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3-8-16 SPCH 114 Lesson Plan
MARCH 8TH: Appreciate diversity
In class: Meyers & Anderson Ch 4, Beebe & Masterson Ch 5, 115-119;
Pennington 21-23;113-115
Learning Objectives
 Describe the impact of culture on team interactions, and demonstrate
intercultural sensitivity during the group process.
 Work in a small group to identify, research, analyze, and resolve a
problem and/or develop a project.
o Identify, analyze, generate possible solutions, evaluate and
select best option, test and implement
Dimensions of Culture
Cultural Difference:
o Context
o Contact
o Individualism
 Touchy-feely video
 Gender and Communication
 Check out reflection
 Next time
a. Communication is:
i. Task oriented
ii. Relational
b. People form groups to:
i. Get something done
ii. Connect with others
c. Well organized meetings and electronic communication:
i. Keep the group focused
ii. Allow everyone to have a voice
iii. Accomplish goals
d. Positive communication climates:
i. Require listening
ii. Empathy
e. Positive group cultures:
i. Emerge:
1. Subtly over time through socialization
2. Through verbal and nonverbal interactions
ii. Result in:
1. Cohesion
2. Consensus
3. Satisfaction
4. Sense of belonging
f. There are many roles to be filled in group interactions
i. They are fluid and emerge naturally when needed
ii. Or/And are assigned or adopted more formally
iii. There are three types:
1. Task-oriented
2. Relational, maintenance
3. Individual/deviant
g. Democratic decision-making
i. Gives a voice to all affected by group decisions
ii. Allows participants to not only speak but determine what
to speak about
h. Leadership
i. Influence and goals
ii. Can be emergent and shared
i. To deal with conflict:
i. Forget about “winning” the argument
ii. Work together to find a solution
Get together in your project groups and make a list of all the different ways
you can think of that the members of your group represent some form of
diversity. For example, the obvious one that everything thinks about it racial
diversity. But what other ways can we think of diversity of experience,
background, and identity?1 Make the list on the scrap paper provided. I
WILL collect it.
If your answer is “nothing,” I am entering an F for your final grade for every
member of your group.
Pass the papers to me, and let’s take a look at the class list.
Which of the dimensions of diversity might explain different communication
and work styles among group members?
“Diversity describes the joining of individuals who differ in cultural,
demographic, and cognitive backgrounds” (Meyers & Anderson 74)
Dimensions of Culture
Meyers & Anderson describe the four dimension of culture identified by
Edward Hall:
Power Distance
Uncertainty avoidance
Time orientation
Power Distance:
“The inequality that exists between a less powerful person and a more
powerful person” (Meyers & Anderson 76)
Uncertainty Avoidance:
“The second dimension of culture, uncertainty avoidance refers to the
amount of stress that a culture associates with an unknown future” (Meyers
& Anderson 77).
“The fourth dimension of culture, time orientation, refers to how quickly a
culture assumes important aspects of life (e.g., relationships, careers)
should develop (Hofstede, 2001). Cultures that believe in focusing work
and thoughts on the future are considered long-term oriented whereas
cultures that believe in focusing work and thoughts on the present are
considered short-term oriented” (Meyers & Anderson 78).
See this part.
Meyers & Anderson 77
Cultural Difference: Context
(Beebe & Masterson 116)
Cultural Difference: Contact
When you are talking with someone, how do you know the right distance to
stand from them?
When boarding a bus with only one other rider, how do you select a seat?
When is it appropriate to touch a stranger and how?
What situations lead strangers to make “prolonged” eye contact with you
(and what would you define as “prolonged”)?
The US is considered a low contact culture, whereas Middle Eastern
cultures are often thought of as high contact. (Beebe & Masterson 117)
So, what happens when those two cultures come together? Who feels
uncomfortable, and what are the consequences?
Cultural Difference: Individualism v. Collectivism
Source: Just somebody’s presentation slide based on Hofstede’s research.
So what? How do people from these different cultures work together?
When conflict arises, people from which culture would be more likely
concerned with saving face (Pennington 113)? What kind of conflict
resolution style would that seem to suggest?
Conflict Management Styles
The avoidance conflict-management style is one in which
a person attempts to ignore disagreements.
Accommodation The accommodation style is another approach used to try
to make conflict go away by giving in to the wishes
The competition conflict management style occurs when
people stress winning a conflict at the expense of one or
more other people.
The compromise style of conflict management attempts
to find a middle ground-a solution that somewhat meets
the needs of all concerned
Group members who use a collaboration style of conflict
management view conflict as a problem to be solved
rather than as a game in which some people win and
others lose.
(Beebe & Masterson 182-184)
In fact, people from individualistic cultures tend to apply a conflict resolution
style described as “dominance” (a form of competitive conflict resolution).
(Pennington 113-114)
Here’s a graphic:
Gender and Communication
Meyers & Anderson 81 summarize differences in gendered communication
in a convenient table.
Let’s talk about sex
and gender.
Sex=Description of biological differences, male and female
Gender=Socially determined behaviors associated with sex characteristics,
woman, man (See Meyers & Anderson 79 if you don’t believe me)
Check out reflection
How will you avoid being a dominant, competitive, individualistic, ass when
you interact with people with different cultural communication
Online and next time:
Online: Cultural Diversity Self Assessment Survey
SECTION N MARCH 15TH, REGULAR TIME: Final group presentations
In class: Final Group Presentation (see Beebe & Masterson Appendix B)
Online: Post-project reflection and Project Completion Report DUE by
the end of the day on Canvas