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Tobacco Deaths:
 The adverse health effects from cigarette smoking account for an estimated
________ deaths, or nearly one of every five deaths, each year in the United
 More deaths are caused each year by ________________ use than by all deaths
from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders
Top Ten Facts about Teens and Smoking:
1. Girls who smoke are more likely to grow excess ________________.
2. Smoking as few as _________ cigarettes a day can reduce teens' lung function
growth, with teenage girls being especially vulnerable.
3. ______% of teenagers who smoke daily have tried to quit and failed.
4. About ______% of teen smokers say they want to quit smoking or say they would
not have started if they could choose again.
5. Teens who smoke produce twice as much ________ as teens that don't.
6. Teens who smoke have more acne and their zits last longer.
7. Kids who smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day can get hooked in as short as _______
8. Teens who smoke are more likely to catch a _____________ than people who don't
- and their symptoms will probably be worse and last longer.
9. Teenagers who smoke use more _______________ than those who do not smoke.
10. Teenagers who smoke have significantly more trouble _________________
than those who do not smoke.
Of all these facts about teens, which is the most powerful and why?
Short Term Effects
Increase in ____________ and increase in _________________
Bad ________
Yellow and brown stained teeth and fingers
Smelly clothes, car, furniture and homes.
“Big 3” Long Term Effects of Smoking:
# 1- __________ disease
# 2- __________ disease (including Emphysema and COPD)
# 3-Cancer:
-Definition: Cancer is a term used for diseases in which _________________ cells
divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread
to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
Examples of cancer caused by tobacco use: Lung, Vertebrae, Oral cavity (mouth,
gums, lips), Nasal cavity (nose), Pharynx, Esophagus, Larynx, Pancreas, Stomach,
Liver, Reproductive organs, Bone marrow (leukemia)
Asthma, Emphysema, Chronic bronchitis.
Chronic lung disease (smokers’ lungs turn black as they become clogged with
smoke and the debris inhaled with the incinerating tobacco).
Lung _______________.
Short of ______________ at rest or during exercise.
Fills your lungs with __________.
Nicotine raises _______________, increases blood pressure, and constricts blood
Carbon monoxide increases risk of ___________________ and stroke and other heart
Cause _______________ of the heart muscle’s ability to pump blood, leading to
 Cancer of larynx and esophagus _____________ membranes of the throat.
 ____________ Cough.
_________________ is the addictive chemical in tobacco, and addiction takes place
in the brain. It stays in the brain for about 30 minutes after smoking a cigarette.
Smoking often makes a smoker feel dizzy and nauseas, but then they build up a
________________ for it. Then they need more of the drug and they can become
When nicotine addicts stop smoking they may suffer from restlessness, hunger,
depression, headaches, and other uncomfortable feelings. These are called
____________________________ because they happen when nicotine is withdrawn
from the body.
Expectant Moms
Miscarriages and small, _____________________babies who often require
respiratory machines to help them breathe
Smoking ____________ chances of complications during pregnancy.
Smoking during pregnancy may cause impairment of baby’s growth, intellect, and
emotional development.
Dulls taste buds, irritates membranes of the mouth, bleeding and receding
_____________, foul breath, and numbness.
Staining of teeth, tooth decay and tooth __________________.
Cancer of the mouth
Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, Hookah, E-Cigarettes
 __________ have shown that cigar smoking is linked to cancers of the mouth, lips,
tongue, throat, larynx, lung, pancreas and bladder cancer. Cigar smoking, like
cigarette smoking, is also linked to _________ disease, where the gums shrink
away from the teeth. It also raises your risk that teeth will actually fall out.
 Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). It increases
the risk of developing cancer of the _________ cavity, is strongly associated with
leukoplakia (a lesion of the soft tissue in the mouth that consists of a white patch
or plaque that cannot be scraped off) and recession of the __________.
 Hookah smoking has been associated with lung, mouth and other cancers, heart
disease and _________________ infections.
 Recent studies by the FDA show that the e-cigarette may contain ______________.
It is often used to help quit using tobacco, but more info is needed to see what the
long term issues may be.
Second Hand Smoke: A ______________ of 2 forms of smoke (sidestream and mainstream) from
burning tobacco.
o Sidestream smoke: smoke that comes from the
o Mainstream smoke: smoke that is ____________________ by a smoker
Third Hand Smoke: The name for second hand smoke that
________________________________ and be extremely harmful.
New studies suggest that third hand smoke may actually become more ____________
over time, and can be as dangerous as first or second hand smoke.
The 13 Ways Tobacco Companies Target Teens:
Create an acrostic poem below:
Create an acrostic poem below; using any word
you want from this unit:
Use the diagram to show the general
location of the following organs that are
impacted by cancer.
1. Lung
2. Vertebrae
3. Oral cavity (mouth, gums, lips)
4. Nasal cavity (nose)
5. Pharynx and Larynx
6. Esophagus
7. Pancreas
8. Stomach
9. Liver
Reproductive organs
Vocabulary Matching:
1. _____________ is a thick mucus
that lines the lungs to protect
them. This lining gets thicker when
we are sick or when inhale the
poisonous fumes from tobacco.
2. Pimples are also
3. The _____________ is responsible
for fighting off diseases and
illnesses inside our body, and it is
weakened by using tobacco.
4. _____________ is when malignant
tumors grow in different organs
and can spread or lead to death.
5. _____________ is the addictive
chemical in tobacco.
6. _____________ is when your body
gets used to a drug in your body.
7. _____________ is when your body
needs a chemical or drug that your
body is used to having.
8. _____________ are when your
body has uncomfortable side
effects when you crave a drug or
chemical you are addicted to.
9. A _____________ is a hole that is
made during surgery in the trachea
to allow for breathing when organs
are removed in the throat.
10. _____________ is the name
given to things that cause cancer.
Word Bank: Nicotine, Cancer,
Addiction, Immune System,
Phlegm, Stoma, Tolerance, Acne,
Carcinogens, Withdrawal