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Chapter 7
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PowerPoint® Lectures for
College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Second Edition
7 Rotational Motion
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Slide 7-2
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Slide 7-3
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Slide 7-4
Checking Understanding
Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is
twice as far from the axis as coin A.
The angular velocity of A is twice
that of B.
The angular velocity of A equals
that of B.
C. The angular velocity of A is half
that of B.
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Slide 7-13
Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is
twice as far from the axis as coin A.
The angular velocity of A is twice
that of B.
B. The angular velocity of A
equals that of B.
C. The angular velocity of A is half
that of B.
All points on the turntable rotate through the same angle in the same time.
All points have the same period.
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Slide 7-14
Checking Understanding
Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is
twice as far from the axis as coin A.
The speed of A is twice that of B.
The speed of A equals that of B.
C. The speed of A is half that of B.
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Slide 7-15
Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is
twice as far from the axis as coin A.
The speed of A is twice that of B.
The speed of A equals that of B.
C. The speed of A is half that of B.
v  r
Twice the radius means twice the speed
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Slide 7-16
Angular Acceleration
Angular acceleration α
measures how rapidly the
angular velocity is changing:
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Slide 7-17
Linear and Circular Motion Compared
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Slide 7-18
Linear and Circular Kinematics Compared
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Slide 7-19
Sign of the Angular Acceleration
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Slide 7-20
Example Problem
A high-speed drill rotating CCW takes 2.5 s to speed up to 2400
rpm. Assume the drill is initially at rest.
A. What is the drill’s angular acceleration?
B. How many revolutions does it make as it reaches top speed?
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Slide 7-21
Centripetal and Tangential Acceleration
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Slide 7-22
Checking Understanding
The four forces shown have the same strength. Which force
would be most effective in opening the door?
Force F1
Force F2
Force F3
Force F4
Either F1 or F3
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Slide 7-23
The four forces shown have the same strength. Which force
would be most effective in opening the door?
Force F1
Force F2
Force F3
Force F4
Either F1 or F3
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Slide 7-24
Interpreting Torque
Torque is due to the component of the force perpendicular to the
radial line.
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  rF  rF sin 
Slide 7-25
A Second Interpretation of Torque
  r F  rF sin 
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Slide 7-26
Signs and Strengths of the Torque
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Slide 7-27
Example Problem
Revolutionaries attempt to pull down a statue of the Great Leader
by pulling on a rope tied to the top of his head. The statue is 17 m
tall, and they pull with a force of 4200 N at an angle of 65° to the
horizontal. What is the torque they exert on the statue? If they are
standing to the right of the statue, is the torque positive or
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Slide 7-28
Center of Gravity
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Slide 7-29
Calculating the Center-of-Gravity Position
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Slide 7-30
Example Problem
An object consists of the three balls shown, connected by
massless rods. Find the x- and y-positions of the object’s center
of gravity.
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Slide 7-31
Checking Understanding
Which point could be the center of gravity of this L-shaped
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Slide 7-32
Which point could be the center of gravity of this L-shaped
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Slide 7-33
Newton’s Second Law for Rotation
  / I
I = moment of inertia. Objects with larger moments of inertia are
harder to get rotating.
I   mi ri
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Slide 7-34
Moments of Inertia of Common Shapes
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Slide 7-35
Rotational and Linear Dynamics Compared
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Slide 7-36
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 7-37
Example Problem
The motor in a CD player exerts a torque of 7.0 x 10-4 N · m.
What is the disk’s angular acceleration? (A CD has a diameter
of 12.0 cm and a mass of 16 g.)
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Slide 7-38
Constraints Due to Ropes and Pulleys
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Slide 7-39
Example Problem
How long does it take the small mass to fall 1.0 m when
released from rest?
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Slide 7-40
Rolling Is a Combination of Translation and
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Slide 7-41
Reading Quiz
1. Moment of inertia is
the rotational equivalent of mass.
the point at which all forces appear to act.
the time at which inertia occurs.
an alternative term for moment arm.
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Slide 7-5
1. Moment of inertia is
the rotational equivalent of mass.
the point at which all forces appear to act.
the time at which inertia occurs.
an alternative term for moment arm.
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Slide 7-6
Reading Quiz
2. Which factor does the torque on an object not depend on?
The magnitude of the applied force.
The object’s angular velocity.
The angle at which the force is applied.
The distance from the axis to the point at which the
force is applied.
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Slide 7-7
2. Which factor does the torque on an object not depend on?
The magnitude of the applied force.
The object’s angular velocity.
The angle at which the force is applied.
The distance from the axis to the point at which the
force is applied.
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Slide 7-8
Reading Quiz
3. Which statement about an object’s center of gravity is not true
If an object is free to rotate about a pivot, the center of
gravity will come to rest below the pivot.
The center of gravity coincides with the geometric center
of the object.
C. The torque due to gravity can be calculated by
considering the object’s weight as acting at the center of
D. For objects small compared to the earth, the center of
gravity and the center of mass are essentially the same.
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Slide 7-9
3. Which statement about an object’s center of gravity is not
If an object is free to rotate about a pivot, the center of
gravity will come to rest below the pivot.
B. The center of gravity coincides with the geometric
center of the object.
C. The torque due to gravity can be calculated by
considering the object’s weight as acting at the center of
D. For objects small compared to the earth, the center of
gravity and the center of mass are essentially the same.
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Slide 7-10
Reading Quiz
4. A net torque applied to an object causes
a linear acceleration of the object.
the object to rotate at a constant rate.
C. the angular velocity of the object to change.
D. the moment of inertia of the object to change.
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Slide 7-11
4. A net torque applied to an object causes
a linear acceleration of the object.
the object to rotate at a constant rate.
C. the angular velocity of the object to change.
D. the moment of inertia of the object to change.
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Slide 7-12
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Slide 7-42
Additional Example Problem
A baseball bat has a mass of 0.82 kg and is 0.86 m long. It’s
held vertically and then allowed to fall. What is the bat’s angular
acceleration when it has reached 20° from the vertical? (Model
the bat as a uniform cylinder).
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Slide 7-43