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References used for teaching material for
MSE614 – Intelligent Manufacturing – Spring 2008 – I. Costea, Ph.D.
Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management, CSUN
Barr, A., and Feigenbaum, E. A., The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, AdissonWesley, Inc., 1981.
Bramer, M, and Devedzic, V., Editors, Artificial Intelligence Applications and
Innovations, Kluwer Academic Pblishers, Norwell, Massachusetts, 2004.
Durkin, J., Expert Systems – Design and Development, Macmillian Publishing Company,
New York, 1994.
Girranto, J., and Riley, G., Expert Systems – Principles and Programming, Boston; PWS
Publishing company, 1993.
Harmon, P., Harris, R., and Morrissey, W., Expert Systems – Tools & Applications, New
York: john Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988.
Negnevitsky, M, Artificial Intelligence – A Guide t Intelligent Systems, Adisson-Wesley,
Inc., Harlow, England, 2004.
Turban, E., Expert Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, Macmillian Publishing
Company, New York, 1992.
Waterman, D.A., A Guide to Expert Systems, New York: Adisson-Wesley, Inc., 1985.