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he power of God unto salvation . . . -Romans 1:16
Jehovah God vs. Allah*
Does God
Is God
Is God
Is God a
ISLAM: Allah
God does not
change. James 1:17
Every good gift and
every perfect gift
is from above, and
cometh down from
the Father of lights,
with whom is no
variableness, neither
shadow of turning.
Allah of Islam changes.
Surah 2:106
If we supersede any verse
or cause it to be forgotten,
we bring a better one
or one similar. Do you
not know that Allah has
power over all things!
God loves everyone.
John 3:16
For God so loved the
world that He gave
His only begotten
Allah is tempermental.
Surah 32:13: If we so
willed, we could have
brought every soul its true
guidance, but the word
from me will come true: ‘I
will fill Hell with demons
and men all together.’
God cannot lie.
Titus 1:2
In hope of eternal
life, which God, that
cannot lie, promised
before the world
Allah deceives.
Surah 8:30
They plot and plan,
and Allah, too plans,
but the best of planners
(deceivers) is Allah.
God is Triune.
Father is God:
John 6:27
Son is God: Col. 2:9
Spirit is God:
Acts 5:3-9
Trinity is blasphemy.
Surah 5:73:
They do blaspheme who
say God is one of three…
for there is no Allah
except one Allah.
Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
Matt. 28:19
Go ye therefore, and
teach all nations,
baptizing them in the
name of the Father,
and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost.
Islam believes the
Christian trinity is God
the Father, God the
Mother (Mary) and God
the Son (Jesus). Surah
5:116: And behold! God
will say: O Jesus the son
of Mary didst say unto
men, ‘worship me and
my mother as gods’ in
derogation of Allah?
Golden Keys
Be Friendly - Muslims are just like anyone else, they do not care how much
you know, until they know how much you care.
Islam Unveiled
Be Patient – Take time to explain clearly how they too can have a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.
Avoid Arguments – Do not demean Islam or bring up political issues, these
things can be addressed at a later time.
Stay on Track – Avoid getting side-tracked, instead – share your testimony
and God’s plan for salvation. Remember – the Gospel is still the power of
God unto salvation. (Romans 1:16)
Be understanding - Remember what conversion may mean. He may very
well face pressure from Muslim friends and family members. He or she will
need your support.
13-Point Soul Winning Plan
Getting on the Subject - Ask Him:
1. “What is your church background?” Now, give your salvation testimony.
2. “If you should die right now, are you sure that you would go to Heaven?”
3. May I take a moment and show you how you can know for sure?”
Now, Teach Him from the Bible:
4. That all have sinned (Romans 3:23)
5. The penalty of sin is death & Hell (Romans 6:23)
6. That Jesus paid the penalty (Romans 5:8)
7. That if he will believe that and receive Christ, God will save him
(Romans 10:13)
Now, Help Him to Receive Christ - Have Him:
8. Bow his head in prayer - you pray and ask God to help him be willing to
receive Christ.
9. Pray aloud and receive Christ - you lead him in a phrase-by-phrase
sinner’s prayer.
10. Take your hand if he meant business.
11. Now, you pray, thankful for his decision.
Who is in
the Trinity?
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Now, Help Him Begin to Grow:
12. Give him assurance of salvation. (Rom. 10:13)
13. Lead him to make it public in the local church. (Romans 10:11 &
Matthew 10:32)
David Wood Ministries • P.O. Box 248 • Trenton, Georgia 30752
(800) 798-0028 • Fax (706) 657-6083 •
[email protected]
* Contributed by Dr. Ergun Caner –
7/12/10 9:39:28 PM
. . . the gospel . . . is the power of God unto salvation . . . -Romans 1:16
The 5 Pillars of Islam
Muslims must practice at least five fundamental religious
obligations. These are duties every Muslim must perform:
Islamic Works vs. Christian Grace*
Jesus Christ vs. Muhammad*
(570-632 AD)
1. Reciting the creed of Islam. (Shahada) “There is no God but Allah and
Muhammad is his prophet.” This recitation, said publicly with conviction,
makes one a believer.
Salvation based on scales.
(Surah 17:13-14)
Salvation based on the
Cross and grace.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)
Father died before his birth while
mother died when he was six.
Born of a virgin to
Joseph and Mary
2. Prayers. Muslims must recite prescribed prayers five times a day. These
prayers involve a series of postures (standing, kneeling, hands and face to the
ground, and so on) while facing Mecca, the holy city.
Salvation based on a personal
confession of faith in Allah and
his messenger Muhammad.
(Surah 1:2-4)
Salvation based on a lifetime
confession of faith in Jesus Christ
as Savior and Lord.
(Romans 10:9-13)
Sixth and final prophet sent to
defend monotheism
(Surah 48:8-9).
God and Savior sent to forgive
the sins of the world to
anyone who will receive Him.
(John 1:29; 3:16).
God is personal and incarnate;
therefore, relationship with
our Heavenly Father is most
(Isaiah 9:6; John 20:28)
Married 10 women and had 2
other concubines. In fact, his
youngest wife Aisha was six when
they engaged and nine when
consummated in marriage.
(Surah 33:28)
Never knew a woman.
God is impersonal; therefore,
obedience to the five pillars is
most important.
(Surah 2:277)
Conditional love based on
obedience to Allah.
(Surah 60:1)
Unconditional love based on the
blood of Jesus Christ.
(Romans 5:8)
Doubted whether the revelation
he received was divine or demonic.
Heaven is pictured as men sitting
on couches being served wine by
perpetual virgins.
(Surah 4:57)
Heaven is pictured as the worship
of Jesus Christ as He rewards men
and women for their works after
(Revelation 21; 1 Corinthians 3)
He Himself was the divine
revelation, knowing His
purpose of being born was
to die.
(Luke 19:10)
Allah only saves those whom
he wants.
(Surah 14:4)
God saves all those who will
receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
(2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 2:2; Luke
Judged men and women according
to their obedience to him and
(Surah 9:5; 9:29; Persian Poet)
Judged men and women
according to grace and His
work on the Cross.
(Thief on the Cross)
Won a following by military
victory and/or forced conversion.
Won followers by miracles
and unconditional love.
Sins are overlooked if the good
outweighs the bad.
All sins must be punished
since they offend a holy God.
Therefore, the cross is necessary.
Viewed men as superior to
(Surah 4:34)
Viewed men and women
as equal.
(Ephesians 5)
Salvation is never guaranteed
(outside of jihad and martyrdom).
(Surah 3:157; Hadith 1.35)
Salvation is guaranteed based on
Christ’s finished work (Luke 23),
the Spirit’s sealing (Ephesians
1:13), and the Word of God
(1 John 5:12-13).
Died peacefully in the arms of his
young wife Aisha.
Died cruelly at the hands of
the Romans on a rugged cross.
Did not know his eternal destiny.
(Hadith 5.266)
Muhammad himself did not
know his eternal destiny. Why
follow a man who does not know
God’s plan for his eternal life?
(Hadith 5.266)
Jesus Christ finished the work
on the cross. Salvation is not
based on man changing himself.
Salvation is based on God
transforming man from the
inside out.
(2 Corinthians 5:17).
He is the Creator and
Sustainer of the Universe,
Himself Judge.
(John 1:1-18)
Muhammad shed other
people’s blood.
Jesus shed His own blood
on the Cross.
3. Giving alms to the poor. Muslims are expected to give 2-1/2 percent one’s
income to the Muslim community, as determined by a complicated system.
4. Fasting the month of Ramadan. Every year in the month of Ramadan, (the
ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar) Muslims fast from dawn until
sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations.
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad’s place of birth. The annual pilgrimage
(Hajj) to Mecca is required once in a lifetime for those who are physically
and financially able to perform it.
Doctrines of Islam
Muslims must accept the following six basic beliefs of the
Islamic faith:
1. Faith in Allah. Muslims believe there is only one true God (Allah), who has
no son nor partner, and that none has the right to be worshipped but him
2. Angels. Muslims believe in angels and that they are honored creatures.
Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran to Muhammad.
3. The Holy Books. The Quran contains Allah’s final message to humankind,
and supersedes all previous revelation (Torah of Moses; Psalms of David;
Gospel of Jesus Christ) The Quran annuls any conflicting truth claims.
Only the Quran has been preserved in an uncorrupted state.
4. The Prophets. Muslims believe Allah has sent numerous prophets to
mankind, starting with Adam, and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. But Allah’s final message to man was revealed
to the Prophet Muhammad.
5. Predestination. Muslims believe that everything that happens, both good
and evil, is predestined by Allah’s will, which is his absolute declaration.
6. The Day of Judgment. (Day of Resurrection) Muslims believe that on this
day their good and evil deeds will be weighed, depending on how they fare
one will end up either heaven or in hell.
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