots that were not as effective in frightening away predators. Which of these processes resulted in the larger eye spots found in the modern Jutta Arctic butterfly? A. natural selection B) selective breeding C) genetic engineering D) asexual reproduction 5. An insecticide is a chemical that kills insects. Most insects are killed the first time they’re exposed to an insecticide. However, some insects have a trait that enables them to survive their first exposure to an insecticide. When these surviving insects reproduce this trait may be inherited by their offspring. The number of insecticide resistant insects usually increase over time because increasing numbers of offspring with this trait are able to survive and reproduce. Which process enables increasing number of insects to survive their initial exposure to an insecticide? A. Mutation B) variation C) homologous structures D) natural selection 6. Rafflesia flowers produce the smell of rotting flesh. This smell attracts flies. When the flies land on the flowers, the pollen attaches to them. The flies then transport the pollen to other flowers allowing the flowers to reproduce more offspring. Producing a smell to attract flies is an example of an _____________________________. 7. Drawin created his theory of Natural Selection based on evidence in the Galapagos Islands. What variation did he observe among the finch population on the Islands? 8. True or False: Natural selection is a random process. 9. True or False: Individuals that function best tend to leave the most offspring. 10. Which of the following best describes the theory of natural selection? A) Genetic recombination leads to genetic variations in a population. B) Organisms of a species can breed with others of the same species and form fertile offspring. C) Individuals best suited to the environment survive and produce more offspring than do other individuals. D) Members of a species who are stronger survive longer than members of another group because of favorable traits. 11. Plants undergo photosynthesis to make their own food. To do this, their leaves must capture energy from the sun. BIGGER/SMALLER leaves allow the plant to absorb more light energy; therefore, BIG/SMALL leaves are considered an adaptation. 12. Pesticide is a poison that kills insects. However, not all insects are killed by pesticide. This is known as pesticide resistance and it occurs in insects when: A) The gene for pesticide resistance is not passed on to their offspring B) The gene for pesticide resistance is only carried by one parent C) Natural selection does not favor resistant individuals D) Natural selection favors resistant individuals 13. A virus was introduced to a population of rabbits that was damaging Australian crops. Over time, the amount of rabbits that were killed by the virus decreased. Which of these explains why the death rate decreased? A) Young rabbits learned to avoid being infected by the virus. B) The lifespan of this virus is too short to affect rabbits over a long time period C) The rabbits that were originally infected have been dead for many years D) Natural selection favored rabbits that are resistant to this virus