Download 1Which of the following statements regarding the structure and

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1 Which of the following statements regarding the structure and function of blood
vessels is false?
Both veins and arteries have three coats: the tunica adventitia, tunica
media, and tunica intima.
Gas exchange occurs by diffusion at the capillary level.
Veins have semilunar valves to prevent the backflow of blood.
All veins carry deoxygenated blood.
2 If the right side of the heart fails to pump blood adequately, signs and
symptoms will include which of the following:
Abdominal edema.
"Wet" lung sounds.
Pulmonary edema.
3 Which of the following statements regarding shock is false?
First aid for shock should include having the victim lie down with feet
Signs and symptoms of shock include pale, clammy skin, an increased
blood pressure, and an increased pulse.
Neurogenic shock may be caused by pain or fear.
Hypovolemic shock may be caused by hemorrhage or fluid loss
secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, or burns.
4 What is the double-layered covering of the heart called?
5 Which of the statements about cardiac output is false?
Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood pumped by one
ventricle in one hour.
Cardiac output will be greater when the stroke volume is larger.
The formula for cardiac output is CO = SV x HR.
6 Which type of leukocyte makes up the smallest percentage of the normal total
white blood cell count?
7 The correct sequence of actions to stop bleeding is:
Direct pressure, elevation, indirect pressure, tourniquet.
Direct pressure, indirect pressure, elevation, tourniquet.
Direct pressure, elevation, tourniquet, indirect pressure.
Indirect pressure, elevation, direct pressure, tourniquet.
8 Which of the following is not a granulocyte?
9 The function of thrombocytes includes:
Mediation of immune responses.
Phagocytosis of bacteria.
Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Release chemicals to enhance vascular spasm in hemostasis.
10 Which vessel leaves the right ventricle and delivers deoxygenated blood to the
The aorta.
The pulmonary veins.
The innominate.
The pulmonary artery.
11 The function of the chordea tendinae is:
to stimulate ventricular contraction.
to close the AV valves after the atrium contract.
to conduct the electrical impulse of the heart to the myocardium.
to prevent the AV valves from opening when the ventricles contract.
12 Which of the following statements about electrocardiogram readings is false?
The T wave represents ventricular repolarization (just before the
ventricles relax).
The P wave represents atrial depolarization (just before the atrium
The QRS complex represents the onset of atrial depolarization (just
before the atrium contract).
13 Which of the following statements regarding fetal circulation is false?
The foramen ovale exists between the atria, and allows blood to be be
shunted from the right atrium to the left atrium.
The ductus venosus allows blood to largely bypass the fetal liver.
The ductus arteriosus allows blood from the pulmonary artery to enter
the systemic circulation and bypass the fetal lungs.
Blood is delivered to the baby via the umbilical artery which leaves the
placenta, and returns to the placenta by the umbilical veins.
14 Which of the statements regarding blood pressure is false?
High blood pressure is defined as being greater than 140 / 90.
The top number represents the diastolic pressure.
The diastolic number indicates the amount of pressure in the blood
vessels when the ventricles relax.
The systolic number represents the pressure in the blood vessels when
the ventricles contract.
15 Which of the following statements about ABO blood types is true?
A person with type AB blood is considered a universal donor.
Type AB blood has anti-O antibodies on the red blood cell surface.
Type A blood has anti-A antibodies in the blood plasma.
Type O blood has no antigens on the red blood cell surface.
16 The heart's conduction impulse originates in the:
Sinoatrial node.
Bundle of His.
Purkinje Fibers.
Atrioventricular node.
17 Questions 17 - 20 will use the diagram of the heart depicted below.
The structure denoted by letter H is:
The aortic semilunar valve.
The mitral valve.
The pulmonic semilunar valve.
The tricuspid valve.
18 The structure indicated by the letter D in the diagram is:
Pulmonary vein.
Inferior vena cava.
Superior vena cava.
Pulmonary artery.
19 The superior vena cava is represented by which letter:
20 The structure indicated by E is:
The aortic semilunar valve.
The pulmonary semilunar valve.
The mitral valve.
The tricuspid valve.
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. B