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Subject Code: ELN-15/25
Hours per week : 04
Total Hrs: 52
IA marks: 25
Exam Hours 03
Exam Marks: 100
Electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductors, conductivity of a semiconductor,
carrier concentrations in an intrinsic semiconductor, donor and acceptor impurities,
charge densities in a semiconductor, Fermi level in a semiconductor having impurities,
diffusion, carrier life time, Hall effect.
05 Hrs.
The branch of engineering which deals with the flow of Electrons through vacuum,
gas or semiconductor is called Electronics.
Electronics essentially deals with electronic devices and their utilization.
Atomic Structure
Atom is the basic building block of all the elements. It consists of the central
nucleus of positive charge around which small negatively charged particles called
electrons revolve in different paths or orbits.
An Electrostatic force of attraction between electrons and the nucleus holds up
electrons in different orbits.
Electrostatic force.
Centrifugal force.
Figure1.1. Atomic structure
Nucleus is the central part of an atom and contains protons and neutrons. A proton
is positively charged particle, while the neutron has the same mass as the proton,
but has no charge. Therefore ,nucleus of an atom is positively charged.
atomic weight = no. of protons + no. of neutrons
An electron is a negatively charged particle having negligible mass. The charge
on an electron is equal but opposite to that on a proton. Also the number of
electrons is equal to the number of protons in an atom under ordinary conditions.
Therefore an atom is neutral as a whole.
atomic number = no. of protons or electrons in an atom
The number of electrons in any orbit is given by 2n2 where n is the number of the
For example, I orbit contains 2x12 =2 electrons
II orbit contains 2x22 = 8 electrons
III orbit contains 2x32 = 18 electrons and so on
The last orbit cannot have more than 8 electrons.
The last but one orbit cannot have more than 18 electrons.
Positive and negative ions
Protons and electrons are equal in number hence if an atom loses an electron it
has lost negative charge therefore it becomes positively charged and is referred as
positive ion.
If an atom gains an electron it becomes negatively charged and is referred to as
negative ion.
Valence electrons
The electrons in the outermost orbit of an atom are known as valence electrons.
The outermost orbit can have a maximum of 8 electrons.
The valence electrons determine the physical and chemical properties of a
When the number of valence electrons of an atom is less than 4, the material is
usually a metal and a conductor. Examples are sodium, magnesium and
aluminium, which have 1,2 and 3 valence electrons respectively.
When the number of valence electrons of an atom is more than 4, the material is
usually a non-metal and an insulator. Examples are nitrogen, sulphur and neon,
which have 5,6 and 8 valence electrons respectively.
When the number of valence electrons of an atom is 4 the material has both metal
and non-metal properties and is usually a semi-conductor. Examples are carbon,
silicon and germanium.
Free electrons
The valence electrons of different material possess different energies. The greater
the energy of a valence electron, the lesser it is bound to the nucleus.
In certain substances, particularly metals, the valence electrons possess so much
energy that they are very loosely attached to the nucleus.
The loosely attached valence electrons move at random within the material and
are called free electrons.
The valence electrons, which are loosely attached to the nucleus, are known as free
Energy bands
In case of a single isolated atom an electron in any orbit has definite energy.
When atoms are brought together as in solids, an atom is influenced by the forces
from other atoms. Hence an electron in any orbit can have a range of energies
rather than single energy. These range of energy levels are known as Energy
Within any material there are two distinct energy bands in which electrons may
exist viz Valence band and conduction band.
Energy level
Conduction band
Forbidden gap
Valence band
Figure1.2 Energy level diagram
The range of energies possessed by valence electrons is called valence band.
The range of energies possessed by free electrons is called conduction band.
Valence band and conduction band are separated by an energy gap in which no
electrons normally exist this gap is called forbidden gap.
Electrons in conduction band are either escaped from their atoms (free electrons) or only
weakly held to the nucleus. Thereby by the electrons in conduction band may be easily
moved around within the material by applying relatively small amount of energy. (either
by increasing the temperature or by focusing light on the material etc. ) This is the reason
why the conductivity of the material increases with increase in temperature.
But much larger amount of energy must be applied in order to extract an electron from
the valence band because electrons in valence band are usually in the normal orbit around
a nucleus. For any given material, the forbidden gap may be large, small or non-existent.
Classification of materials based on Energy band theory
Based on the width of the forbidden gap, materials are broadly classified as conductors,
Insulators and semiconductors.
(a) Conductor
EG =6eV
Gap EG =1eV
(b) Insulator
EG =6eV
(c) Semiconductor
Conductors are those substances, which allow electric current to pass through
Example: Copper, Al, salt solutions, etc.
In terms of energy bands, conductors are those substances in which there is no
forbidden gap. Valence and conduction band overlap as shown in fig (a).
For this reason, very large number of electrons are available for conduction even
at extremely low temperatures. Thus, conduction is possible even by a very weak
electric field.
Insulators are those substances, which do not allow electric current to pass
through them.
Example: Rubber, glass, wood etc.
In terms of energy bands, insulators are those substances in which the forbidden
gap is very large.
Thus valence and conduction band are widely separated as shown in fig (b).
Therefore insulators do not conduct electricity even with the application of a large
electric field or by heating or at very high temperatures.
Semiconductors are those substances whose conductivity lies in between that of a
conductor and Insulator.
Example: Silicon, germanium, Cealenium, Gallium, arsenide etc.
In terms of energy bands, semiconductors are those substances in which the
forbidden gap is narrow.
Thus valence and conduction bands are moderately separated as shown in fig(C).
In semiconductors, the valence band is partially filled, the conduction band is also
partially filled, and the energy gap between conduction band and valence band is
Therefore, comparatively smaller electric field is required to push the electrons
from valence band to conduction band . At low temperatures the valence band is
completely filled and conduction band is completely empty. Therefore, at very
low temperature a semi-conductor actually behaves as an insulator.
Conduction in solids
Conduction in any given material occurs when a voltage of suitable magnitude is
applied to it, which causes the charge carriers within the material to move in a
desired direction.
This may be due to electron motion or hole transfer or both.
Electron motion
Free electrons in the conduction band are moved under the influence of the applied
electric field. Since electrons have negative charge they are repelled by the negative
terminal of the applied voltage and attracted towards the positive terminal.
Hole transfer
Hole transfer involves the movement of holes.
Holes may be thought of positive charged particles and as such they move
through an electric field in a direction opposite to that of electrons.
(a) Conductor
Flow of electrons
(b) Semiconductor
Flow of electrons
Flow of current
Flow of holes
Flow of current
In a good conductor (metal) as shown in fig (a) the current flow is due to free
electrons only.
In a semiconductor as shown in fig (b). The current flow is due to both holes and
electrons moving in opposite directions.
The unit of electric current is Ampere (A) and since the flow of electric current is
constituted by the movement of electrons in conduction band and holes in valence
band, electrons and holes are referred as charge carriers.
Classification of semiconductors
Semiconductors are classified into two types.
a) Intrinsic semiconductors.
b) Extrinsic semiconductors.
a) Intrinsic semiconductors
A semiconductor in an extremely pure form is known as Intrinsic
Example: Silicon, germanium.
Both silicon and Germanium are tetravalent (having 4 valence electrons).
Each atom forms a covalent bond or electron pair bond with the electrons of
neighboring atom. The structure is shown below.
Silicon or Germanium
Valence electron
Covalent bond
Figure1.3. Crystalline structure of Silicon (or Germanium)
At low temperature
At low temperature, all the valence electrons are tightly bounded the nucleus
hence no free electrons are available for conduction.
The semiconductor therefore behaves as an Insulator at absolute zero
At room temperature
Free electron
Valence electron
Figure 1.4. Crystalline structure of Silicon (or Germanium) at room temperature
At room temperature, some of the valence electrons gain enough thermal energy
to break up the covalent bonds.
This breaking up of covalent bonds sets the electrons free and are available for
When an electron escapes from a covalent bond and becomes free electrons a
vacancy is created in a covalent bond as shown in figure above. Such a vacancy is
called Hole. It carries positive charge and moves under the influence of an electric
field in the direction of the electric field applied.
Numbers of holes are equal to the number of electrons since, a hole is nothing but
an absence of electrons.
Extrinsic Semiconductor
When an impurity is added to an Intrinsic semiconductor its conductivity changes.
This process of adding impurity to a semiconductor is called Doping and the
impure semiconductor is called extrinsic semiconductor.
Depending on the type of impurity added, extrinsic semiconductors are further
classified as n-type and p-type semiconductor.
n-type semiconductor
free eSi
Figure 1.5
n-type semiconductor
Conduction band
Forbidden gap
Fermi level
Valence band
Figure1.6 Energy band diagram for n-type semiconductor
When a small current of Pentavalent impurity is added to a pure
semiconductor it is called as n-type semiconductor.
Addition of Pentavalent impurity provides a large number of free electrons in a
semiconductor crystal.
Typical example for pentavalent impurities are Arsenic, Antimony and
Phosphorus etc. Such impurities which produce n-type semiconductors are known
as Donor impurities because they donate or provide free electrons to the
semiconductor crystal.
To understand the formation of n-type semiconductor, consider a pure silicon
crystal with an impurity say arsenic added to it as shown in figure 1.5.
We know that a silicon atom has 4 valence electrons and Arsenic has 5 valence
electrons. When Arsenic is added as impurity to silicon, the 4 valence electrons of
silicon make co-valent bond with 4 valence electrons of Arsenic.
The 5th Valence electrons finds no place in the covalent bond thus, it becomes free
and travels to the conduction band as shown in figure. Therefore, for each arsenic
atom added, one free electron will be available in the silicon crystal. Though each
arsenic atom provides one free electrons yet an extremely small amount of arsenic
impurity provides enough atoms to supply millions of free electrons.
Due to thermal energy, still hole election pairs are generated but the number of free
electrons are very large in number when compared to holes. So in an n-type
semiconductor electrons are majority charge carriers and holes are minority charge
carriers . Since the current conduction is pre-dominantly by free electrons( -vely charges)
it is called as n-type semiconductor( n- means –ve).
p-type semiconductor
Figure 1.7 p-type semiconductor
Conduction band
Forbidden gap
Fermi level
Valence band
Figure 1.8 Energy band diagram for p-type semiconductor
When a small amount of trivalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor
it is called p-type semiconductor.
The addition of trivalent impurity provides large number of holes in the
semiconductor crystals.
Example: Gallium, Indium or Boron etc. Such impurities which produce p-type
semiconductors are known as acceptor impurities because the holes created can
accept the electrons in the semi conductor crystal.
To understand the formation of p-type semiconductor, consider a pure silicon crystal with
an impurity say gallium added to it as shown in figure 1.7.
We know that silicon atom has 4 valence electrons and Gallium has 3 electrons.
When Gallium is added as impurity to silicon, the 3 valence electrons of gallium
make 3 covalent bonds with 3 valence electrons of silicon.
The 4th valence electrons of silicon cannot make a covalent bond with that of
Gallium because of short of one electron as shown above. This absence of
electron is called a hole. Therefore for each gallium atom added one hole is
created, a small amount of Gallium provides millions of holes.
Due to thermal energy, still hole-electron pairs are generated but the number of holes are
very large compared to the number of electrons. Therefore, in a p-type semiconductor
holes are majority carriers and electrons are minority carriers. Since the current
conduction is predominantly by hole( + charges) it is called as p-type semiconductor( p
means +ve)
Drift and Diffusion current
The flow of current through a semiconductor material is normally referred to as one of
the two types.
Drift current
 If an electron is subjected to an electric field in free space it will accelerate in a
straight line form the –ve terminal to the + ve terminal of the applied voltage.
However in the case of conductor or semiconductor at room temperature, a free
electrons under the influence of electric field will move towards the +ve terminal
of the applied voltage but will continuously collide with atoms all the ways as
shown in figure 1.9.
Electron drift due to field
when electric
field is
Applied voltage
when no electric
field is applied
Figure 1.9
Each time, when the electron strikes an atom, it rebounds in a random direction
but the presence of electric field doesnot stop the collisions and random motion.
As a result the electrons drift in a direction of the applied electric field.
The current produced in this way is called as Drift current and it is the usual kind
of current flow that occurs in a conductor.
Diffusion current
The directional movement of charge carriers due to their concentration
gradient produces a component of current known as Diffusion current.
The mechanism of transport of charges in a semiconductor when no electric field
is applied called diffusion. It is encountered only in semiconductors and is
normally absent in conductors.
heavy concentration of
less concentration
Diffusion current
Even distribution
Net diffusion current is zero
With no applied voltage if the number of charge carriers (either holes or
electrons) in one region of a semiconductor is less compared to the rest of the
region then there exist a concentration gradient.
Since the charge carriers are either all electrons or all holes they sine polarity of
charge and thus there is a force of repulsion between them.
As a result, the carriers tend to move gradually or diffuse from the region of
higher concentration to the region of lower concentration. This process is called
diffusion and electric current produced due to this process is called diffusion
This process continues until all the carriers are evenly distributed through the
material. Hence when there is no applied voltage, the net diffusion current will be
Fermi level indicates the level of energy in the forbidden gap.
1. Fermi-level for an Intrinsic semiconductor
Conduction band
Energy level
Forbidden gap
Valence band
Conduction band energy level
Valence band energy level
fermi level
We know that the Intrinsic semiconductor acts as an insulator at absolute zero
temperature because there are free electrons and holes available but as the
temperature increases electron hole pairs are generated and hence number of
electrons will be equal to number of holes.
Therefore, the possibility of obtaining an electron in the conduction band will be
equal to the probability of obtaining a hole in the valence band.
If Ec is the lowest energy level of Conduction band and Ev is the highest energy
level of the valence band then the fermi level Ef is exactly at the center of these
two levels as shown above.
2. Fermi-level in a semiconductors having impurities (Extrinsic)
a) Fermi-level for n-type Semiconductor
Let a donar impurity be added to an Intrinsic semiconductor then the donar
energy level (ED) shown by the dotted lines is very close to conduction
band energy level (Ec).
Therefore the unbonded valence electrons of the impurity atoms can very
easily jump into the conduction band and become free electros thus, at
room temperature almost all the extra electrons of pentavalent impurity
will jump to the conduction band.
The donar energy level (ED) is just below conduction band level (Ec) as
shown in figure1.10(a). Due to a large number of free electrons, the
probability of electrons occupying the energy level towards the conduction
band will be more hence, fermi level shifts towards the conduction band.
Conduction band
Fermi level
Valence band
Energy level of donar impurity
Figure 1.10 (a) Energy level diagram for n-type semiconductor
b) Fermi-level for P-type semiconductor
Let an acceptor impurity be added to an Intrinsic semiconductor then the acceptor
energy level (Ea) shown by dotted lines is very close to the valence band shown
by dotted lines is very close to the valence band energy level (Ev).
Therefore the valence band electrons of the impurity atom can very easily jump
into the valence band thereby creating holes in the valence band.
Conduction band
Fermi level
Valence band
Energy level of acceptor impurity
Figure 1.11 (b) Energy level diagram for P-type semiconductor
The acceptor energy level (EA) is just above the valence band level as shown in
figure 1.11 (b).
Due to large number of holes the probability of holes occupying the energy level
towards the valence band will be more and hence, the fermi level gets shifted
towards the valence band.
If a piece of metal or semiconductor carrying a current I is placed in a transverse
magnetic field B then an electric field E is induced in the direction perpendicular to both I
and B. This phenomenon is known as Hall effect.
+ + + + + + + +
X (+ve)
Surface -1
Z (+ve)
Hall effect is normally used to determine whether a semi-conductor is n-type or p-type.
To find whether the semiconductor is n-type or p-type
In the figure. above, If I is in the +ve X direction and B is in the +ve Z
direction, then a force will be exerted on the charge carriers (holes and
electrons) in the –ve Y direction.
This force is independent of whether the charge carriers are electrons or holes.
Due to this force the charge carriers ( holes and electrons) will be forced
downward towards surface –1 as shown.
If the semiconductor is N-type, then electrons will be the charge carriers and
these electrons will accumulate on surface –1 making that surface –vely
charged with respect to surface –2. Hence a potential called Hall voltage
appears between the surfaces 1 and 2.
Similarly when surface –1 is positively charged with respect to surface –2,
then the semiconductor is of P-type. In this way, by seeing the polarity of Hall
voltage we can determine whether the semiconductor is of P-type or N-type.
Applications of Hall effect
Hall effect is used to determine,
carrier concentration, conductivity and mobility.
The sign of the current carrying charge.
Charge density.
It is used as magnetic field meter.
Carrier lifetime (τ)
In a pure semiconductor, we know that number of holes are equal to the number of
electrons. Thermal agitation however, continues to produce new hole electron pairs while
other hole-electron pair disappear as a result of recombination.
On an average, a hole will exist for τp second and an electron will exist for τn second
before recombination. This time is called the carrier lifetime or Mean lifetime.
The average time an electron or hole can exist in the free state is called carrier lifetime.
When a p-type semiconductor material is suitably joined to n-type semiconductor the
contact surface is called a p-n junction. The p-n junction is also called as semiconductor
Fig. 2.0 (a) p-n junction
Depletion region
Fig 2.0 (b) symbolic representation
The left side material is a p-type semiconductor having –ve acceptor ions and
+vely charged holes. The right side material is n-type semiconductor having +ve
donor ions and free electrons.
Suppose the two pieces are suitably treated to form pn junction, then there is a
tendency for the free electrons from n-type to diffuse over to the p-side and holes
from p-type to the n-side . This process is called diffusion.
As the free electrons move across the junction from n-type to p-type, +ve donor
ions are uncovered. Hence a +ve charge is built on the n-side of the junction. At
the same time, the free electrons cross the junction and uncover the –ve acceptor
ions by filling in the holes. Therefore a net –ve charge is established on p-side of
the junction.
When a sufficient number of donor and acceptor ions is uncovered further
diffusion is prevented.
Thus a barrier is set up against further movement of charge carriers. This is called
potential barrier or junction barrier Vo. The potential barrier is of the order of 0.1
to 0.3V.
Note: outside this barrier on each side of the junction, the material is still neutral. Only
inside the barrier, there is a +ve charge on n-side and –ve charge on p-side. This region is
called depletion layer.
2.1 Biasing: Connecting a p-n junction to an external d.c. voltage source is called
1. Forward biasing
2. Reverse biasing
1. Forward biasing
When external voltage applied to the junction is in such a direction that it cancels
the potential barrier, thus permitting current flow is called forward biasing.
To apply forward bias, connect +ve terminal of the battery to p-type and –ve
terminal to n-type as shown in fig.2.1 below.
The applied forward potential establishes the electric field which acts against the
field due to potential barrier. Therefore the resultant field is weakened and the
barier height is reduced at the junction as shown in fig. 2.1.
Since the potential barrier voltage is very small, a small forward voltage is
sufficient to completely eliminate the barrier. Once the potential barrier is
eliminated by the forward voltage, junction resistance becomes almost zero and a
low resistance path is established for the entire circuit. Therefore current flows in
the circuit. This is called forward current.
no external field
External field
Fig.2.1 forward biasing of p-n junction
2. Reverse biasing
When the external voltage applied to the junction is in such a direction the
potential barrier is increased it is called reverse biasing.
To apply reverse bias, connect –ve terminal of the battery to p-type and +ve
terminal to n-type as shown in figure below.
The applied reverse voltage establishes an electric field which acts in the same
direction as the field due to potential barrier. Therefore the resultant field at the
junction is strengthened and the barrier height is increased as shown in fig.2.2.
The increased potential barrier prevents the flow of charge carriers across the
junction. Thus a high resistance path is established for the entire circuit and hence
current does not flow.
external field
no external field
Fig.2.2 Reverse biasing of p-n junction
2.2 Volt- Ampere characteristics(V-I)
Break over
Knee voltage
Fig. 2.3 V-I characteristics of p-n junction diode.
Circuit diagram
(ii) Characteristics
The V-I characteristics of a semiconductor diode can be obtained with the help of
the circuit shown in fig. 2.3 (i)
The supply voltage V is a regulated power supply, the diode is forward biased in
the circuit shown. The resistor R is a current limiting resistor. The voltage across
the diode is measured with the help of voltmeter and the current is recorded using
an ammeter.
By varying the supply voltage different sets of voltage and currents are obtained.
By plotting these values on a graph, the forward characteristics can be obtained.
It can be noted from the graph the current remains zero till the diode voltage
attains the barrier potential.
For silicon diode, the barrier potential is 0.7 V and for Germanium diode, it is 0.3
V. The barrier potential is also called as knee voltage or cur-in voltage.
The reverse characteristics can be obtained by reverse biasing the diode. It can be
noted that at a particular reverse voltage, the reverse current increases rapidly.
This voltage is called breakdown voltage.
2.3 Diode current equation
The current in a diode is given by the diode current equation
I = I0( e V/ηVT –1)
Where, I------ diode current
I0------ reverse saturation current
V------ diode voltage
η------- semiconductor constant
=1 for Ge, 2 for Si.
VT------ Voltage equivalent of temperature= T/11,600 (Temperature T is in Kelvin)
Note----- If the temperature is given in 0C then it can be converted to Kelvin by the help
of following relation, 0C+273 = K
2.4 Diode equivalent circuit
It is generally profitable to replace a device or system by its equivalent circuit. Once the
device is replaced by its equivalent circuit, the resulting network can be solved by
traditional circuit analysis technique.
(ii )
Fig.2.4 Diode equivalent circuit. (i) symbol (ii) equivalent circuit
The forward current If flowing through the diode causes a voltage drop in its internal
resistance rf. Therefore the forward voltage VF applied across the actual diode has to
1. potential barrier Vo
2. internal drop If rf
Vf = Vo + If rf
For silicon diode Vo=0.7V whereas for Germanium diode Vo = 0.3 V.
For ideal diode rf =0.
24.1 Basic Definitions
1.Knee voltage or Cut-in Voltage.
It is the forward voltage at which the diode starts conducting.
2. Breakdown voltage
It is the reverse voltage at which the diode (p-n junction) breaks down with sudden rise
in reverse current.
3. Peak-inverse voltage (PIV)
It is the max. reverse voltage that can be applied to a p-n junction without causing
damage to the junction.
If the reverse voltage across the junction exceeds its peak-inverse voltage, then the
junction exceeds its Peak-inverse voltage, then the junction gets destroyed because of
excessive heat. In rectification, one thing to be kept in mind is that care should be taken
that reverse voltage across the diode during –ve half cycle of a.c. doesnot exceed the
peak-inverse voltage of the diode.
4. Maximum Forward current
It is the Max. instantaneous forward current that a p-n junction can conduct without
damaging the junction. If the forward current is more than the specified rating then the
junction gets destroyed due to over heating.
5.Maximum Power rating
It is the maximum power that can be dissipated at the junction without damaging it. The
power dissipated across the junction is equal to the product of junction current and the
voltage across the junction.
“Rectifiers are the circuit which converts ac to dc”
Rectifiers are grouped into tow categories depending on the period of conductions.
1. Half-wave rectifier
2. Full- wave rectifier.
2.5.1 Half-wave rectifier
The circuit diagram of a half-wave rectifier is shown in fig. 2.5 below along with the I/P
and O/P waveforms.
Fig. 2.5 Half wave rectifier (i) Circuit diagram (ii) waveforms
The transformer is employed in order to step-down the supply voltage and also to
prevent from shocks.
The diode is used to rectify the a.c. signal while , the pulsating d.c. is taken across
the load resistor RL.
During the +ve half cycle, the end X of the secondary is +ve and end Y is -ve .
Thus , forward biasing the diode. As the diode is forward biased, the current flows
through the load RL and a voltage is developed across it.
During the –ve half-cycle the end Y is +ve and end X is –ve thus, reverse biasing
the diode. As the diode is reverse biased there is no flow of current through RL
thereby the output voltage is zero.
2.5.2 Efficiency of a rectifier
The ratio of d.c. power to the applied imp ac power is known as rectifier efficiency.
Rectifier efficiency η =
d .c. power.output
input .a.c. power
2.5.3Derivation of rectifier efficiency of Half wave rectifier
Let V = Vmsinθ be the voltage across the secondary winding
rf = diode resistance
RL = load resistance
d.c. power
Iav = Idc =
1 VmSin
i.d =
2 0
2 0 rL  RL
Sin d
2 (rf  RL) 0
2 (rf  RL )
d.c. power Pdc = I2dc * RL
 Im 
=    RL
 
------------------------------ (1)
a.c. power input
The a.c. power input is given by Pac = I2rms ( rf + RL)
I rms
i 2 d
2 0
Squaring both sides we get
But i = Im Sinθ
I rms
(Im Sin ) 2 d
2 0
I rms
I m2
I rms 
( current flows through diode only for duration 0 to Π )
I 
 Pac   m  r f  RL  --------------------------------------------(2)
 2 
 Im 
 
 * RL
 
 
r f  RL 
Pac  I m  2
 2
η =
The efficiency is maximum if rf is negligible as compared to RL
Therefore maximum rectifier efficiency = 40.6 %
2.5.4 Full-wave rectifier
Full-wave rectifier are of two types
1. Centre tapped full-wave rectifier
2. Bridge rectifier tapped full –wave rectifier
Fig. 2.6 Centre tapped Full wave rectifier (i) Circuit diagram (ii) waveforms
The circuit diagram of a center tapped full wave rectifier is shown in fig. 2.6
above. It employs two diodes and a center tap transformer. The a.c. signal to be
rectified is applied to the primary of the transformer and the d.c. output is taken
across the load RL.
During the +ve half-cycle end X is +ve and end Y is –ve this makes diode D1
forward biased and thus a current i1 flows through it and load resistor RL.Diode
D2 is reverse biased and the current i2 is zero.
During the –ve half-cycle end Y is +Ve and end X is –Ve. Now diode D2 is
forward biased and thus a current i2 flows through it and load resistor RL. Diode
D1 is reversed and the current i1 = 0.
Since, each diode uses only one-half of the transformer secondary voltage the d.c.
output is comparatively small.
It is difficult to locate the center-tap on secondary winding of the transformer.
The diodes used must have high Peak-inverse voltage. Bridge rectifier
Fig. 2.7 Full wave bridge wave rectifier (i) Circuit diagram (ii) waveforms.
The circuit diagram of a bridge rectifer is shown above. It uses four diodes and a
During the +ve half-cycle, end A is +ve and end B is –ve thus diodes D1 and D3
are forward bias while diodes D2 and D4 are reverse biased thus a current flows
through diode D1, load RL ( C to D) and diode D3.
During the –ve half-cycle, end B is +ve and end A is –ve thus diodes D2 and D4
are forward biased while the diodes D1 and D3 are reverse biased. Now the flow
of current is through diode D4 load RL ( D to C) and diode D2. Thus, the
waveform is same as in the case of center-tapped full wave rectifier.
The need for center-taped transformer is eliminated.
The output is twice when compared to center-tapped full wave rectifier.
for the same secondary voltage.
 The peak inverse voltage is one-half(1/2) compared to center-tapped full wave
 Can be used where large amount of power is required.
It requires four diodes.
The use of two extra diodes cause an additional voltage drop thereby reducing the
output voltage.
2.5.6 Efficiency of Full-wave rectifier
Let V = Vmsinθ be the voltage across the secondary winding
I = Imsinθ be the current flowing in secondary circuit
rf = diode resistance
RL = load resistance
dc power output
Pdc  I dc2 R L -----------------------------(1)
I dc  I av
2 0
I av  2
I av 
Im Sin .d
2 0
2I m
-------------------------------------------------------- (2)
 2I 
 Pdc   m  RL
  
------------------------------------------ (3)
input ac power
rf  RL  ---------------------------------------- (4)
Pac  I rms
1 2
I rms  2
i d
2 0
Squaring both sides we get
I rms
(Im Sin )
I m2
I rms 
------------------------------------------------ -----
I 
 Pac   m  r f  RL  --------------------------------------------(6)
 2
 2I m 
 
 
 
r f  RL 
Pac  I m
η =
The efficiency will be maximum if rf is negligible as compared to RL.
Maximum efficiency = 81.2 %
This is the double the efficiency due to half wave rectifier. Therefore a Full-wave
rectifier is twice as effective as a half-wave rectifier.
2.6 Comparision of Rectifiers
Half wave rectifier
1. No. of diodes
Im / Π
2. Idc
Centre-tapped Full
wave rectifier
Bridge rectifier
2Im /Π
2Im /Π
3. Vdc
Vm / Π
2Vm / Π
2Vm / Π
Im / 2
Im /√ 2
Im /√ 2
40.6 %
81.2 %
81.2 %
7.Ripple factor
The relation between turns ratio and voltages of primary and secondary of the
transformer is given by
o N1 / N2 = Vp / Vs
RMS value of voltage and Max. value of voltage is related by the equation.
 Vrms = Vm / √2 ( for full-cycle of ac)
If the type of diode is not specified then assume the diode to be of silicon type.
For an ideal diode, forward resistance rf = 0 and cut-in voltage , Vγ = 0.
2.7 Ripple factor
The pulsating output of a rectifier consists of d.c. component and a.c. component ( also
known as ripple). The a.c. component is undesirable and account for the pulsations in the
rectifier output. The effectiveness of a rectifier depends upon the magnitude of a.c.
component in the output : the smaller this component, the more effective is the rectifier.
“ The ratio of rms value of a.c. component to the d.c. component in the rectifier output
is known as ripple factor”
2.7.1 Ripple factor for Half-wave rectification
By definition the effective (ie rms) value of total load current is given by
I rms  I ac
 I dc
OR I ac  I rms
 I dc2
Where Idc = value of dc component
Iac = rms value of ac component
Divide both R.H.S and L.H.S. by Idc we get
I ac
I dc I dc
I rms
 I dc2
I 
r =  rms   1 --------------------------------------------------(1)
 I dc 
for half-wave rectification, we have I I rms  m
I dc 
Substituting above values in equation (1) we get,
ripple factor r = 1.21
It is clear that a.c. component exceeds dc component in the output of a half-wave
2.7.2 Ripple factor for full-wave rectification
For full wave rectification we have Irms =
Idc =
2I m
Substituting above values in equation (1) we get ,
ripple factor r = 0.48
This shows that in the output of Full-wave rectifier, the d.c. component is more than the
a.c. component
We know that the output of the rectifier is pulsating d.c. ie the output obtained by the
rectifier is not pure d.c. but it contains some ac components along with the dc o/p. These
ac components are called as Ripples, which are undesirable or unwanted. To minimize
the ripples in the rectifier output filter circuits are used. These circuits are normally
connected between the rectifier and load as shown below.
pure dc o/p
Pulsating d.c. output
Filter is a circuit which converts pulsating dc output from a rectifier to a steady dc output.
In otherwords, filters are used to reduce the amplitudes of the unwanted ac components in
the rectifier.
Note: A capacitor passes ac signal readily but blocks dc.
2.8.1 Types of Filters
1. Capacitor Filter (C-Filter)
2. Inductor Filter
3. Choke Input Filter (LC-filter)
4. Capacitor Input Filter (Π-filter)
2.8.2 Capacitor Filter( C-filter)
o/p without
with filter
Fig.2.8 Capacitor filter ( C-filter) (i) Circuit diagram (ii) waveforms
When the Input signal rises from o to a the diode is forward biased therefore it
starts conducting since the capacitor acts as a short circuit for ac signal it gets
charged up to the peak of the input signal and the dc component flows through the
load RL.
When the input signal fall from a to b the diode gets reverse biased . This is
mainly because of the voltage across the capacitor obtained during the period o to
a is more when comapared to Vi. Therefore there is no conduction of current
through the diode.
Now the charged capacitor acts as a battery and it starts discharging through the
load RL. Mean while the input signal passes through b,c,d section. When the
signal reaches the point d the diode is still reverse biased since the capacitor
voltage is more than the input voltage.
When the signal reaches point e, the input voltage can be expected to be more
than the capacitor voltage. When the input signal moves from e to f the capacitor
gets charged to its peak value again. The diode gets reverse biased and the
capacitor starts discharging. The final output across RL is shown in Fig. 2.8
The ripple factor for a Half-wave rectifier with C-filer is given by
r= 1/2√3fCRL
f-----the line frequency ( Hz)
C-----capacitance ( F)
RL------- Load resistance (Ω)
Ripple factor for full-wave rectifier with C-filter is given by r = 1/ 4 √3 f C RL
2.8.3 Advantages of C-Filter
low cost, small size and good characteristics.
It is preferred for small load currents ( upto 50 mA)
It is commonly used in transistor radio, batteries eliminator etc.
2.9 Zener Diode
The reverse voltage characteristics of a semiconductor diode including the breakdown
region is shown below.
Fig. 2.9 Zener diode characteristics
Zener diodes are the diodes which are designed to operate in the breakdown region. They
are also called as Breakdown diode or Avalanche diodes.
The symbol of Zener diode is shown below
Fig. 2.10 Symbol of Zener diode
The breakdown in the Zener diode at the voltage Vz may be due to any of the
following mechanisms.
1. Avalanche breakdown
Depletion region
charge carriers striking the atoms
-ve terminal
+ve terminal
minority charge carriers
Fig. 2.11 Avalanche breakdown in Zener diode
 We know that when the diode is reverse biased a small reverse saturation current
I0 flows across the junction because of the minority cariers in the depletion region.
The velocity of the minority charge carriers is directly proportional to the applied
voltage. Hence when the reverse bias voltage is increased, the velocity of minority
charge carriers will also increase and consequently their energy content will also
When these high energy charge carriers strikes the atom within the depletion
region they cause other charge carriers to break away from their atoms and join
the flow of current across the junction as shown above. The additional charge
carriers generated in this way strikes other atoms and generate new carriers by
making them to break away from their atoms.
This cumulative process is referred to as avalanche multiplication which results in
the flow of large reverse current and this breakdown of the diode is called
avalanche breakdown.
2.Zener breakdown
We have electric field strength = Reverse voltage/ Depletion region
Depletion region
-ve terminal
+ve terminal
electrons pulled out of their covalent
bonds because of high intensity electric field
Fig.2.12 Zener breakdown in Zener diode
From the above relation we see that the reverse voltage is directly proportional to the
electric field hence, a small increase in reverse voltage produces a very high intensity
electric field with ina narrow Depletion region.
Therefore when the reverse voltage to a diode is increased, under the influence of high
intensity electric filed large numbr of electrons within the depletion region break the
covalent bonds with their atoms as shown above and thus a large reverse current flows
through the diode. This breakdown is referred to as Zener breakdown.
2.9.1 Zener voltage regulator
The circuit diagram of Zener voltage regulator is shown below
RL V o
Fig. 2.13 Zener voltage regulator
A zener diode of breakdown voltage VZ is connected in reverse biased condition across
the load RL such that it operates in breakdown region. Any fluctuations in the current are
absorbed by the series resistance Rs. The Zener will maintain a constant voltage VZ
( equal to Vo) across the load unless the input voltage does not fall below the zener
breakdown voltage VZ.
Case(i) When input voltage Vin varies and RL is constant
RL V o
If the input voltage increases, the Zener diode which is in the breakdown region is
equivalent to a battery VZ as shown in figure. The output voltage remains constant at VZ
(equal to Vo) and the excess voltage is dropped across the series resistance RS. We know
that for a zener diode under breakdown region large change in current produces very
small change in voltage, thereby the output voltage remains constant.
Case (ii) When Vin is constant and RL varies.
RL V o
If there is a decrease in the load resistance RL and the input voltage remains constant then
there is a increase in load current.
Since Vin is constant the current cannot come from the source. This addition load current
is driven from the battery VZ and we know that even for a large decrease in current the
Zener output voltage Vz remains same. Hence the output voltage across the load is also