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World War 2:
The World at War
OBJ #1
 Differences between the
Democracy: Individual Rights
◦ Economic Rights: Capitalism:
Own Businesses, make $
◦ Government Rights: Choose
(Elect) their own government
◦ Examples: United States (FDR)/
Great Britain (Churchill)/
France (De Gaul)
* Can choose their President
and choose to go to war
2. Fascist: Dictatorship with Private
Economic Rights: Capitalism: Own
Businesses, make $
Government Rights:Totalitarian/Dictatorship
a. One person or party leader
Examples: Germany/Italy/Japan
◦ Gov. controls ALL information/
NO opposition
Adolph Hitler: Germany
Benito Mussolini: Italy
General Tojo: Japan
3. Communism: Good of
* No individual
◦ Economic Rights: NONE- all
owned by government
◦ Government Rights:
a. One person or party
Examples: Soviet Union (Russia)
Joseph Stalin
OBJ #2
 Major Causes of
WW II in Europe:
Depression after WW1:
1. Italy:
* Upset they didn’t get more
land after WW1
Becomes 1st Fascist country
(Thinks Democracy is bad)
* 1922: Benito Mussolini
comes to power
2. Germany: (Fascist)
Going through Depression after
Citizens looking for someone to solve their
* 1933- Hitler appointed as Chancellor of
*Forms NAZI party: outlaws all political
Hitler blamed Germany’s problems on:
1. Treaty of Versailles (Democracy
& Allies
Jewish People:
Master Race: Germans were Master
Race and better than everyone
Jewish “Jews” were no longer German
* Took away Jews homes and businesses
Jews were
forced to
* Hitler builds German army,
wear the
violates the Treaty of Versailles
Yellow Star,
so everyone
knew they
were Jewish
Hitler Youth:
Anti-Semitic (Hates Jews), was taught
in the schools, and young boys joined
the Hitler Youth, and learned how to
become soldiers.
Posters were put up around
Germany to remind people
that Hitler was great, it was
Germany’s natural right to
take over countries and Jews
were their enemy.
NAZI Propaganda:
Public opinion was
also formed by
newspaper, radio,
and newsreels
OBJ #3:
Hitler’s Goal for Revenge:
Lebensraum: Living
Space for the Germans
a. Take land from non-Germans
b. German troops march into
Austria & Demand Sudetenland
c. Ask Britain and U.S. for help: They give
land to Germany to avoid war
d. Adds land and no fighting
APPEASEMENT: Give someone
what they want to make them
Hitler Invades Poland: September 1, 1939
War, use Modern Army, Tanks,
1. Uses
Planes: Move FAST and work together
* Destroys Poland
2.Britain & France declare
- Appeasement was a joke
Nonaggression Act-Hitler
had secret treaty with the
Hitler invaded
Soviets not to attack each After
France, they took over
other (they divide Poland) Paris.
3. Hitler invades France
(1940) and uses “Blitzkrieg”
and destroys France
4. Battle of Britain: Hitler attacks
Great Britain by air raids (Drops
* RAF (Royal Air Force) fights back –
5 months
* Britain has Radar: new technology to
track planes
* Churchill: “Never Surrender”
5. Hitler takes over almost all of Europe
by 1941
United States:
- Neutral (no sides)
& Isolationist
(stay out of their
- Roosevelt helps
* Lend Lease
Policy: Let G.B.
* U.S. builds up their
* Germany *Great Britain
* Italy
* France
* Japan
*United States
* Soviet Union 1st with
Axis then with Allied
OBJ #4
Japan’s Expansion in to the Pacific:
A. Military takes control of Japan
General Tojo in real power
not Emperor
- Wants Japan to be equal to
European powers
- Believes they are better than
all other Asians-just like Germany
- Signs treaty with Germany
2. Invades China, Korea and British Colonies
- Murders millions of Chinese
3. Only competition in Pacific is U.S.
(Hawaii, Philippines)
Attacking the U.S.- Pearl
U.S. stopped trading with Japan, upset with
Dec. 7th, 1941: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
- Goal to destroy the U.S. AIRCRAFT
- Carriers out to sea, they survive
Surprise attack: 2,400 Americans killed
and 1,000 wounded
U.S. declares WAR
- Roosevelt:
“A day that will live in infamy”
- Germany declares war on U.S
OBJ #5:
The War at Home:
Factories and Farms Roar
Easy because there is no bombing
Women take factory jobs (Rosie the Riveter)
Ration Books: Coupons that limit
how much of anything you can
buy in one time
- Shoes, Tires, Sugar, Butter, Gas
- Some things not available
(Panty Hose)
Rosie the
◦ Selective Service:
Draft: Men 18-35 must serve if
WAC’s & WAVES- Army and
Navy women serve (Pilots &
Racism at home:
Japanese-Americans: After Pearl Harbor people
did not trust. Not Loyal? Spies?
Japanese Internment Camps: Put
Japanese into camps in America
* Lost homes, jobs, businesses
• Roosevelt said ok
• People worried about
another attack.
OBJ #6
Hitler’s Defeated in
1. Hitler invades Soviet Union
* What about agreement?
a. Soviets are being killed
b. Germany strong at first, then
Winter comes: Not prepared
c. U.S. gives supplies and
Stalin is able to push Hitler
back (lost huge amounts of
d. Hitler has to fight on both
sides (Soviet Union and
Great Britain)
2. The “BIG 3” is formed
Winston Churchill (Great
Britain), FDR (U.S.) & Joseph
Stalin (Soviet Union)
3. Attack on Italy:
a. Allied Powers lead attack on Italy
b. Paratroopers land in Southern Italy
c. Mussolini overthrown by Italians
(killed and drug through street)
4. D-Day
June 6, 1944
* Operation Overload
a. Germany occupied
France for 4 years (built
along coast)
b. Allies invade France
c. General Eisenhower
as Commander
* Wrote a letter of failure
just in case
d. Huge deadly
attack:dropped on beach
to face machine gun
e. 1 million more men in
France in 6 weeks
last chance:
Battle of the
- Germany
defeated but
huge battle
 U.S. and Britain
bomb Germany
day and night
- Destroys factory
and supplies
6. V-E Day (Victory Europe)
1. Hitler’s suicide- April 30, 1945
- Germany surrenders May 7th
- Soviets capture Berlin
* Start of Communism vs.
Costs/ Deaths:
Soldiers: 303,000 322,000
Civilians: 85,000 0
7.5 million
20 million
3.5 million
2 million
OBJ #7:
 U.S. Island Hopping to defeat
- General McArthur leads
- Japanese fight to the death:
*** Kamikaze- Suicide pilots
* Battle of Midway and Iwo Jima
The BOMB: Hiroshima &
 Manhattan Project::
Secret project to build Atomic
Einstein told Roosevelt
aboutGermany Need a way to
end the war
“ Japanese will fight to the
 Truman warns Japan:
Total destruction
August 6, 1945: Hiroshima
Enola Gay dropped ‘Little Boy’
August 9, 1945: Nagasaki
“Fat Man” is dropped
110,000 killedplus radiation
deaths later
Nagasaki 2 days before the
Nagasaki 3 days after
the bomb
Aug. 14, 1945 (V-J
U.S. takes over
Japan and forms new
Deaths: Japan:
Almost 2 million