Download Ted Hebert 191B York Woods Road - South Berwick, ME

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Ted Hebert
73 Lindsay Lane - South Berwick, ME 03908
Mobile: (207) 252-2182 email: [email protected]
Professional Summary
15 years of successful marketing communications experience as a team member and/or contract consultant with outstanding
results and proficiency in marketing communications, demand/lead generation campaign creation, and social networking
programs. Concentrated success in email marketing campaigns as well as Web 2.0 - 3.0 marketing techniques via Twitter,
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and YouTube). Specific expertise developing lead nurturing programs, implementing automated
marketing and CRM systems, event management, and corporate identity / sales tool, demo and collateral development. Most
recent accomplishments include marketing and positioning of SaaS and enterprise software companies, helping them to achieve
50%+ on-average growth rates year over year. With extensive knowledge of enterprise network applications, VMware and SaaS
models, SEO, security and related technologies, competitive products, vertical industries and market positioning, I have been
able to positively position clients for successful merger/acquisition (Empirix, Voyence, SMARTS and Aprisma most recently).
DemandGen Communications — Principal and CEO of a Marketing Communications, Demand Generation Consultancy
Specializing in marketing communications and demand generation services for high-tech start-ups and the Fortune 2000.
May, 2004 to Present
 Capitalizing on previous experience, this prosperous venture delivers on a contract basis the marketing expertise that
allows large companies to keep overheads down while still employing top-flight creative talent – while allowing
smaller businesses to tap into the same high-quality expertise that their larger competitors have always had.
Consulting directly with clients one on one - as a virtual extension of their marketing team – clients meet and exceed
their expected goals again… and again. Clients include Zmags, Internoded, BBN, Ezenia, Weblayers, Cadec,
EMC, Empirix, and Voyence. Accomplishments with Clients have included:
Zmags, Inc. — Consultant to Digital Publishing Solution Provider responsible for global demand generation and
electronic marketing strategy and programs including:
 Global demand/Lead Generation, public relations and Web 3.0 marketing, SEO, social networking, Webinar and event
programs that increased steady lead output over 1,000% within the first three months - from 25 leads per week to
over 450 for North America and EMEA. Within 6 months marketing programs added $9M to sales pipeline and helped
bring ASP from $1K to $5K. Integrated CRM and Marketo automated marketing systems for
measurable, closed-loop lead nurturing programs.
Ecora Software, — Consultant to Automated Compliance and IT Change Reporting Software Provider with responsibility
for dictating corporate marketing strategy including:
 Demand/Lead Generation and Web 2.0 SEO, social networking and e-marketing and event programs increased
steady lead output 300% within the first three months. Added $37M to Pipeline from tracked marketing programs
brought ASP from $10K to $78K within 6 months. Implemented while developing automated, closedloop CRM Lead-to Pipeline campaign tracking and measurement process through Eloqua automated marketing
system. Established corporate identity, product interface, branding, marketing and public relations programs. Initiated
development of new sales collateral, Web site (, demos and managed all regional events,
seminars, Webinars, and tradeshows through management of $1 Million annual programs budget, 3 team members,
public relations agency, designers and vendors.
Voyence, Inc. — Consulting to Enterprise Network Change and Configuration Management Provider responsible for
 Demand/Lead Generation and Web 2.0 SEO, social networking and e-marketing and event programs:. – increased
steady lead output 200% within the first three months. Managed inside Sales consisting of two representatives and
their activity. Initiated and Eloqua CRM Lead-to Opportunity campaign tracking and measurement
process while rebranding corporate identity, Channels, demand generation and Marketing and Public Relations
programs. Developed sales collateral, Web site, sales demos, marketing events, seminars, Webinars and Tradeshows.
Empirix, Inc. — Consulting to Web, contact center and VoIP applications and infrastructure testing and performance
management provider.
 Responsible for taking the lead role in re-branding the company and solutions, revamping lead generation and public
relations efforts (250+% increase) leading to a 30% bookings increase over 2003 and increasing yearly revenues from
$50-to $68 million. Winner of five major industry awards over 12 months. New Web 2.0 Marcom programs were a key
component to helping Empirix revenue grow at 3x the rate of the overall market for automated software quality tools
(31.9 versus 11.2 percent). Specific responsibilities included the Demand/Lead Generation and SEO, emarketing/Internet, intranet and extranet development. Championed the Pivotal CRM Lead-to-Opportunity campaign
tracking and measurement. Other accomplishments included Channels Program Development and Marketing;
Collateral, Web site, Sales Tool Development / Events, Seminars, Webinars, and Tradeshows while managing six team
members, marcom budget, and outsourced designers and vendors. Results included Empirix’s Q2-2005 revenue being
50% ahead of Q2-‘03, posting 9,000+ new business leads with a 6% conversion rate and decreasing cost per lead 57%
since 2003 – from $70 to $40.
SMARTS (System Management ARTS, Inc.) — SMARTS InCharge™ Infrastructure Management Software
Director Marketing Communications — July 2002 to January, 2004. Acquired by EMC.
Reporting to the CEO, COO and CMO, playing a major contributing role in bringing the company from $12M to $68M in
revenues in just 17 months – with subsequent acquisition by EMC.
Responsible for directing:
 Demand/Lead Generation and Web-based marketing/Internet, intranet and extranet development. –
 Corporate Identity Branding and Marketing (internal and external).
 Channels & Government Program Development and Marketing.
 Collateral, Sales Tool Development / Events, Seminars, Webinars, Tradeshows.
 Management of five team members, and four outsourced designers and copywriters.
Aprisma Management Technologies & Cabletron Systems (former subsidiary of Enterasys / Cabletron Systems, purchased
by Computer Associates (CA) and Concord Communications) — SPECTRUM® Network Management Software
Director, Marketing Communications, Portsmouth, NH - 1995 to June 2002. Acquired by Computer
Associated/Concord Communications.
Reporting to the CEO and VP Marketing, and playing a major contributing role in bringing the software subsidiary from
$10M to $65M in revenue in just 17 months. As former marketing team member at Cabletron, noted success was
achieved in campaign development, event marketing and corporate branding. Responsibilities over seven years
 Managing a $5 million global marketing budget and directing all creative agency relationships and projects, including
Leo Burnett Technology Group. Provided leadership for a staff of seven marketing team members, responsible for
positioning the company, its brand, products and vision with customers, partners and employees. Amplified Aprisma’s
North American demand generation and brand awareness 65 percent over 24 months. Delivered awareness,
demand generation and revenue results that helped to establish Aprisma as a separate, independent company,
contributing to revenue growth from $10 to $65 million in less than two years.
 Lead Management Director to global CRM implementation (Applix), and process development team delivering a
successful, closed-loop lead management system within 12 months.
 Responsible for development, implementation and maintenance of all internal and external collateral and sales tools
– including channel and competitive sales tools. Coordinated and managed all direct and channel-related marketing
and demand generation activities including direct mail, opt-in e-mail marketing, trade shows, webinars/webcasts, and
seminars/road shows.
 Developed and implemented on-line presence/marketing campaigns averaging 6% percent lead registration success.
Web marketing campaigns increased site traffic 800 % within three months.
 Implementation, development, and maintenance of corporate Internet presence, partner/channel/sales extranet and
company/employee intranet – see
 Formerly Senior Marketing Manager with parent company, Cabletron Systems.
University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PA
BA Media Communications - Graduated Cum Laude
Member – Golden Key Honor Society
Pragmatic Marketing Program Management– Product Marketing and Marketing Communications Accreditation
Web 2.0-3.0 and Technology Platform Skills
Working knowledge of Applix, Eloqua, Marketo, and Pivotal/Siebel CRM Systems, ConstantContact and
Vertical Response email marketing systems
Google SEO Adwords program development
Social Networking program implementation (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, YouTube) and other Web 2.0
and 3.0 marketing techniques.
Web site and collateral design and publishing familiarity with Dreamweaver, Contribute, Adobe CS4, Quark, Illustrator,
and Acrobat
Fluent in all PC and Macintosh Operating Platforms: Windows Vista and Macintosh applications including: Microsoft
Office, Project, Publisher and Access
Social Networking site publishing experience includes working knowledge of Joomla and Ning.