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Muscles- Chap. 9
I. Three types of muscles: Smooth, Cardiac, Skeletal- know what distinguishes these
II. Function of skeletal muscles-know these
III. Muscle move bone by contracting and moving bones
A. Origin- stationary bone, and insertion- movable bone
B. Muscles often work in opposing pairs moving the same bones
IV. Myofibrils- filaments in sarcomere
A. Thick filament- myosin protein
B. Thin filament- actin protein, also troponin and tropomyosin
V. Sliding of filament- understand how sarcomeres contract
A . Ca2+ - binds troponin , shifts tropomyosin and exposes myosin binding sites
B. Myosin pulls actin filaments when muscle contracts- requires ATP
VI. Types of contractions
Nervous System- Chapter 10
I. Neuron- structure: cell body, dendrites, axon, synapse
A. Myelin sheath- lipid rich Schwann cell, insulation
B. Afferent vs. efferent
II. Organization of nervous system
A. Central nervous system (CNS) - brain and spinal cord
B. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) - outside CNS
C. Lobes of the brain and functions
III. Synapse- what happens to change an electrical signal to chemical and back
Nervous system II- Chapter 11
Function and location of CSF
Understand a reflex arc- structures, neural pathway
Divisions of nervous system
1. Somatic or voluntary- Skeletal muscle
2. Autonomic (involuntary) - smooth and cardiac muscle, glands
a. Parasympathetic branch- homeostasis, at rest
b. Sympathetic branch- “fight or flight”
Nervous system III- Chapter 12
I. Sensory receptors-nerve impulse to brain, brain interprets
A. Sensation vs perception
B. Sensory adaptation
II. General receptors: exteroreceptive, visceoreceptive, proprioreceptive
III. Sense of painIV. Special Senses
A. Olfaction- cells in nasal cavity w/specific proteins receptors that bind odorant
B. Taste- Taste buds on tongue with cells that bind or respond to 5 different
C. Hearing- ear – also site of equilibrium and balance
D. Sight- photoreceptors in the retina of the eye react to light
1. Understand how light is transduced into an electrical signal that is sent to
the brain
Endocrine system- Chapter 13
I. Hormones produced from endocrine glands
II. Hormones- steroid (lipid) hormone and protein hormone- Specific receptors that
bind hormone on target cells
III. Understand how a hormone is produced, acts on its target, and how its action
IV. Understand how negative feedback stops hormone production
V. Hypothalamus and pituitary
A. anterior lobe - functions
B. posterior lobe- functions
VI. Pancreas- regulate blood glucose levels-insulin
A. Insulin- increases uptake of glucose from blood into other cell
B. Diabetes- inability to take up glucose from the blood
1. Type 1 vs 2
VII. Differences between nervous and endocrine system