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Semester One – Organelle Review
Directions: Circle the correct answer.
1. Your body is made up of __ cells.
a) Eukaryotic
2. Which structure is present in a eukaryotic cell but not in a prokaryotic cell?
a) Nucleus
3. Bacteria are ___ cells
a) Prokaryotic
4. Which term best describes the complexity of prokaryotes compared to eukaryotes?
a) Simpler
5. Which structure is found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?
a) Chloroplast
6. Ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the golgi apparatus work together to
c) Make and deliver proteins
7. The structure that contains DNA in a eukaryotic cell is the
b) Nucleus
8. The scientist who gave cells their name was
b) Robert Hooke
9. The microscopes used in school laboratories to enlarge objects up to 1000 times are
a) Light microscopes
10. The flexible lipid bilayer that surrounds a cell is the
B) Cell membrane
11. Which organelle packages materials that will be shipped out of the cell?
C) Golgi apparatus
12. Small particles of RNA and protein on which proteins are assembled using instructions from DNA
b) Ribosomes
13. An internal membrane system where lipid components of cell membranes are made.
a) Endoplasmic reticulum
14. Stack of membranes that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials for storage
or release
a) Golgi apparatus
15. Convert chemical energy stored in food into a form that can be easily used by the cell
C) Mitochondria
16. Converts energy from sunlight into chemical energy that is stored in food
C) Chloroplast
17. Saclike structure that stores materials
a) Vacuole
18. Filled with enzymes used to break down carbohydrates into smaller molecules
C) Lysosome
19. Which of the following is true of the cells in a multicellular organism?
a) None of them contain ribosomes
20. A cell membrane regulates the materials entering or leaving a cell. This is important for
B) Maintaining homeostasis within the cell