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Ch. 2 IDS
Pope Julius II- pope from 1503 to 1513. Known as the “Warrior Pope” and
for his patronage in the arts of Renaisance Art. He commissioned
Michelangelo to create his tomb known (which features “Moses” and the
Sistine Chapel
Sistine Chapel- Famous for its architecture and painting which include
Michaelangelo’s ceiling (Creation of Man), and Raphael’s School of Athens
Renaissance-The period from 1400 to 1600 that witnessed a transformation
of cultural and intellectual values from primarily Christian to classical or
secular ones. Four Keys to Renaissance; Humanism, Secularism,
Rationalism, Individualism
Republic- a form of government in which the people, or some significant
portion of them, retain supreme control over the government; no monarch.
(Has some form of representation)
Condottiere-A mercenary soldier of a political ruler.
Sigoria- governing authority or lordship in many of the Italian city states
during the medieval and renaissance periods.
Ciompi- “the wooden shoes.” Rose up in a revolt in Florence in 1378 against
the popolo grasso in demands for a voice in the commune's government.
Cosimo de Medici- the first of the Medici political dynasty; established an
oligarchy in Florence with his wealth and power; patron of the arts
Lorenzo the Magnificent- grandson of Cosimo de Medici; de facto ruler of
the Florentine Republic during the Italian Renaissance; patron of scholars,
artists and poets.
Petrarch- Father of Humanism; a Tuscan humanist poet during the
Renaissance who wrote “Letters to Boccaccio” and “Letters to Laura”.
Known for his expertise in the Latin language, had fondness for Cicero.
Humanism-The recovery and study of classical (Greek & Roman) authors
and writings. i.e. Lorenzo Valla (Donation of Constantine document that
disproved the authority of the Roman Church
Leonardo da Vinci - described as the true renaissance man because of his
diverse talents. Great painter of the renaissance paintings such as The Last
Supper, Virgin on the Rocks and the Mona Lisa. His journals inquire ideas
beyond his time and his ingenious.
Raphael- Italian painter and architect of the high renaissance. PaintingsSchool of Athens portrays the 4 renaissance values.
(know about the painting)
Neo-Platonism- modern term for a school of religious and mystical
philosophy based on the teachings of Plato.
Giotto di Bondone- Considered one of the first great artists who contributed
to the Italian Renaissance. Famous for his Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. Often
known as Father of Renaissance Art.
Perspective- a development in Renaissance art which shows depth,
vanishing point.
High Renaissance- Quite literally the high point of the Renaissance. When
the most influential works were produced - i.e. Leonard's Last Supper. The
Creation of Man by Michelangelo.
Mannerism- a type of art that emerged from the later years of the high
renaissance artists such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and early Michelangelo. I.e.
Michelangelo's Sistine chapel ceiling.
Peace of Lodi- Brought four decades of peace to the Italian city-states of
Florence, Milan, and Naples
Girolamo Savonarola- Italian Dominican friar; He was known for his book
burning (Bonfires of the Vanity), destruction of what he considered immoral
art, and his perception of what he thought the Renaissance should be –
focused on “true” religion. Eventually burned as a heretic
Niccolo Machiavelli- Renaissance political author; wrote “The Prince”
describing how to be a ruler. (The End Justifies the Means)
Francesco Sforza- Part of the most successful dynasty of the condottieri - he
himself was a condottieri. He ruled Milan for the first half of the Renaissance
era - Duke of Milan.
Jacob Burchardt- the one we couldn't find.