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Age of Exploration
and Isolation
Factors that Encouraged
Interaction with Muslims
• Crusades
Marco Polo reached China
Seek Greater wealth
• Spice trade as well as other luxury
• Introduced during the Crusades
Nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and pepper
• Muslims and Italians controlled trade
Paid high prices for goods, so sought to
Other factors
Spread of Christianity
• Sacred duty (God, Gold and Glory)
• Convert non-Christians
• Bartolomeu Dias- early Portuguese explorer
said to bring light to people who were in
• Caravel- ship with triangular sails, could go
against the wind
• Improved navigational techniques
Astrolobe- track where they were by the
Portugal Leads
First to establish trade
outposts in Africa
• First to go around Africa
Strong government
support for exploration
• Prince Henry the Navigator
Saw the wealth to be had in
Wanted to reach source of the
1419 founded a navigation
• Mapmakers, instrument
makers, shipbuilders,
scientists and sea captains
• Traded with Africa
• slaves
Portuguese in Asia
1487 Bartolomeu Dias reached tip of
• Made it around during a storm, returned
home because of problems
1498 Vasco de Gama reached Calicut
in India
• Found spices and silks
• Direct sea route to India
Also wanted goods
1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
• October Columbus reached the
Caribbean and believed he had found
new route to India
Open route for colonization of Americas
• Cause problems between Spain and Portugal
• Line of Demarcation created by Pope Alexander VI
 Brazil
Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 honored the line
Trading Empires
Europeans scramble to put up trading
empires in Asia
Portugal in Indian Ocean
• Took control of spice trade (defeated Muslim
• Took control of Strait of Hormuz which kept
Muslim traders out
• Captured Goa, Malacca in the Malay peninsula
Gained control of the Moluccas (Spice Islands)
Cheaper goods, more people could afford
1521 Spanish led by Ferdinand
Magellan arrived in the Philippines
and claimed it
• Settled in 1565
Rest of Europe descends upon Asia
Other nations
1600 English and Dutch challenged
• Dutch became leading sea power after
Spain lost control of it
Largest fleet in the world
English and Dutch won control and
then battled one another
• East India Company
Dutch East India Company was richer and
more powerful
European Trade Outposts
1619 Dutch outpost on Java
• Took Malacca and Spice Islands
Amsterdam became leading commercial
By 1700 ruled most of Indonesia
Controlled Cape of Good Hope
French and British
English East India Company in India
• Fine cloth
France 1664 with own East India
• Struggled
Rarely went past ports
• Most Asians left alone
Ming Dynasty
China dominant power
• Vassal states paid tribute- Korea to
Southeast Asia
• Expected Europe to be submissive
• Hongwu drove the Mongols out in 1368
Ruled from Nanjing
Reformed, promoting power and prosperity
Return to Confucianism
Became a tyrant later
Power struggle- son Yonglo came to
• Moved court to Beijing
• Curious about the world
Seven voyages of exploration
• Led by Muslim Admiral Zheng He
Zheng He
Traveled far distances
Large fleet
• Went to Southeast Asia and India, Arabia and
eastern Africa
• Impress the world with their power and
• Crews of over 27,000 in the floating city
• Gave gifts – gold, silk, oils
• 16 countries sent tribute
1433 the trips ended and China became isolated.
Foreign trade kept to a
3 ports of entry
Demand for Chinese goods
Does not industrialize
Merchant class at the bottom
of society
• Offended Chinese Confucian
• Economy favored agriculture
 High taxes on
Christian missionaries
• Matteo Ricci made an
Qing Dynasty
Ming dynasty collapsed
• Mandate of Heaven
Manchuria- the Manchus invaded
• Took over and became the Qing
Rule 260 years- add Taiwan, Chinese central
Asia, Mongolia and Tibet
Qing Dynasty Continued
• Resisted, rebellions
Men had to wear a hat and pigtail as
submission to rule
Kept Confucian beliefs
Made frontiers safe
Made China prosperous again
Kanxi and Qian-long
Emperor 1661, ruled for 60 years
• Reduced government expenses and
lowered taxes
• Offered intellectuals government
Qian-long (grandson) ruled 17361795
• Reached greatest size and prosperity
More Isolation
Trading countries must follow Chinese
• Dutch kowtowed and paid tribute
• Made trading partners
Brought tea
• British didn’t like restrictions
Letter from King George III asking for better trade
• would allow British goods
• Refused to kowtow
China refused the deal
Manchus conquered Korea before
• Vassal state
• Like China
• More nationalistic feelings after Japan
attacked and Manchus took it over
Rice production
Population doubled
Most were farmers
• Irrigation and fertilizers increased
• New crops- corn potatoes
Nutrition and diet improved
Sons favored over daughters
• Son could carry on religious beliefs
Raised family and took care of parents
Females killed
Men over females
• Inferior
Mainly traditional forms
• Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao
Zhan looked at upperclass Manchu
Portrayed females well
• Painted in traditional styles
Technique over creativity
• Drama
Plays about Chinese history
1467-1568 civil
war and chaos
Sengoku Period
(warring states)
• Samurai (daimyo)
seize feudal estates
Offer peasants
protection for loyalty
Emperor becomes
figurehead in Kyoto
Constant fighting
Order Restored
Oda Nobunaga seized control of capital in
• Eliminated enemies
• Not able to unify Japan
• Committed seppuku when own generals turned
on him
Toyotomi Hideyoshi- best general
• By 1590 controlled most of the country
Invaded Korea
When he died the troops left Korea
Tokugawa Shogunate
Tokugawa Ieyasu
• Unified Japan by defeating his rivals
• Gained loyalty of daimyo
• Became sole leader or shogun
Moved capital to Edo (Tokyo)
Made daimyo spend every other year at capital to
keep them under control
Families kept as hostages when they returned to
their land
Ruled by law
• Tokugawa Shogunate lasted until 1867
Stable, prosperous and isolated
Plenty of food, population rose
• Merchants and the rich prospered
Confucian values
• Peasants mostly taxed
Left for cities
• Shift to urban society by 1700’s
Edo largest city in the world
Large commercial centers- jobs for women, most
restricted in the home
Traditional themes
• Dramas with tragic themes
• Ancient warriors
• Paintings from classical literature
Kabuki theater- elaborate costumes, used
music, dance and mime about modern
urban life
• Paintings with woodblock prints
Popular stories about self made merchants
• Urban fiction
• Haiku- presents images in poetry 5-7-5
Portugal and Japan
Europeans welcomed at first
1543 first contact
• Merchants followed
• Brought items from Europe from trade
• Japanese merchants liked the new
• Daimyo welcomed the Europeans
Especially their muskets and cannons
Switch from sword to musket in battle
Christian Missionaries
Arrived in 1549
Japanese associated them with muskets and
goods, so were welcomed
• Francis Xavier, a Jesuit converted about 100
• 300,000 Japanese converted by 1600
Upset Tokugawa Ieyasu
• Missionaries came out against traditional beliefs and got
involved in politics
• Banned Christianity in 1612 and tried to get rid of them
After a rebellion in 1637 led by Christiansruthlessly persecuted
• Christianity disappeared
Did not Europeans way, but liked
their trade
• Sealed borders and started a closed
country policy
• Nagasaki remained open
Only Dutch and Chinese could trade
Tokugawa shoguns controlled port
Isolated for 200 years
• Self-sufficient
Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria left
Spain August 3, 1492
• October 12, 1492 spotted land
Columbus promised to first spot land would
receive a reward
Called the people who greeted the shipsIndians since he believed himself to be in
India, really were the Taino
Landed in the Bahamas- claimed for Spain
and named it San Salvador
Columbus in Spain
Reported journey to monarchs in 1493
• Left some sailors behind
• Monarchs will agree to finance more troops
• Set off again in September
17 ships and several hundred armed soldiers
1000 settlers
Create colonies- lands controlled by another nation
• Other explorers will follow to take the
unclaimed lands
Other Explorers
1500 Portuguese explorer Pedro
Alvares reached Brazil
1501 Amerigo Vespucci- an Italian
sailing for Portugal explored the
coast of South America
• Claimed land was not part of Asia but a
new continent
• 1507 the continents are named after
Vespucci- The Americas
1519 Ferdinand Magellan attempted to
circumnavigate the world
230 men and five ships
Sailed around South America
No land for months, food ran out
Finally reached the Philippines
Involved in a local war- Magellan killed
18 men and one ship made it back
Spanish Explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa
first European to see Pacific after crossing
Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico to claim
new lands for Spain
• Conquistadors (conquerors)
• Looking for gold and silver
• Found Aztec Empire
Cortes and 600 men found capital of Tenochtitlan
Montezuma II believed he was a destined God at first
• Gave gold
• Cortes forced the Aztecs to mine for gold and silver
Aztecs rebelled in 1520
1521 Spanish win
• Superior weaponry
• Used other natives groups to fight
• smallpox
Measles, mumps, smallpox and
• No immunity to these extinct diseases
• Syphilis
• Died by the hundreds of thousands
• More devastating that warfare
1532 Francisco Pizarro marched a
small force into South America
• Conquered Inca Empire
200 men met the Inca ruler Atahualpa who
had 30,000 men
Atahualpa came unarmed
Spanish crushed the force and kidnapped
Atahualpa until the Incas filled an entire
room once with gold and twice with silver
They then killed the king
Forces retreated
Left demoralized without king
Pizarro marched on Capital of Cuzco
• Took it without a struggle
Others conquered native people in
the Yucatan and Guatemala
Used techniques from the reconquista in
• Live among the people and impose culture
upon them
Groups of people
• Peninsulares- mostly men and born in Spain
Married native women
• Created mestizo class – mixed
Oppressed the natives
• Labor system- ecomienda- natives farmed,
ranched or mined for Spanish landlords
Landlords had the right to native labor from Spain
Promised to act fairly, most were abused and worked
to death
Portuguese in Brazil
Only area in Americas out of Spanish
• 1500 Cabral claimed land for Portugal
No gold or silver
Grew sugar- demand in Europe was great
Moved further west and produced more
Killed off the natives with disease and
Conquistadors push North
Explored southwestern US
• 1513 Ponce de Leon explored Florida and
claimed it for Spain
• 1540 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explored
AZ, NM, TX, OK and KS
Looked for a wealthy empire
Mostly priests will explore and colonize the US
• Catholic priests came to convert the heathens
1609-1610 Pedro de Peralta led settlers to the upper
Rio Grande and built a capital called Sante Fe or Holy
Priests pushed for better treatment
of native Americans
• Criticized encomienda system
Dominican monk Bartolome de Las Casas
wrote in complaint of system
• Spanish government abolished encomienda
system in 1542
• Switched to Africans for workers
Even Columbus met with resistance from
the natives
Taino revolted off and on
Late 17th century natives in New Mexico
fought back because forced to give up
their culture
1680 Pope, a Pueblo ruler led a rebellion
of 17,000 against the Spanish
• Drove the Spanish back for 12 years
New France
Giovanni da Verrazzano- Italian exploring
for France
• Looked for sea route in north to the Pacific
Discovered New York Harbor
Frenchman Jacques Cartier explored the
St. Lawrence River and followed inward to
modern day Montreal
Samuel de Champlain claimed Quebec
which would become the base of New
French Exploration
1673 Priest Jacques Marquette and
trader Louis Joliet explored the Great
Lakes and upper Mississippi River
• Sieur de La Salle explored the lower
Mississippi in 1680’s
Claimed entire area for France and named it
the Louisiana territory after Louis XIV
Mostly traders and priests- small
population in New France
African Slavery
1500 European enslavement of Africans
• Had existed before
• Slave trade began with the spread of Islam
Prisoners of war
4.8 million enslaved in Africa- prisoners of war and
criminals west to Southwest Asia
Domestic servants
Had legal rights and opportunity for social mobility
Could be in power, could own their own slaves
Could marry into the family they served
Not hereditary
Desire For Africans