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Chapter 7
Earth’s Structure
1. What are columns of steaming hot water that can be found shooting up form the
Earth’s surface?
2. How can scientists learn what Earth is like inside.
They can study geysers and volcanic activity and conduct experiments
on surface rocks and minerals under conditions of high pressure and
3. Crust- thin, nearly solid rock layer that is uppermost in Earth’s structure.
4. The thinnest layer of the Earth’s structure is the what?
5. Which layer of Earth is made up of solid metals?
Inner Core
6. Name the layers of the Earth in order from the outside to the inside?
Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
7. What happens to the temperature as you go deeper into the Earth?
It increases
8. Mantle- thick layer of Earth’s structure just below Earth’s crust.
9. Lithosphere- area where Earth’s solid upper mantle and crust combine to form a
10. Core- Earth’s innermost structure.
11. The lithosphere is not one solid shell of rock. It is actually broken up into giant slabs
of rock called plates.
12. Plate Tectonics- idea that giant plates of rock are moving slowly across Earth’s
13. Name the two kinds of plates.
Oceanic and continental plates
14. Oceanic plates consist almost entirely of dense ocean-floor material.
15. Continental plates are made up of lighter continental rock “riding” on top of denser
16. Describe 3 ways in which Earth’s plates interact at their boundaries?
They converge, diverge, or slide past each other.
17. Fossil- physical remains or traces of plant or animal that lived long ago.
18. When plates push together it is called converging and when they move apart it is
called diverging.
19. Fault- crack in Earth’s crust along which movement takes place.
20. Seismic Waves- waves of energy sent through Earth’s crust when plates move
21. What does a seismograph record?
The strength of seismic waves moving through Earth’s crust
and along its surface.
22. What is faulting?
The movement of rocks along the fault.
23. Name the 3 types of faults.
1. Fault at Diverging Boundary
2. Fault at Converging Boundary
3. Fault at Sliding Boundary
24. What happens when stress builds up along a fault?
Rock breaks and the plates move.
25. Earthquake- violent shaking of Earth’s crust as built-up energy is released.
26. What causes an earthquake?
The release of built-up energy along a fault.
27. Focus- point underground where the faulting in an earthquake occurs.
28. Epicenter- point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
29. Which type of seismic waves cause the most damage?
Surface Waves
30. Why do surface waves cause great damage?
They make the ground swell and roll.
31. Magma- melted rock below Earth’s surface, called lava at the surface.
32. Describe the steps of a volcanic eruption.
Hot, gas-filled magma rises, melting rock along the way,
until it forms a chamber near the surface. Pressure builds
until the gas and magma force open a channel leading to the
surface. Volcanic material moves through this channel and
erupts through the vent.
33. What causes magma to rise to the surface?
Gas within the magma.
34. What are the similarities and differences between ocean trenches and ocean ridges.
Similarities: Both are features found on the ocean floor at
plate boundaries.
Differences: Ocean trenches are found where plates
converge. Ocean ridges are found where plates
35. Why is the Pacific rim a region of earthquakes and active volcanoes?
Converging plate boundaries form the Ring of Fire.
36. Fold Mountains- mountains that form where two plates collide and force layers of
rock into folds.
37. Fault-Block Mountains- mountains that form along fault lines where blocks of rock
fall, are thrust up, or slide.
38. Which type of mountain is usually formed at converging boundaries?
Fold Mountains
39. Dome Mountains- mountains hat form when magma pushes up on Earth’s crust but
does not break through.
40. How are dome mountains different from other mountains?
They are formed by rising magma, not by movement at plate