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Pathology TEST:MOR
-The movement of WBC’s in response to concentration gradient is called?
A: Chemotaxis
-Tumor that causes polydypsia, polyuria and a decrease in specific gravity of
urine is most likely located where?
A: Hypothalamus
-The most common cause of UTI is?
A: Escherichia Coli
-Atrophy of the villi with resultant malbsorption is associated with?
A: Celiac Sprue
-Pagets disease is characterized by increased blastic and increased clastic
-Osgood Schlatters principally affects what structure?
A: Tibial Tuderosity
-The antibody present in erythroblastosis fetalis is?
A: IgG
Hypersensitivity Reactions-Neumonic is ACID
A-Type 1-Anaphalaxas-IgE-Bee sting, asthma
C-Type 2-Cytotoxic-IgG-Coombs Anemia, Rh+Father, Rh+Baby, RhMother, Erythroblastosis Fetalis, Goodpastures Syndrome that affects kidney
and lung: You wake up in the morning go out to the GOODPASTURE and
take a deep BREATH and PEE
I-Type 3-Immune Complex-IgG-Autoimmune disease, RA, Lupus, Arthrus
reaction, local immune complex, red local reaction, Serum sickness
D-Type 4-Delayed Hypersensitivity-Lymphocytes-TB, Contact Dermititis,
Organ Rejection,
-Thromoangitis obliterans is associated with?
A: Heavy Smoking
-Localized edema from filariasis is caused by obstruction of what system?
A: Lymphatic System
-What is the means by which osteomyelitis infiltrates bone?
A: Through the hematogenous spread/blood
-Skin appears _______ in hypothermia because of _________
A: Pale, Vasoconstriction
-What is the most common malignant tumor in the intestine?
A: Adenocarcinoma
Most Common Tumors:
-Most common benign of the spine?
A: Hemangioma
-Most common benign of the skull and where in the skull is it usually found?
A: Osteoma in the Frontal sinus.
-Most common of arms and legs?
-Most common benign of the hand?
A: Enchondroma
-A benign neoplasm is called a lipoma.
-Most common cause of blastic metastasis in males is?
A:From Prostate
-What metabolic disorder causes an increase in NaCl in sweat?
A: Cystic Fibrosis
-Thrombophlebitis is venous formation with thrombus formation.
-A characteristic of a neoplasm is that it cannot return to normal once the
stimulus is removed.
-Define diapedesis.
A: Passage of blood cells through intact capillary wall into tissues
-What are some signs of RT sided heart failure?
A: Distention of neck veins, liver enlargement, dependent edema
-Systemic fibrosis is seen in scleroderma
-Neoplasms are most commonly formed from what tissue?
A: Epithelial
-What is most commonly the cause for pneumonia in AIDS patients?
A: Pneumocytis Carini
-What condition presents with multiple neurofibromas and café-au-lait
A: Von Recklinghausens
-Immunoglobulins produced in a type II hypersensitivity reaction are?
A: IgG
-In ALS what part of the spinal cord is most commonly affected?
A: Anterior Horn
-In Tetralogy of Fallot you expect to see pulmonary stenosis.
-The most common cause of RT sided heart failure is left sided heart failure.
Pathway of Blood In The Heart
1)Blood comes in from IVC and SVC
2)Blood enters RA (All blood that enters RA is passive)
3)Blood passed through Tricuspid valve
70 percent of the blood that goes from RA to RV is passive
30 percent of the blood that goes from RA to RV requires atrial contraction
or systole
4)Blood enters RV Ventricle filling is called diastole.
5)Blood in ventricle valves close and this builds up tension.
6)Isovolumetric contraction
7)SA node fires to AV node. The impulse is delayed at the AV node.
8)Fires to Bundle of His
9)Fires to Purkinje Fibers which are the fastest firing fibers of the heart.
10)Ventricular depolarization/contraction
11)Pressure of blood blows open the pulmonic valve into pulmonary artery.
12)Pulmonic valve closed. No blood in ventricle called isovolumetric
-Isovolumetric contraction takes place between the P-Q wave.
-Atrial repolarization takes place where?
A: It is hidden under the QRS complex
-QRS wave indicates what on EKG?
A: Ventricle Contraction/Depolarization
-P Wave represents?
A: Atrial Depolarization
-T wave is ventricular repolarization.
-Isovolumetric relaxation takes place during what period?
A: S-T
P-----Atrial Depolarization
Between P and Q---Isovolumetric Contraction
R---Ventricle Depolarization
Hidden under QRS Complex Atrial Repolarization
Between S and T---Isovolumetric Relaxation
T----Ventricular Repolarization
-Frank Starling Law is defined as?
A: The heart pumps all blood that is returned to it
-Congestive heart failure is when the heart cant pump all blood returned to
it. The main cause is hypertension, NSAIDS
-The LT ventricle will enlarge first with hypertension.
-Most common cause of isolated right sided heart failure?
A:Lung Problems. Cor Pulmonale which is a lung condition that causes Rt
sided heart failure. Can be associated with emphysema, and chronic
-Exertional dyspnea is associated with fluid in the lungs.
Left Heart Failure
1)Backs up into LA
2)Backs up into pulmonary vein
3)Backs up into lungs
4)Backs up into pulmonary artery
5)Backs up into RV
6)Backs up into RA
7)Backs up into SVC shows as jugular vein distention.
Reverse order to show blood flow.
SVC----RA----RV----Pulmonary Artery----Lungs----Pulmonary Vein----LA
IVC---Common Iliacs---Internal and External Iliacs---Femoral---Popliteal--Lesser Saphenous (where you can have pitting edema which is a later stage
of ____ heart failure finding)----vein---venuole---interstitial fluid
Portal Vein (which is made up of splenic and superior mesenteric vein)
drains the abdomen. When the abdomen fluid backs up it is referred to as
Portal vein---liver---central vein drains liver cells---hepatic vein drains liver--IVC
1) Back up of venous pressure
2) Decrease protein in blood. This can be from Kidney dysfunction as
seen in Nephrotic syndrome has the neumonic HEP-Hypertension,
Edema, Proteinurea. Or from Malnutrition called Kwashiokor. The
protein that is necessary in blood is albumin the oncotic pressure will
draw the water out of the interstitial tissue.
3) HYPOthryoidism. Which causes myxedema which in an infant is called
cretinism and can lead to mental retardation
4) Histamine Release. This is called hard edema as in a bee sting or a
sprained ankle.
1)Back up of Venous Pressure 2)Decrease of Protein in Blood
3)HYPOthyroidism 4)Histamine Release
-Pernicious anemia is due to most likely a lack of?
A: Intrinsic Factor
-Spleen and liver dysfunction are seen in what sided heart failure?
A: Right
-Philadelphia Chromosome is observed in?
A: Chronic Myelogenous
-What disorder affects the myoneural junction?
A: Myasthenia Gravis
-Individuals with galactosemia should avoid what?
A: Lactose
-What arteries are involved in Giant Cell arteritis?
A: Temporal
-T Helper cells are seen in which hypersensitivity?
A: Type 4
-Which disease begins in childhood, is autosomal dominant and
characterized by wasting and weakness of the muscles of the face, shoulder
girdle and arms?
A: Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
-Pernicious anemia due to B-12 deficiency will result in?
A: Spinal cord degeneration
-Intussusception is defined as?
A: Telescoping of the intestines
-Presenile dementia is seen in?
A: Alzheimers
-A neoplasm that is derived from multiple tissue is called?
-A female with an active case of gonorrhea may pass ______ on to her
A: Opthalama Neonatrum
-A condition that causes unilateral tinnitus and sensironeural hearing loss is?
A: Schwannoma
-Cerebral infarction will cause what type of necrosis?
A: Liquefactive
-Poliomyelitis is a condition that primarily affects the anterior horn
-A term that best describes a patient who is born without on of a paired
organ is?
A: Agenisis
-Sjogrens is a condition that affects both the lacrimal and salivary glands. It
presents with dry mouth, dry eyes and RA.
-Which vitamin is necessary for collagen formation of clots?
A: Vitamin C
-What is the most common benign tumor of the hands and feet?
A: Enchondroma
-Tabes dorsalis is the tertiary stage of syphilus that affects the posterior roots
of the spinal cord.
-Syringomyelia is a disease that can cause cause cavitation of the spinal
-A person with celiac disease is sensitive to what?
A: Gluten
-Total destruction of bone marrow is characteristic of what anemia?
A: Aplastic
-What vitamin is the most important for the immune system?
A: Zinc
-What area of the bone does Ewing’s sarcoma attack?
A: Diaphysis
-A disease that affects the basal ganglia?
A: Parkinsons
-T4 Cells are most affected by the AIDS virus
-An imbalance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts is defined as?
-Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord is associated with a
deficiency of what nutrient?
A: B-12
-Myxedema is also known as?
-Acromegaly in an adult is caused by?
-Hansons disease is also known as?
-Destruction of synovial joint capsule is associated with what condition?
-Atherosclerosis affects which layer of blood vessel?
A: Tunica Intima
-Liquefactive necrosis most commonly occurs in the?
-A gumma is pathognomic of what disease?
A: Tertiary syphillus
-Raynauds disease is characterized by digital vasospasm.
-Hypersensitivity reactions involving a liver transplant are?
A: Type 4
-Infiltration is a characteristic of a malignant neoplasm.
-AS is an autoimmune disease
-A tumor of skeletal muscle is called?
A: Rhabdomyoma
-The type of shock experienced by burn victims is?
-A systemic thrombus is most apt to lodge in?
A: The periphery of the lung
-Fibrous proliferation in skin and mucous membrane is from?
A: Scleroderma
-A disease that is most common in children and is characterized by
excessive amounts of glycogen stored in the liver and kidney is?
A: Von Gierke’s
-The most threatening characteristic of Guillan-Barre syndrome is because it
A: Respiratory Muscles
-Pheochromocytoma is a tumor located in the?
A: Adrenal Medulla
-Which malignant tumor rarely metastasizes?
A: Squamous cell carcinoma
-Orchitis is caused by?
A: Mumps
-What kind of necrosis is found in TB?
A: Caseous
-The major pathologic change that occurs in lupus is due to?
A: Antinuclear antibodies
-What stage of bone healing is characterized by large scale proliferation of
osteogenic cells and osteoblasts?
A: Callus formation
-Nephrotic syndrome is best characterized clinically by?
A:Proteinurea and hypoalbuminemia
-What are is most involved in pelvic inflammatory disease?
A:Fallopian Tubes
-A clean cut by a knife heals by 1st intention.
-High levels of urinary hydroproline are seen in patients with?
-Granulamatous inflammation of the aortic arch is caused by?
A:Takayasu Arteritis
-Hypoprothrobinemia is caused by a decrease in vitamin K
-Tile like or mosaic pattern on bone is associated with?
-What is the underlying pathological alteration of atherosclerotic occlusive
A: atheroma
-Chocolate like cysts on the ovary are known as?
-Tophi are composed of what type of crystals?
-The most common cause of pulmonary embolism is?
A: Deep vein thrombosis
-Alpha 1 Anti-trypsin decrease is a genetically hereditary trait that results in?
-A hereditary disorder that results in premature closure of the epiphyseal
plates is known as?
-Epitheliod cells originate from?
A: Macrophages
-A non progressive muscular dysfunction due to a defect or injury to the
brain or brainstem is called?
A: Cerebral Palsy
-The most common area of metastatic lesions in late stage cancer is?
A: Vertabrae
-The most common type of poisoning is?
-The syndrome that is a form of polyposis characterized by polyps of the
entire GI tract is called?
A: Peutz-Jeghers Disease
-The most common location of fibrous cortical defect is?
A: Femur
-Oslers nodes are found in what condition?
A: Subacute bacterial endocarditis
-What is characteristic of plasma proliferation of giant cells and fibroblastic
A:Acute inflammation of granulation tissue
-Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is due to a deficiency
A: Vit B-12
-Interstitial changes can differentiate ulcerative colitis from IBS.
-The most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is?
-Thromboangitis obliterans is otherwise known as?
A: Buergers
-What is the most common location of purple thrombus?
A: Cardiac Chamber
-Development malformation accompanied by enlargement of lumen of large
A:Hirschsprung’s disease
-Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are located in what part of the spinal
A: Interomediolateral cell column
-What part of the brain is responsible for abstract thought?
-What part of the brain is responsible for mood and personality?
-What part of the brain is responsible for memory and hearing?
What part of the brain is responsible for vision?
A: Occipital
-Parasympathetic supply to the cardiac and respiratory plexuses are from
A: Vagus
-The axial skeleton is derived from?
A: Somatic Sclerotome
-Endoderm gives rise to the organs
-Mesoderm gives rise to the muscular system
-Ectoderm give rise to the CNS
-Neural crest cells give rise to the PNS, things outside of spinal cord (DRG,
Adrenal Medulla, Schwann Cells)
-The first synapse in the olfactory pathway is at the?
A:Olfactory Bulb
-Constriction of what muscle adducts the eye?
A:Med Rectus [SO4LR6]3
-The anterior clinoid processes are located on what part of the sphenoid?
A:Lesser Wings
-What type of articulation occurs between the sphenoid bone and the
surrounding bones?
-What cranial nerve supplies the parotid gland?
A: Cranial Nerve IX-Glossopharayngeal
-What cranial nerve passes through the parotid gland?
A: Cranial Nerve VII-Facial
-Cranial nerve IX exits through what foramen?
A: Jugular
-Lateral portions of the cerebellum are responsible for what?
A: Voluntary motion to muscles of the distal extremities
-Cranial nerve 5 has its nucleus of origin in the?
A: Pons
-General sensation to the anterior tongue is provided by?
A: Trigeminal
-What ligament maintains normal spatial relationship between the odontoid
process and the atlas?