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Key Terms
Go to the following website for an in-depth list of fitness, nutrition, health, and
wellness key terms:
(National Academy of Sports Medicine)
Go to the following website for an in-depth look at the human body and anatomy:
(National Academy of Sports Medicine)
Basic Terms:
Health:The general well-being of the body systems and good overall functioning of the
various body systems and vital organs
Physical Fitness: the ability of the body to meet the demands of a given situation, as
relevant to the individual
Specific fitness: the ability of the body to meet the demands of a particular sport and its
fitness components
General fitness: the overall basic fitness of an individual who can meet the demands of
everyday life
Motor fitness: the ability of the central nervous system to work with the body to produce
quick, precise and accurate movements
Speed: the ability to move all body parts or whole body as quickly as possible
Strength: the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to apply force or to overcome
Stamina: the ability to keep going for as long as possible or for as long as is required
Flexibility:full range of movement of muscles and a joint
Muscular endurance: the ability of the muscles to work hard for a period of time, usually
Static strength:the ability to apply maximum force against a non-moving object (static =
still or stationary)
Explosive strength: maximum muscular force used in one sudden movement
Dynamic strength:the ability to work with maximum effort for a period of time repeatedly
Reaction time: to respond to something or someone as quickly as possible
Cartilage:tough, rubbery tissue covering bones ends at a joint so as to allow friction-free
Ligaments: attach bone to bone at a joint to stabilise it and help prevent dislocation
Tendons: attaches muscle to bone
Smooth muscle: involuntary muscles which are not generally under our direct control
Skeletal muscle: voluntary muscles which are under our direct control
Prime mover: the muscle of a pair which contracts to cause movement
Antagonist: the muscle of a pair which relaxes to allow movement
Synergist:the muscles which help to stabilise movement of the body around a joint
Origin: the end of the contracting muscle where no movement occurs
Insertion: the end of the contracting muscle where the movement occurs
Breathing: the act of taking air in and pushing air out of the lungs; the mechanics of the
Inspiration : the act of breathing in
Expiration: the act of breathing out
Respiration: the process of freeing of energy from our food
Aerobic respiration:the freeing of energy using oxygen (long duration and low intensity
exercise) Glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy
Anaerobic respiration :the freeing of energy without oxygen (short duration, high
intensity) Glucose = lactic acid + energy
Oxygen debt: the way in which oxygen is ‘paid back’ after intense anaerobic exercise to
replenish energy supplies and to remove lactic acid from muscle cells
Aerobic capacity: the ability of the heart and lungs to meet the demands of sustained
activity (cardio-respiratory fitness / stamina)
Vital capacity: the maximum amount of air that the lungs can hold (measured by the
amount exhaled)
VO2 Max. : the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in and utilised by the
working muscles during exercise in 1 minute.
Tidal volume: the amount of air breathed in and out when at rest (approx. 0.5 litres
when at rest compared to 5 - 6 litres when exercising in an adult male)
Heart : a cardiac muscle. A hollow pump with 4 chambers.
Blood vessels:these transport blood, nutrients and some waste products; the veins,
arteries and capillaries
Diet :the food and fluids taken in and required for their energy and essential nutrients
Energy equation:the balance and link between diet, weight and energy needs
Basic metabolic rate:the amount of energy we all use and need to keep alive and
Somatotypes:different categories (3) of defining body types and build (endomorph,
mesomorph, ectomorph)
Posture: the way in which the body parts are positioned in relation to each other, such
as a straight back which is seen to be good posture
Fatigue: physical tiredness making it difficult to take part or continue. Often caused by
lactic acid build up after exercise
Sponsorship: when a company provides money, kit and / or clothing to a team or
individual in return for publicity
Media: the means by which events and news are covered and broadcast; TV,
newspapers, radio
Amateur: a sports person who is not paid but who plays just for enjoyment
Professional: sports person who is paid to participate; it is their job / career
Leisure time: the free time outside of work / school when a choice can be made as to
how that time is spent - leisure activities
National: involving only one country
International: involving more than one country, such as the Olympics