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Early Exploration
By Chris Anderson
Randolph-Henry High School
► In
the late 15th Century (1400s) Europe
changed the world with its attempts to find
alternate trade routes to Asia
► Many explorers were also out to :
 Find gold
 Find glory
► Exploration
also coincides with the Catholic
 Many Europeans were out to spread Christianity
to new lands
Quest for Spices
► In
the 14th Century (1300s), Europeans used
spices from India and Asia
Preservation of food
Adding taste to food
Creating perfumes
Creating medicines
► Some
spices included:
► Unfortunately,
the spice trade was controlled by
Islamic and Venetian merchants
 These merchants had a monopoly over the spice trade
and could charge any price for the spices
► Europeans
wanted to find a cheaper way to get
spices than from the merchants
► To get the spices cheaper, the Europeans decided
to go to Asia to get them themselves
 But, they needed to find shorter ways to get to Asia to
save some money
 Land routes were not safe
 The Europeans had to turn to the sea to reach the Asian
► Europeans
also had another motive for
going to Asia—spreading Christianity and
stopping Islam from spreading in the region
► Sailors
had to be trained in navigation in
order to travel the seas
Had to be trained to read maps
Learn to use the stars to navigate
Use known landmarks on the coasts
Use hourglasses to keep track of time spent at
 Learn to use the compass
 Learn to use the astrolabe
► Ships
had to be built to withstand the long
 Builders used lateens—triangular shaped sails
that allows a boat to sail into the wind
 Builders added more sails to the ships to help
them travel faster
► ****Portugal
was the 1st nation to set sail
looking for a new route to Asia****
► The Portuguese sailed along the western
coast of Africa looking for a way around to
 As they sailed along the West African coast, the
Portuguese created trade colonies on the coast
► Portugal
created the 1st school for
► The school was created by Prince Henry in
Sagres, Portugal
► Henry never sailed, but he did sponsor
many voyages
Prince Henry the Navigator
► 1487:
Bartholomeu Dias left Portugal
looking for the southern tip of Africa
► 1488: Dias found the southern tip of Africa
and named it the Cape of Good Hope
► Dias’ discovery proved that ships could sail
around Africa to Asia
► Unfortunately, Dias could go no further and
had to return to Portugal
Bartolomeu Dias
► 1497:
Vasco de Gama left Portugal headed for
► His ships rounded the Cape of Good hope, and he
headed up the eastern coast of Africa
► Within 10 months, de Gama had reached India
► Vasco de Gama had found the 1st real sea route
to Asia
 Unfortunately, Portugal felt they were just a little late in
the race to Asia
 Spain claimed to have found a route in 1492, but Spain
was soon to discover they had found something a little
Vasco de Gama
► In
the late 15th Century (1400s), Spain was
led by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
► The Spanish monarchs wanted to reap the
benefits of exploration
 They had seen the exotic treasures coming into
Portugal from Africa
and Isabella sponsor and Italian
man with a revolutionary idea to reach
Asia—Christopher Columbus
► Ferdinand
► Ferdinand
and Isabella initially declined to
sponsor Columbus (1486); however, they
eventually agree to help the Italian
► Columbus’ idea was that he could sail
WEST to reach Asia—which was east of
 His theory revolved around the belief of the
world being round
► Columbus
believed Asia (India) only lay
2200 miles to the west—he was really
► August
of 1492: Columbus left Spain with 3
 Nina
 Pinta
 Santa Maria
► Columbus
and his crew sailed for an
extremely long period of time without
seeing land
► His crew try to convince Columbus to turn
around and head back to Spain
► Some of the crew were planning a mutiny
► Columbus
learned of the planned mutiny and
struck a deal with his crew
► If they had not found land in the next 3 days, the
expedition would be cancelled, and they would
turn for home
► On the 2nd day, they spotted land
► Columbus thought he had landed on some islands
near India
► Instead, he had landed in the Bahamas
► Because he believed he was near India, he called
the people Indians
► He also called the area the West Indies
► Over a 3 month period, Columbus and his crew
explored Cuba and Hispaniola
► Columbus
was looking for riches—gold and
silver—to take back to Ferdinand and
 Unfortunately, the Caribbean Islands have very
little gold or silver
 Columbus and his men began collecting animals
and plants to prove they had found a route to
► Columbus
made 3 more trips to the
Caribbean before he died in 1506
► Columbus died believing he had discovered
a western route to Asia
Ferdinand and Isabella
► Ironically,
1-year after Columbus’ death—
1507—someone realized that Columbus had
not landed in India, but had found a entire
New World
► The man who made the startling
discovery—Amerigo Vespucci
► The New World was then named after
Amerigo Vespucci
► Both
Spain and Portugal wanted to protect what
they had been exploring
► Both nations turn to the Pope for help
► 1493: The Pope settles the issues buy developing
the line of demarcation
 In 1493, Spain claimed to have a route to Asia and
Portugal wanted to protect its trade colonies in Africa
► the
line ran from the North Pole to the South Pole
in the Atlantic Ocean
 Spain got all lands west of the line
 Portugal go all lands east of the line
► 1494:
Spain and Portugal signed a treaty
that moved the line of demarcation a little
further west—Treaty of Tordesillas
► By moving the line just a little, Portugal now
will have a claim to part of South America
Line of Demarcation in 1493 &
Ferdinand Magellan
► Magellan
was a Portuguese man who was
sponsored by and sailed for Spain
► Magellan wanted to proved that Columbus’ idea
could be done—one could sail west to reach Asia
► 1519: Magellan left Spain headed west
 He took 5 ships and 260 crew
► He
had to find a way to get around South America
 Eventually, they found a way through the Straits of
 Magellan lost 2 ships passing through the straits
► Magellan
had also passed from the Atlantic
Ocean into the Pacific Ocean
► Magellan sailed in the Pacific for 4 months
without spotting land
► They eventually landed in some small Pacific
► Magellan will be killed on one of these
islands, but his voyage will continue
► 1522: Magellan’s ships finally make it all
the way home to Spain—the 1st voyage to
circumnavigate the globe
► Magellan’s
voyage proved 2 very important
 1.) The world is round and very, very large
 2.) The Earth’s oceans are connected
Ferdinand Magellan
Overseas Empires
► Spain
and Portugal were divided by the
Treaty of Tordesillas
► Both nations followed the treaty
► Other nations of Europe wanted to get in on
what Spain and Portugal had found
► England, France, Netherlands began visiting
the areas claimed by Spain and Portugal—
illegally taking land for themselves
Portuguese Empire
► Portugal
concentrated on Africa and Asia
► They were interested in trade in Africa and
Asia, not colonizing
► The Portuguese wanted to protect their
route to Asia
► 1500: Portugal sent out Pedro Alvares
Cabral with 13 ships to take the Indian
Ocean trade away from the Muslims
► On
his way from Portugal to go around
Africa, Cabral was blown off course and
landed in South America
► He claimed the land in South America for
Portugal, then headed on his way to India
around Africa
► The
land that Cabral claimed became Brazil—the
only Portuguese holding in the New World
► Portugal will establish a few colonies in Brazil
► Plantations were established in Brazil
► These plantations grew lots of crops:
► Slaves
were brought from Africa to work on these
Brazilian plantations
Pedro Alvares Cabral
Spanish Empire
► Spain
concentrated their attention on the New
West Indies
Central America
Most of South America
Southern parts of North America
► Spain
was interested in colonizing the New World
 Spain was trying to create a massive empire
► Spain
sent men to the New World to explore the
land and to conquer the natives--conquistadors
► 1.)
Hernan Cortes:
► 1519: Cortes was stationed in Cuba
► He left Cuba headed to Mexico with the
hopes of finding gold and getting rich
► Cortes took 11 ships and 500 men to Mexico
► He traveled to the Aztec capital of
 Many Aztecs believed that Cortes and his men
were gods
 The Aztecs had never seen horses
► Moctezuma—the
Aztec emperor—welcomed the
Spanish into his city and offered Cortes lots of gold
► Fighting eventually broke out between Cortes’ men
and the Aztecs
► Cortes’ men slaughtered nearly 50,000 Aztecs in
the battle
► Also, Cortes’ and his men brought diseases that
the Aztecs had no immunity for, killing thousands
of Aztecs
► With so many Aztecs dead, Cortes was able to
conquer them and rule over all of Mexico
Hernan Cortes
Conquest of Tenochtitlan
► 2.)
Francisco Pizarro:
► Pizarro invaded the Inca Empire in South
► Pizarro captured the Inca Emperor—
Atahualpa--and held him for ransom
 If the Inca could fill a room with gold and silver,
Pizarro would let their emperor go
► The
Inca fulfilled their promise, but Pizarro
did not let Atahualpa go, instead he killed
the Inca emperor
► The Spanish now controlled Peru and part
of Chile
Francisco Pizarro
► 3.)
Hernando de Soto:
► 1541: de Soto reached and explored part of
the Mississippi River
► 4.)
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado:
► Coronado discovered and explored the
Grand Canyon
Hernando de Soto
Francisco Vasquez
de Coronado
► Spanish
rule in their New World colonies could be
► Viceroys were used to rule over each colony
 The viceroys were like governors
 Viceroys were appointed by the Spanish king as his
representative in the colonies
► The
Spanish were also trying to convert the
natives to Christianity—Catholicism
► The Spanish were also out to get as many riches
as they could
 Spanish motto at the time—”God, Gold, Glory.”
► The
Spanish mistreated the natives
► Many natives were killed in trying to convert them
to the Catholic faith
► The Spanish attempted to enslave the natives, but
the natives would escape or refuse to work
► One man began to question this mistreatment of
the natives—Bartolome de las Casas
 De las Casas wrote a book describing how bad the
treatment of the natives really was—A Short Account
of the Destruction of the Indies
 He argued that the natives should be protected from the
Spanish’s abuses
► Although
the Spanish mistreated the
natives, the diseases brought from Europe
were more deadly
► The natives had no immunity to the
European diseases
► Thousands of natives, entire villages, were
killed from diseases such as smallpox,
measles, etc.
Colonies of the Netherlands
► Late
16th century (1500s), the Netherlands
won their independence from Spain
► The Netherlands was small and had very
little farmland or resources
► 17th Century (1600s), the Netherlands
began to use their ships to carry cargo for
other nations—UPS of the world
► 1640s:
the Dutch began to explore parts of
North America
► Henry Hudson explored and claimed the
east coast of North America for the Dutch
► The Dutch also began exploring Africa
► 1652: the Dutch created colonies in South
Henry Hudson
The French
► The
French were interested in creating trade
colonies to make quick money
► Jacques Cartier claimed a lot of modern
day Canada for the French in 1534
► The French sent missionaries to the New
World to Christianize the natives
► The French wanted to trade with the natives
 Trade guns for furs
Jacques Cartier
The English
► 1497:
the English sent John Cabot out to
explore what Columbus had found
► Cabot explored the eastern coast of North
America, claiming the land for the English
► Later, the English raided Spanish ships filled
with gold—piracy
John Cabot
► England,
then, started creating permanent
► The 1st English settlements were started in
the Caribbean islands
 Jamaica
 Bahamas
 Barbados
► The
English created sugarcane plantations
on these islands
► African slaves were used as the labor force
on these plantations
► 1606:
England sent an expedition to North
America looking for gold and silver
► 1607: England created the 1st permanent
colony in North America—Jamestown
Village of Jamestown
Slavery and the Slave Trade
► Most
of the colonies in the New World were
► These farms needed a lot of labor in order to
produce the large quantities of goods the mother
nation wanted
► This large labor force consisted mostly of African
► The slaves were forced to do hard labor on the
► Many slaves were also forced to work in the gold
and silver mines
► Slaves
were considered property
 Slaves could be traded for other goods
 Slaves could be bought and sold
► The
slave trade became a profitable
business and an important part of the
European economy
► Slaves were captured in Africa, brought to
the New World, and sold in slave auctions
► Slaves’
passage to the New World has been
called the middle passage
► Slave ships were overcrowded
► Slaves were chained together
► Many slaves died during the middle passage
► Between 10-24 million slaves were brought
from Africa to the New World
► Many Africans committed suicide on the
ships to escape