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Thematic Information Extraction:
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. John R. Jensen
Department of Geography
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Artificial Intelligence
“the study of how to make computers do things which,
at the moment, people do better”.
But how do we know when an artificially intelligent system has been created? We
could use the Turing test, which suggests that if we are unable to distinguish a
computer’s response to a problem of interest from a human’s response to the same
problem, then the computer system is said to have intelligence. The test is for an
artificial intelligence program to have a blind conversation with an interrogator for 5
minutes. The interrogator has to guess if the conversation is with an artificial
intelligence program or with a real person. The AI program passes the test if it fools
the interrogator 30% of the time. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for most artificial
intelligence systems to pass the Turing test. For this reason, “the field of AI as a
whole has paid little attention to Turing tests,” preferring instead to forge ahead
developing artificial intelligence applications that simply work.
Jensen, 2005
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence research was initiated in 1955 when Allen
Newell and Herbert Simon at the RAND Corporation proved that
computers could do more than calculate.
“They demonstrated that computers were physical symbol systems
whose symbols could be made to stand for anything, including
features of the real world, and whose programs could be used as rules
for relating these features. In this way computers could be used to
simulate certain important aspects of intelligence. Thus, the
information-processing model of the mind was born”.
Jensen, 2005
Artificial Intelligence
Unfortunately, artificial intelligence was oversold in the 1960s much
like remote sensing was oversold in the 1970s. General artificial
intelligence problem solving was found to be much more difficult
than originally anticipated. Scientists could not get computers to solve
problems that were routinely solved by human experts. Therefore,
scientists instead started to investigate the development of artificial
intelligence applications in “micro-worlds,” or very narrow topical
areas. This led to the creation of the first useful artificial intelligence
systems for select applications, e.g., games, disease diagnosis
(MYCIN), spectrograph analysis (DENDRAL). NASA’s REMOTE
AGENT program was the first on-board autonomous planning
program to control the scheduling of operations for a spacecraft
traveling a hundred million miles from Earth.
Jensen, 2005
Expert Systems
A knowledge-based expert system is defined as:
“a system that uses human knowledge to solve problems that
normally would require human intelligence”.
It is the ability to “solve problems efficiently and effectively in a
narrow problem area” and “to perform at the level of an expert”.
Expert systems represent the expert’s domain (i.e., subject matter)
knowledge base as data and rules within the computer. The rules and
data can be called upon when needed to solve problems. A different
problem within the domain of the knowledge base can be solved
using the same program without reprogramming.
Knowledge-based expert systems are used extensively in remote
sensing research.
Jensen, 2005
Components of a Typical Rule-based Expert System
Domain (thematic) knowledge
contained in an expert’s mind is
extracted in the form of a
knowledge base that consists of
hypotheses, rules, and conditions
that satisfy the rules.
A user interface and an inference
engine are used to encode the
knowledge base rules, extract the
required information from online
databases, and solve problems.
Hopefully, the information is of
value to the user who queries the
expert system.
Jensen, 2005
Expert System User Interface
The expert system user interface should
be easy to use, interactive, and interesting.
It should be intelligent and accumulate
user preferences in an attempt to provide
the most pleasing communication
environment possible. The figure depicts a
commercially available Knowledge
Engineer interface that can be used to
develop remote sensing–assisted expert
systems. This expert system shell was
built using object-oriented programming.
All of the hypotheses, rules, and
conditions for an entire expert system may
be viewed and queried from the single
user interface.
Jensen, 2005
Creating the Knowledge Base
Images, books, articles, manuals, and periodicals have a tremendous
amount of information in them. Practical experience in the field with
vegetation, soils, rocks, water, atmosphere, and urban infrastructure is
also important. However, a human must comprehend the information
and experiences and turn it into knowledge for it to be useful. Many
human beings have trouble interpreting and understanding the
information in images, books, articles, manuals, and periodicals.
Similarly, some do not obtain much knowledge from field work.
Fortunately, some laypersons and scientists are particularly adept at
processing their knowledge using three different problem-solving
Jensen, 2005
Creating the Knowledge Base
1. Algorithms using conventional computer programs
2. Heuristic knowledge-based expert systems:
a. Human-derived rules
b. Machine-derived rules
3. Artificial neural networks
Jensen, 2005
Creating the Knowledge Base
Algorithmic Approaches to Problem Solving:
Conventional algorithmic computer programs contain little
knowledge other than the basic algorithm for solving a specific
problem, the necessary boundary conditions, and data. The
knowledge is usually embedded in the programming code. As
new knowledge becomes available, the program has to be
changed and recompiled.
Jensen, 2005
Characteristics that Distinguish Knowledge-based Expert Systems
from Conventional Algorithmic Problem-solving Systems
Creating the Knowledge Base
Heuristic Knowledge-based Expert System Approaches to
Problem Solving:
Knowledge-based expert systems, on the other hand, collect
many small fragments of human know-how for a specific
application area (domain) and place them in a knowledge base
that is used to reason through a problem, using the knowledge
that is most appropriate. Characteristics that distinguish
knowledge-based expert systems from conventional algorithmic
systems are summarized in the table. Heuristic knowledge is
defined as “involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery,
or problem solving by experimental and especially by trial-anderror methods. Heuristic computer programs often utilize
exploratory problem-solving and self-educating techniques (as
the evaluation of feedback) to improve performance”.
Jensen, 2005
Characteristics that Distinguish Knowledge-based Expert Systems
from Conventional Algorithmic Problem-solving Systems
Jensen, 2005
Creating the Knowledge Base
The Problem with Experts
Unfortunately, most experts really do not know exactly how they
perform their expert work. Much of their expertise is derived
from experiencing life and observing hundreds or even thousands
of case studies. It is difficult for the experts to understand the
intricate workings of complex systems much less be able to break
them down into their constituent parts and then mimic the
decision-making process of the human mind. Therefore, how
does one get the knowledge embedded in the mind of an expert
into formal rules and conditions necessary to create an expert
system to solve relatively narrowly defined hypotheses
(problems)? This is the responsibility of the knowledge engineer.
Jensen, 2005
Creating the Knowledge Base
The knowledge engineer interrogates the domain expert and extracts
as many rules and conditions as possible that are relevant to the
hypotheses (problems) being examined. Ideally, the knowledge
engineer has unique capabilities that allow him or her to help
build the most appropriate rules. This is not easy. The knowledge
engineering process can be costly and time-consuming.
Recently, it has become acceptable for a domain expert (e.g.,
biologist, geographer) to create his or her own knowledge-based
expert system by querying oneself and hopefully accurately
specifying the rules associated with the problem at hand, for
example, using ERDAS Imagine’s expert system Knowledge
Engineer. When this activity takes place, the expert must have a
wealth of knowledge in a certain domain and the ability to
formulate a hypothesis and parse the rules and conditions into
understandable elements that are amenable to the “knowledge
representation process.”
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
The knowledge representation process normally involves encoding
information from verbal descriptions, rules of thumb, images,
books, maps, charts, tables, graphs, equations, etc. Hopefully, the
knowledge base contains sufficient high-quality rules to solve the
problem under investigation. Rules are normally expressed in the
form of one or more “IF condition THEN action” statements. The
condition portion of a rule statement is usually a fact, e.g., the
pixel under investigation must reflect > 45% of the incident nearinfrared energy. When certain rules are applied, various
operations may take place such as adding a newly derived
derivative fact to the database or firing another rule. Rules can be
implicit (slope is high) or explicit (e.g., slope > 70%). It is
possible to chain together rules, e.g., IF c THEN d; IF d THEN e;
therefore IF c THEN e. It is also possible to attach confidences
(e.g., 80% confident) to facts and rules.
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
For example, a typical rule used by the MYCIN expert system is
IF the stain of the organism is gram-negative
AND the morphology of the organism is rod
AND the aerobicity of the organism is anaerobic
THEN there is strong suggestive evidence (0.8) that the
class of the organism is Enterobacter iaceae.
Following the same format, a typical remote sensing rule might be:
IF blue reflectance is (Condition) < 15%
AND green reflectance is (Condition) < 25%
AND red reflectance is (Condition) < 15%
AND near-infrared reflectance is (Condition) > 45%
THEN there is strong suggestive evidence (0.8) that the
pixel is vegetated.
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
Decision Trees
The best way to conceptualize an expert system is to use a
decision-tree structure where rules and conditions are evaluated
in order to test hypotheses. When decision trees are organized
with hypotheses, rules, and conditions, each hypothesis may be
thought of as the trunk of a tree, each rule a limb of a tree, and
each condition a leaf. This is commonly referred to as a
hierarchical decision-tree classifier (e.g., Swain and Hauska,
1977; Jensen, 1978; Kim and Landgrebe, 1991; DeFries and
Chan, 2000; Stow et al., 2003; Zhang and Wang, 2003). The
purpose of using a hierarchical structure for labeling objects is
to gain a more comprehensive understanding of relationships
among objects at different scales of observation or at different
levels of detail.
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
Decision Trees
A decision tree takes as input an object or situation described by a
set of attributes and returns a decision. The input attributes can be
discrete or continuous. The output value can also be discrete or
continuous. Learning a discrete-valued function is called
classification learning. Learning a continuous function is called
regression. We will concentrate on Boolean classification
wherein each example is classified as true (positive) or false
(negative). A decision tree reaches its decision by performing a
sequence of tests.
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
Hypothesis 1:
the terrain (pixel) is suitable for residential development that
makes maximum use of solar energy (i.e., I will be able to put
solar panels on my roof ).
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
Specify the expert system rules:
Heuristic rules that the expert has learned over time are the heart
and soul of an expert system. If the expert’s heuristic rules of
thumb are indeed based on correct principles, then the expert
system will most likely function properly. If the expert does not
understand all the subtle nuances of the problem, has left out
important variables or interaction among variables, or applied too
much significance (weight) to certain variables, the expert system
outcome may not be accurate. Therefore, the creation of accurate,
definitive rules is extremely important. Each rule provides the
specific conditions to accept the hypothesis to which it belongs.
A single rule that might be associated with hypothesis 1 is:
specific combinations of terrain slope, aspect, and proximity to
shadows result in maximum exposure to sunlight.
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
Specify the rule conditions:
The expert would then specify one or more conditions that must
be met for each rule. For example, conditions for the rule stated
above might include:
slope > 0 degrees, AND
slope < 10 degrees (i.e., the terrain should ideally lie on terrain
with 1 to 9 degrees slope), AND
aspect > 135 degrees, AND
aspect < 220 degrees (i.e., in the Northern Hemisphere the
terrain should ideally face south between 136 and 219
degrees to obtain maximum exposure to sunlight), AND
the terrain is not intersected by shadows cast by neighboring
terrain, trees, or other buildings (derived from a viewshed
Jensen, 2005
Knowledge Representation Process
A human-derived decision-tree expert system with a rule and conditions to be
investigated by an inference engine to test Hypothesis 1: the terrain (pixel) is
suitable for residential development that makes maximum use of solar energy
(i.e., I will be able to put solar panels on my roof ).
Jensen, 2005
Inference Engine
The terms reasoning and inference are used to describe any process
by which conclusions are reached. Thus, the hypotheses, rules,
and conditions are passed to the inference engine where the
expert system is implemented. One or more conditional
statements within each rule are evaluated using the spatial data
(e.g., 135 < aspect < 220). Multiple conditions within a rule are
evaluated based on Boolean AND logic. While all of the
conditions within a rule must be met to satisfy the rule, any
single rule within a hypothesis can cause that hypothesis to be
accepted or rejected. In some cases, rules within a hypothesis
disagree on the outcome and a decision must be made using rule
confidences (e.g., a confidence of 0.8 in a preferred rule and a
confidence of 0.7 in another) or the order of the rules (e.g.,
preference given to the first) as the factor. The confidences and
order associated with the rules are stipulated by the expert.
Jensen, 2005
Inference Engine
The inference engine interprets the rules in the knowledge base to
draw conclusions. The inference engine may use backward- or
forward-chaining strategies or both. Both backward and forward
inference processes consist of a chain of steps that can be traced
by the expert system. This enables expert systems to explain their
reasoning processes, which is an important and positive
characteristic of expert systems. You would expect a doctor to
explain how he or she came to a certain diagnosis regarding
your health. An expert system can provide explicit information
about how a particular conclusion (diagnosis) was reached.
Jensen, 2005
Inference Engine
An expert system shell provides a customizable inference engine.
Expert system shells come equipped with an inference
mechanism (backward chaining, forward chaining, or both) and
require knowledge to be entered according to a specified format.
Expert system shells qualify as languages, although with a
narrower range of application than most programming languages.
Typical artificial intelligence programming languages include
LISP, developed in the 1950s, PROLOG, developed in the 1970s,
and now object-oriented languages such as C++.
Jensen, 2005
Expert Systems Applied to Remote Sensor Data
The use of expert systems in remote sensing research will be
demonstrated using two different methodologies used to create
the rules and conditions in the knowledge base. The first expert
system classification is based on the use of formal rules
developed by a human expert. The second example involves
expert system rules derived automatically by an inductive
machine-learning algorithm based on training data that is input
by humans into the system. Both methods are used to identify
white fir forest stands on Maple Mountain in Utah County, Utah,
using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imagery
and topographic variables extracted from a digital elevation
model of the area.
Jensen, 2005
Expert System Applied to Remote Sensor Data
A hypothesis (class), variables, and conditions necessary to extract white fir (Abies
concolor) forest cover information from Maple Mountain, Utah, using remote
sensing and digital elevation model data. The Boolean logic with which these
variables and conditions are organized within a chain of inference may be
controlled by the use of rules and sub-hypotheses.
Jensen, 2005
Classification of White Fir on Maple Mountain,
Utah County using Hierarchical Decision Tree Logic
Jensen, 2005
1 × 1 m NAPP aerial photography (acquired 17 Aug 1994)
is draped over a 10 × 10 m USGS DEM.
30 × 30 USGS DEM
ETM Panchromatic
Shaded Relief
ETM RGB = 5,4,2
ETM RGB = 4,3,2
Jensen, 2005
Terrestrial Photograph
ETM Panchromatic
ETM RGB = 5,4,2
ETM RGB = 4,3,2
Expert’s Classification of White Fir
Jensen, 2005
Hierarchical Decision Tree Classifier
ETM Panchromatic
Expert’s Model
Predicted White Fir
Jensen, 2005
Rules and Conditions Based on Machine Learning
The heart of an expert system is its knowledge base. The usual
method of acquiring knowledge in a computer-usable format to
build a knowledge base involves human domain experts and
knowledge engineers, as previously discussed. The human domain
expert explicitly expresses his or her knowledge about a subject in
a language that can be understood by the knowledge engineer. The
knowledge engineer translates the domain knowledge into a
computer-usable format and stores it in the knowledge base.
Jensen, 2005
Rules and Conditions Based on Machine Learning
This process presents a well-known problem in creating expert systems that is
often referred to as the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. The reasons are:
the process requires the engagement of the domain expert and/or knowledge
engineer over a long period of time, and
although experts are capable of using their knowledge for decisionmaking, they
are often incapable of articulating their knowledge explicitly in a format that is
sufficiently systematic, correct, and complete to be used in a computer
Jensen, 2005
Rules and Conditions Based on Machine Learning
To solve such problems, much effort has been exerted in the artificial intelligence
community to automate the building of expert system knowledge bases.
Machine learning is defined as
“the science of computer modeling of learning processes”.
It enables a computer to acquire knowledge from existing data or theories using
certain inference strategies such as induction or deduction. We will focus only on
inductive learning and its application in building knowledge bases for image
analysis expert systems.
Jensen, 2005
Rules and Conditions Based on Machine Learning
A human being has the ability to make accurate generalizations
from a few scattered facts provided by a teacher or the
environment using inductive inferences. This is called inductive
learning (Huang and Jensen, 1997). In machine learning, the
process of inductive learning can be viewed as a heuristic search
through a space of symbolic descriptions for plausible general
descriptions, or concepts, that explain the input training data and
are useful for predicting new data. Inductive learning can be
formulated using the following symbolic formulas.
Jensen, 2005
Hierarchical Decision Tree
Classifier Based on Inductive
Machine Learning Production
ETM Panchromatic
C5.0 Model
Predicted White Fir
Jensen, 2005
Machine Learning-derived Classification Map
Jensen, 2005
Rules and Conditions Based on Machine Learning
The following topics are covered in Geography 751: Seminar in
Remote Sensing:
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
Jensen, 2005